
Forum: General Discussion

话题: [NEW] VirtualDJ 7.2 - Page: 10


I cant figure it out. I even installed on a second laptop and have the same isuue.

发表时间 Sun 14 Oct 12 @ 6:42 pm
SBDJPRO Infinity Member since 2006
Scrinson wrote :
Coloured waveforms no good for me... makes it difficult to see how far through the song you are. Another useless update :-(

Other people have been screaming for them though.

IMHO this update is far from 'useless' - video_delay and the level fader curves are excellent additions to me, and I know a few people have been wanting the video fade decoupled from the level faders.


发表时间 Sun 14 Oct 12 @ 7:23 pm
when we use LE users

发表时间 Sun 14 Oct 12 @ 7:33 pm
Enrique Thor wrote :
when we use LE users

Im just gonna go out on a limb and say, since you can aford 7 Denon units you can probably aford to upgrade to the PRO version.............

发表时间 Sun 14 Oct 12 @ 7:55 pm
thomasdiflorio wrote :
I cant figure it out. I even installed on a second laptop and have the same isuue.

you may need to spray some contact cleaner in your faders, I had sorta the same issue with the crossfader on my djc.4, contact cleaner fixed it

发表时间 Sun 14 Oct 12 @ 8:08 pm
Glad to see the updates are coming more frequently again.
Nothing of use to me as yet though.
Was excited to see the coloured waveforms, on default skin they are far to small to be of any use, maybe on a skin with extra large waveforms they'll be of more use.
I am not waiting for any particular feature, but the looping bug fixed would be good. Last night when I manually set a 4 beat loop the sound stopped altogether from the main output, the loop was still playing in he headphones though.

发表时间 Sun 14 Oct 12 @ 8:11 pm
As DJ Cel said somewhere on the forum... Do you have 'safe mode' active in config --> performance or options ?

发表时间 Sun 14 Oct 12 @ 8:17 pm
SBDJPRO Infinity Member since 2006
Enrique Thor wrote :
when we use LE users

LE users do not usually automatically get updates unless agreed by the manufacturer - for example the RMX2 which sold as being with v8.

发表时间 Sun 14 Oct 12 @ 8:25 pm
it would be nice to see beat grid with colored waveform scrolling horizontally so that people will stop saying it's too hard to see.

发表时间 Sun 14 Oct 12 @ 10:39 pm
mini reaper wrote :
random question

is anybody else having problem with the glitches on 7.2
to be more specific i have a problem in which whenever i play a loop it plays just fine but whenever i put a 1 beat loop on it completely stops the music...any help plz thanks

I used 7.2 out Friday and Saturday using loops from 1 beat up to 16 beats for effect and for mixing without any issue whatsoever - Samsung RF7 i5 6Gb RAM 64-Bit Win7 and my MC-6000 set in Int Mix mode.



发表时间 Mon 15 Oct 12 @ 4:49 am
so jus moments ago i had expirenced the loop bug :) mixed 4 decks and just fliped out the loop :)

发表时间 Mon 15 Oct 12 @ 8:01 am
thank you for all the great work!

发表时间 Mon 15 Oct 12 @ 10:11 am
Just checking the Download Centre........ because it didn't light up with 7.1 or 7.2......... :-)

发表时间 Mon 15 Oct 12 @ 2:18 pm
ewitlesPRO InfinityMember since 2006
danielsr2006 wrote :
ewitles wrote :
Well, ran the 7.2 and no issues popped up. Cool color waveforms. :)

But my automix sound glitch bug is still there... :(

That said, think I'll run it this weekend and see what happens.

I was concerned when I saw this and you're previous post about automix since I also use it regularly. Well I didn't have time to test it till tonight and it ran for several hours in automix with no hiccups or glitches of any sort. Was the same as always. So something must have changed in you're system....

Ok, here is how you can replicate it.

Load some easy listening music in the playlist (far right). Sinatra stuff...

Does not matter what automix is set for.

Start autoplay.

What happens, is just after the top track ends, the on deck track starts to play - then moves to the top.

Just as the next one from the playlist is called on, you will hear a brief dropout or glitch when it loads. If loads while there is a quite intro, you won't hear it.

I will have to video and show you that way.

You can 'hurry along' by moving the mouse just prior to the track end cue point.

No matter what sound card, or systems settings, I get this dropout.

发表时间 Mon 15 Oct 12 @ 6:41 pm
@ewitles..I won't have time to test till this weekend. But I will pay more attention how you're describing.

But here's something I did notice. Not big of deal but just seeing if anyone noticed this.
So today was my first time adding some new tracks and on the first time scanning with colors enabled...the waves on the individual deck would not load waves fully. Only about half way but the song would play even past the point where the waves would show.

It may be my graphix card or something. I'm sure I checked it for updates but there was none. I couldn't figure out where my directx thing is in my computer though..or how to update that?
HP, W7, 2.5ghz.

发表时间 Mon 15 Oct 12 @ 10:00 pm
ewitlesPRO InfinityMember since 2006
Thanks! I have had this since the rewrite of version 6. And each time I think it goes away, it is back. It sound like a hiccup drop out when you minimize the app or change skins.

Maybe a worker thread is over worked... :)

发表时间 Mon 15 Oct 12 @ 10:12 pm
This isn't my gig machine. It's my development machine for skinning, so i like to have everything on to get the overall look, so that users that do like to use it have the correct look. I only took this screenshot to show that coloured waves are possible in the top waveform. On my gig machine I don't use cover flow, and I don't use waves either, so it makes no odds whether they are Green, blue, multi coloured or off. I use my ears to mix, nothing visual. [/quote]

how did you get the colored waveform on top? i've been wondering about that for hours. is this possible? and how?

发表时间 Mon 15 Oct 12 @ 11:14 pm
BlulitePRO InfinityMember since 2009
ive just noticed something, whenever ive used 7.1 if ive booted vdj before connecting my controler, the controler would not respond..... with 7.2 it hot plugged and worked immediatley, is that something new or have i been doing something wrong all this time?

thanks for the update btw guys

发表时间 Tue 16 Oct 12 @ 6:11 am
Your doing something wrong.........

发表时间 Tue 16 Oct 12 @ 8:08 am
xcakidPRO InfinityMember since 2010
beatbreaker1 wrote :
Your doing something wrong.........

that's what she said......



发表时间 Tue 16 Oct 12 @ 3:35 pm