Waveform Display

A waveform is a visual representation of an audio signals frequency and amplitude. There are 3 locations on VirtualDJ’s Main Interface where waveforms are displayed in order to provide valuable visual feedback to assist with mixing and/or scratching.
- RHYTHM WAVEFORM. Displays the peaks and curves of the track on multiple decks as well as the Computerized Beat Grid (represented by dashes at the bottom of the wave) to better visualize the tracks relationships with one another and make beat matching easier. How the waveform is displayed can be changed by clicking on the Waveform Display selector in the Layout Menu (Essentials, Pro, and Performance Layouts). If Shapes is the selected Waveform, portions of the waveform will be grayed out when using Stem Isolation features in order to visually display which frequencies are amplified or muted.
STARTER Shapes ESSENTIALS, PRO, & PERFORMANCE Beats Colors Shapes (Default) Show Gridlines - DECK WAVEFORMS. Displays a detailed view of the audio information indicated by height and color as well as the tracks playhead indicating its position. The overall track gain (loudness) is indicated by the height of the waveform with the highest parts being the loudest and the shorter portions being softer. If Beats or Shapes is the selected waveform, the decks will display the traditional blue and red waveforms with a beat indicator underneath. If Colors is the selected waveform type, the waveform’s color can be changed to 5 separate options in Settings Options under coloredWaveforms.
Left Deck Right Deck Beats & Shapes Left Deck Right Deck Monochrome Neutral Ultra-Blue Infra-Red Per Deck - SCRATCH WAVEFORMS (Essentials & Pro Layouts). Displayed in the Scratch Mixer and run vertically. Their main purpose is to pinpoint areas of the track that will be scratched to improve accuracy. The Scratch Waveforms can be zoomed in and out by using a wheel mouse, and just like the Deck Waveforms the color can be changed to 5 separate options in Settings Options under coloredWaveforms.
Monochrome Neutral Ultra-Blue Infrared Per deck