American Audio - VMS2 - Layout


  1. NAV.UP: Press this button to set the NAV.ENCODER (5) to Left Effect control mode.

  2. NAV.LEFT: Press this button to set focus to the Folders list of Browser. If focus is on the Folders list, use this button to open/close subfolders.

  3. NAV.RIGHT: Press this button to set focus to the Songs list of Browser.

    Hold SHIFT down and then press this button to set focus to the Sideview.

    If focus is on Sideview, use the same button combination to cycle through the available views of Sideview (Automix, Sidelist, Karaoke, Sampler and Shortcuts). The SHIFT functionality is not available in LE mode.

  4. NAV.DOWN: Press this button to set the NAV.ENCODER (5) to Right Effect control mode.

  5. NAV.ENCODER: The Encoder offers different functionality depending on the selected mode. When the NAV.UP or NAV.DOWN buttons are selected, the NAV. Encoder will be in Effects mode and will be in Browser mode if the LEFT and RIGHT Navigation buttons are selected.

    Note that since these buttons do not offer any feedback (due to the lack of LEDs), the tailored skin of VirtualDJ LE will offer indications for the selected mode.

    In Browser mode
    Use the encoder to scroll through files or folders.
    Push the encoder to toggle between Normal and Zoomed Browser view. Note that the Zoomed Browser mode is offered only with the tailored skin of the VMS2

    In Effects mode
    Use the encoder to select an Effect for the left or right deck.
    Push the Encoder to enable the selected Effect for the left or right deck.
    While the Effect is enabled, use the Encoder to adjust the 1st Parameter of the selected Effect. Hold SHIFT down and then use the encoder to adjust the 2nd Parameter of the Effect.

    In All modes
    Hold SHIFT and then push the Encoder to cycle through the Center Mixer panels of the GUI (Audio, Video, Scratch and Master)

  6. LOAD. Use these buttons to load to the left or right deck the selected track from Browser. Hold SHIFT and then use the same buttons to unload the same deck.
