
Forum: General Discussion

话题: This controller will be awesome if mapped to VDJ8 (Pioneer DDJ-SX) - Page: 8


PhantomDeejay wrote :
Except the fact that sometimes the jog LEDS may stop working until you load a new track on the deck, everything works fine!

Well, I hope this little issue will get fixed soon to make the SX and VDJ work together perfectly.
Phantom, Thanks for all you effort and to the people who contributed here to make this happen as I prefer VDJ than Serato for this controller.
I will keep looking this thread for any updates :)


发表时间 Sun 09 Dec 12 @ 4:18 pm
bagpussPRO InfinityMember since 2003
Let's hope they release a firmwire update so the hardware mixer can be enabled on the midi channels.

发表时间 Sun 09 Dec 12 @ 5:37 pm
I doubt they will ever do... In order to do so the unit should be supplied with an 8-out soundcard.
As soon as the unit has a 4-out soundcard it can't be used in "hardware" (non-midi) mode without an external soundcard.
Right now if you want to use the mixer in "hardware" mode with VirtualDJ for 4deck mixing nothing stops you to do so IF you have an external 8-out soundcard!

发表时间 Sun 09 Dec 12 @ 6:18 pm
splaoPRO InfinityMember since 2010
Phantom DJ, Thank you very much for making the mapper for the DDJ-SX. What is the code to map the QB Filter to the filter knob on the ddj-sx?

发表时间 Sun 09 Dec 12 @ 8:43 pm
<map value="FILTER" action="get decks 4 ? effect 'QB_Filter' slider 3 : get decks 2 ? action_deck 1 ? 'QB_Filter' slider 3 : action_deck 2 ? 'QB_Filter' slider 3 : nothing" />
<map value="FILTER_SWITCH" action="get decks 4 ? down ? effect 'QB_Filter' active 0 : effect 'QB_Filter' active 1 : get decks 2 ? action_deck 1 ? down ? effect 'QB_Filter' active 0 : effect 'QB_Filter' active 1 : action_deck 2 ? down ? effect 'QB_Filter' active 0 : effect 'QB_Filter' active 1 : nothing" />

This should do the trick... ;)

PS: You have to configure QB_Filter slider 2 to 100% manually in order to have QB_Filter working as a dual filter (both lowpass - highpass on a single movement of slider 3) You need to do this only once, but if you want you can add it on the INIT of the mapper:

<map value="ONINIT" action="set "$Connected" 1 & deck 1 vinyl_mode 1 & deck 2 vinyl_mode 1 & deck 1 filter 50% & deck 2 filter 50% & master_volume 100% & headphone_volume 100% & headphone_mix 0% & effect 'QB_Filter' slider 2 100% & get decks 4 ? deck 3 vinyl_mode 1 & deck 4 vinyl_mode 1 & deck 3 filter 50% & deck 4 filter 50%" />

发表时间 Mon 10 Dec 12 @ 1:57 am
PS: I would suggest you to copy the code and paste it on the appropriate fields from inside the VDJ mappers window.
DO NOT edit the XML file directly with this code. You will have to parse the code to XML formated language if you are about to edit the XML file directly:

<map value="FILTER" action="get decks 4 ? effect &apos;QB_Filter&apos; slider 3 : get decks 2 ? action_deck 1 ? &apos;QB_Filter&apos; slider 3 : action_deck 2 ? &apos;QB_Filter&apos; slider 3 : nothing" />
<map value="FILTER_SWITCH" action="get decks 4 ? down ? effect &apos;QB_Filter&apos; active 0 : effect &apos;QB_Filter&apos; active 1 : get decks 2 ? action_deck 1 ? down ? effect &apos;QB_Filter&apos; active 0 : effect &apos;QB_Filter&apos; active 1 : action_deck 2 ? down ? effect &apos;QB_Filter&apos; active 0 : effect &apos;QB_Filter&apos; active 1 : nothing" />
<map value="ONINIT" action="set &quot;$Connected&quot; 1 &amp; deck 1 vinyl_mode 1 &amp; deck 2 vinyl_mode 1 &amp; deck 1 filter 50% &amp; deck 2 filter 50% &amp; master_volume 100% &amp; headphone_volume 100% &amp; headphone_mix 0% &amp; effect &apos;QB_Filter&apos; slider 2 100% &amp; get decks 4 ? deck 3 vinyl_mode 1 &amp; deck 4 vinyl_mode 1 &amp; deck 3 filter 50% &amp; deck 4 filter 50%" />

发表时间 Mon 10 Dec 12 @ 2:03 am
its not perfect it still has a scratching issue, phantom i inboxed u an audio sample

发表时间 Tue 11 Dec 12 @ 12:41 am
does it work with video like mp4 , does all crossfader are mapping good?
thanks guy

发表时间 Tue 11 Dec 12 @ 6:04 pm
@ked bully
Yes, i use it as VJ machine and works well.

