
Forum: VirtualDJ Technical Support

话题: Complete removal of all settings


Hi my entire VDJ system has been reset. All my play counts are deleted, my downloaded skins are gone and my history has been wiped out. All my self created samples are gone too. I have not touched my system in 2 months. How can that happen, especially since I have been paying every month towards my licence?


发表时间 Sat 23 Sep 17 @ 2:32 pm
Have you tried a system restore? (windows), that might recover it.

发表时间 Sat 23 Sep 17 @ 7:32 pm
It's all in your database.xml and settings.xml flles in your \documents\virtualdj folder
It has nothing to do with you r license - it'll work without a license

But If those files have been lost or damaged then yes, it's gone
Very often they are just blocked or they have the wrong operating system rights
Then VDJ aren't allowed to write to them, and your VDJ will appear empty
This can happen if you run VDJ using another OS user than you used to install it
It can also happen if an old VDJ process hangs in your memory (that happened to me last week)

But first I would try opening the 2 mentioned files in a regular text editor to see if all the content is still in them, and the debug from there

发表时间 Sun 24 Sep 17 @ 9:27 am
