
Forum: VirtualDJ Technical Support

话题: Recorded on video Bug of Jog Sens in 8.5. - Page: 1
I write through a translator. I hope you will understand.

8.4 youtube link https://youtu.be/4EtYf_ikAE8

In version 8.4 VDJ reads every rustle of the wheel movement. The virtual needle reacts to every degree of movement of the wheel.
it does not depend on the speed, any movement is voiced.

8.5 link https://youtu.be/EgSeuWoHidQ
VDJ 8.5 reads slow rustle of the wheel. But when wheel speedup, at some point VDJ loses the signal (slack, backlash), the sound disappears, because the virtual needle is stupid at a certain speed of the wheel. Although the wheel continues twitching. And if you accelerate the rustle more, VDJ reacts again. Virtual position catches up with real Jog. Because of this, it seems that the scratch always goes the same distance, but in fact sometimes lags behind, and sometimes pulls forward to compensate.

And because of this, there are smeared moments in the scratch. Rarely, but annoying :))

Test in Serato - also in 8.4 virtual waveform reacts to every degree of movement of the wheel. At any speed.

发表时间 Fri 18 Feb 22 @ 7:06 am
All settings are the same. Only temporarily changed the file virtualdj.exe in the main folder.

发表时间 Fri 18 Feb 22 @ 7:11 am
What do you say? have you started doing anything?

are you dealing with the problem or what to do?

发表时间 Sat 19 Feb 22 @ 7:16 am
Great videos demonstrating the bug man!! Let's hope the devs finally see that there is indeed a problem and fix it pronto

发表时间 Sat 19 Feb 22 @ 2:36 pm
user9298534 wrote :
What do you say? have you started doing anything?
are you dealing with the problem or what to do?

On a Saturday? I doubt it :)

Anyway.. If the devs can replicated the problem, and it's deemed serious enough to be prioritized, it will be fixed in an upcoming release. First in an early access release, which you can then test, and then later in a public release

A couple of things though:
- You seem to be one of very few people who have the problem, or have noticed the problem. That is not the best starting point for getting prioritized
- You seem to have started multiple posts about the same issue. That is not the best starting point either, since that blurs everything a bit
- You seem to be on a free home license. That means you are not licensed to use hardware with VDJ at all, including anything with jogwheels. Also maybe not the best starting point to get prioritized, but my guess is that the devs will ignore that, and help anyway

The devs may reply to this post (although I think they have already replied to one of your previous posts)
But mainly I would keep an eye on the release notes for new early access builds. That is where fixes show up first (unless you are part of the beta tester program)
If a fix is done, and deemed important enough, it will be in the release notes

This is where you find them

发表时间 Sat 19 Feb 22 @ 3:31 pm
There are multi posts because they are ignoring them.
There are not of users that scratch seriously with the software so the bug will go unnoticed by many.

发表时间 Sat 19 Feb 22 @ 4:01 pm
Dj Pari M wrote :
There are multi posts because they are ignoring them.
There are not of users that scratch seriously with the software so the bug will go unnoticed by many.

I can pretty much guarantee that nothing is being ignored
This is not a Serato or Rekordbox forum, remember :)

For instance a few weeks ago on this forum just 2 users requested if the relatively new CDJ export feature could be expanded to also handle the old memory points on Pioneer players - and this was implemented and tested, and then released 2 days ago. I just did a YT video about it

But of course everything always gets prioritized

发表时间 Sat 19 Feb 22 @ 4:07 pm

I have seen other posts that are several years old about this problem!

this problem is 2 years old! Not 2 days, not 2 weeks! TWO YEARS!

They could at least say, the problem is understandable and will be solved. But they are silent and that's it.

发表时间 Sun 20 Feb 22 @ 12:42 am
For example, Google even pays money for bugs found.

发表时间 Sun 20 Feb 22 @ 1:09 am
user9298534 wrote :

they are silent and that's it

No they're not. Responses have been given from Atomix staff, asking for more detail, asking for tests to be performed, and for video showing the issue. Pari M was asked for video a long time ago, but never provided it.

You post on a Friday, then complain that there's been no response over the weekend!

It's still the weekend now.

People do not work 24 hours a day, seven days a week.


发表时间 Sun 20 Feb 22 @ 9:16 am
user9298534 wrote :
But they are silent and that's it.

I have PERSONALLY SEEN you get replies on this by Atomix devs!

Please don't lie to my face!

I have replied to a few of your posts
I do that for free to help fellow VDJ users - paying ones as well at not-paying ones
I'm not sure that will happen again when you ask questions

发表时间 Sun 20 Feb 22 @ 10:14 am

Topic of PariM 2 years old, and I also wrote in this topic and described the problem, to which there is no answer - silence.

I also wrote several topics in 2020, where I complained about a bad scratch, and there remained unanswered.

how many years do weekends last? :)))


发表时间 Sun 20 Feb 22 @ 10:14 am

发表时间 Sun 20 Feb 22 @ 10:17 am
user9298534 wrote :
where do you see the answer?