Regards Tomas

发表时间 Wed 12 Dec 12 @ 1:16 am
Hummm thanks i Will sell my cdj400 for it !!!

发表时间 Wed 12 Dec 12 @ 4:13 am
Just a quick notice:
It is a CONTROLLER!!! It CONTROLS the software. A CONTROLLER can't change the program's features. Of course it "supports" video since VDJ supports video. Of course it can scratch since VDJ can scratch. Of course it can do Karaoke since VDJ does karaoke, e.t.c...
Also as a CONTROLLER it can't provide functionality that's not present on the software. Someone asked me if I could make the vu-meters to have PEAK HOLD. Since VDJ does not support PEAK HOLD on the VU's, no the CONTROLLER can't have PEAK VU's either...
Also since it is a CONTROLLER that CONTROLS the software (VirtualDJ) it's expected that some things will not work the way they work with other software (Serato Dj).
When you buy a CONTROLLER you should think of it as "a piece of hardware with buttons, sliders and jogs". After all that's exactly what it is!

The current "mapper" consists of two parts:
1. The definition file that's the file you need in order to have VirtualDJ "talk" with the controller. This file is what "enables" the support of the controller on VirtualDJ. This file DOES NOT HAVE ANY known bug, issue or glitch.

2. The actual mapper file that's responsible for the commands that each button e.t.c. sends on the software. As with ANY mapper you are free to change anything you don't like there and even change the CONTROLLERS functionality completely! Among the others the controller has 8 pads in 8 different groups. If you do the maths, that's 64 button controls PER DECK! Also there's a hardware "shift" on the buttons. This actually doubles the amount of possible buttons to 128 PER DECK!
In other words you can map ANYTHING you can think of on these buttons and most likely you'll still have spare ones... So yes, it supports virtually any possible function of VirtualDJ.

The only limitation of the unit is that it HAS to be used as a MIDI controller when it's connected with a program, and NOT as a "MIDI/Hardware" hybrid such as Denon MC6000 or American Audio VMS4 -VMS4.1 e.t.c.
This limitation comes from Pioneer, and NO software can override this.

Thank you! :)

PS: I just felt the need to clarify all these things due to the amount of PM's I'm accepting about it. :)

发表时间 Wed 12 Dec 12 @ 4:44 am
the scratching issue i had phantom is actually a bug with the controller because my ns6 works just fine with the scratching in virtual dj

发表时间 Thu 13 Dec 12 @ 12:03 am
PhantomDeejay wrote :
Have you switched the unit to "Other than Serato" mode ?

When you power up the unit (without any software connected) the jogs are in vinyl or cd mode?

Can somebody tell me where or how do i change to "other than serato" mode

发表时间 Sun 16 Dec 12 @ 9:59 am

发表时间 Sun 16 Dec 12 @ 2:39 pm
BraenzuPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2007
press and hold "shift" and "play" then press the standby/on-button

press shift & play button so long until the light show stopped,
then press the "keylock" button (must lighting red)

now press the standby/on button
now your controller is in "the other software" mode

all this you must do on the left deck!


发表时间 Sun 16 Dec 12 @ 4:41 pm
Rnow3PRO InfinityMember since 2011
First off, thank you Phantomdeejay and the rest of you guys for taking the time to map this controller I would be a 1000 times more confused then I am now if you didn't. I just picked up my DDJ SX today I got everything runniing but had a couple questions I was hoping you guys could help me with

What should my sound setup be right now its.. Input-None
Output-Headphones : Master Ch 1&2 ,Headphones Ch 3&4
SoundCard: PioneerDDj-SX ASIO

Crossfader assign is not functioning no matter where I set it A,THRU,B the deck always play thru and it happens on all 4 decks

Equalizer setting when I have my VMS4.1 hooked up it sounds the best with Eq on Parametric but the DDJ sounds better with it on Full but not as good as the VMS4.1(also the Bass Mid High aren't full kills in Parametric mode) is that because I don't have something set properly or just because they are 2 diffrent units

Thanks in advance guys

发表时间 Wed 19 Dec 12 @ 10:17 pm

Take a look one post up.
You have to set your DDj SX in non serato mode.

Regards Tomas

发表时间 Thu 20 Dec 12 @ 5:11 am
Rnow3PRO InfinityMember since 2011
@Tjeck1972 I already tried that but i'll try again Thanks anyway

发表时间 Thu 20 Dec 12 @ 9:36 am
Running like a dream so far! Only question: does needle search work?
Am I missing a setting that allows me to use this?

发表时间 Fri 21 Dec 12 @ 1:44 pm
damn am i the only one with a scratching issue? smh

发表时间 Fri 21 Dec 12 @ 5:10 pm