No less that 4 times in this thread alone:

On the other hand you are a none-paying customer (according to your profile), using hardware with VDJ (like anything with jogwheels, which you aren't allowed to do with a free license), complaining that your free (cracked?) software doesn't work, and that you can't get help from Atomic employees during the weekend, in a post started Friday night
Do you see how bad that looks?!?

Anyway... Like I said: I'm just going to stop replying to you
However someone else probably will
So best of luck to you

发表时间 Sun 20 Feb 22 @ 10:25 am

you don't even know that Jogwheel work for a while for free user.
not to answer for 2 years, and then to answer - is it OK?
therefore , the topics repeated

发表时间 Sun 20 Feb 22 @ 12:35 pm
klausmogensen wrote :
I can pretty much guarantee that nothing is being ignored
This is not a Serato or Rekordbox forum, remember :)

I have been told that before by someone who didn't have a clue and so I instantly proved him wrong. After that Adion chimed and said he missed that one. I think it was 6 ,months after I posted it. But it implied that Adion is the one that needs to read and log post. It should be someone else if anyone else is capable of it. Adion has to much to do. Someone should of course be managing, TESTING, logging bugs etc. So who does that?

Here's another one that's been around a guess going on a couple years now.
Adion I tried to look at that problem a bit by spying on the messages. When you use the VDJ minimize button there is not problem. When you use the task bar button to minimize the problem occurs. I did not see a whole lot of differences in the messages but there are some. The task bar button is going thru WM_SYSCOMMAND and the VDJ button is not. But I was able to send a WM_SYSCOMMAND, SC_MINIMIZE to VDJ and the problem did not occur. Not sure what is going on there, but you can probably intercept task bar syscommand and reroute to the same place that handles the VDJ minimize. There is a lot of sloppiness that makes you weak but there so many other things. Take a break and clean the thing up before adding new features that just digs the hole deeper. But I guess you don't thing there are problems lol.

I can tell you flat out that if you want something fixed you had better be vocal about it. There has been several times I was involved and nothing happened. If I had not kept up about it, some would not have been fixed I am pretty sure. Like the one case where certain video got broke and people scrambling to do something for a long time... It goes on and one.

And then there is all the ridicule from people who don't have a clue, that make stuff up, blame someone or something else, send people on wild goose chase. It's frekin endless. It is Atomix creating the problems. It is no one else. The burden and the blame is on you.

You mention the other day how VDJ is a modern app with automated testing and real testing is not needed. If you actually believe that then you are worse off then I can imagine. I think it would be better for you to admit that it's all a big lie for some unknown reason because if it is not a big lie the alternative is worse. Either way your not building much trust with the current status quo.

I mean you can't even get the simple expected stuff right... There is a lot of that and that all has a big sign on it that says not professional.

I don't know any programmers who work normal banker hours. Lots of times we were working 7 days a week and long hours. It's a mindset that some people like and want success. The details of it all demand it in order to do a good job. You mean you take weekends off? The really sad thing is that you could do a kick ass app but not the way your going. It does not seem that you want it to me.

发表时间 Sun 20 Feb 22 @ 12:57 pm
I did provide a video but i do not know if anyone of the devs looked at it before my yt account was banned(unrelated).the mere fact that u said i didn't provided a video says something...
I do not know how hard it is that if none of the devs are scratchers...it's ok but can't find anyone that can scratch and test the thing man???
That should be easy man.
I painstakingly went through a few dozen builds to find the exact last non buggy build and tried to make a video also.
The thing is i visit the update log a few times EVERY DAY,and the sort of fixes i see in there are ridiculous(in terms of priority) compared to this problem...
I thought that reporting in these bugs would be beneficial to all..but i think sometimes we are cornered into a hole,so as to protect the 'stability' of the software..as a previous user said..the software would never be bug less,but u can take our stupid advice and it will definitely be better..
This is not a hate post or anything..it just a frustrating outpouring...

发表时间 Sun 20 Feb 22 @ 8:18 pm
we help them make software better, and they are rude in response :(

发表时间 Mon 21 Feb 22 @ 1:36 am
Dj Pari M wrote :
I did provide a video

Ah yes I just looked back at the thread, and you did eventually upload a video - five months after they first asked you do so.

When they first asked (October 2020) you kept saying it would be pointless, nobody would be able to see or hear the problem, it would need to be slowed down 1000 times etc.

From this latest video it's clearly not the case. The problem is obvious.


发表时间 Mon 21 Feb 22 @ 6:04 pm
wow...there is no middle ground with u guys..
'the problem is obvious"
yet it has taken 2 years to be even acknowledged....
did u look at my video???? did u pick up on the bug from looking at my video?? if i didnt know what i was looking for..i myself would not see the bug...
usermix videos are way more precise...
but again....'cornered into a hole' syndrome with u guys...carry on my friend

发表时间 Mon 21 Feb 22 @ 7:44 pm