
Forum: General Discussion

话题: To all SSL users - VDJ4 works with your soundcard box and SSL crates - Page: 4


And soundcards dont do video, videocards do...

and guns dont kill people, rappers do ;) hehe

Well, SSL are for sure smart.. "forced" card makes money. They could in theory have both.. a card for target audience, and open standard for user choice of cards..
But SSL to SSL, their choice..

VDJ do have a broader target group, so yes.. VDJ support a lot of soundcards..

发表时间 Sun 27 Aug 06 @ 6:33 pm
Good point about SSL boxes in the clubs...

well let me ask this.... does this mean that i can use the SERATO TVC to control VDJ? otherwise your talkin atleast another $50 for a "trial" just cause you have to buy VDJ TVC.

发表时间 Sun 27 Aug 06 @ 6:38 pm
SSL timecode works yes, but VDJ timecode works better for VDJ (no surprice... ) ;)

SSL timecode cant have needle drop (yet) in VDJ, but other than that, it should work good

发表时间 Sun 27 Aug 06 @ 6:44 pm
dj-in-norway wrote :
Good question..
I havent got SSL installed at my PC, but would think the intention was to show SSL as "favorite folders" yes...

well go get it and install it, make some crates! it's free for anyone to download.

发表时间 Sun 27 Aug 06 @ 7:27 pm
did, and did not show up as favorite folders.
But as said, this is a part of the install procedure of VDJ4, and not after you have installed VDJ4.

But maybe dev team can explain more

发表时间 Sun 27 Aug 06 @ 7:30 pm
A Man and His Music wrote :
They charge you $500.00 for a sound-card and it can't do video.

ssl showed the beta of their video software at remix hotel nyc event this year, so this is about to get more interesting indeed. so what a man and his music says about the $500 soundcard is true for now, that is, unless you count the beta software.

also note that people pay $500 for soundcards everyday and many of the $500 soundcards do not come bundled with great performance dj software.

发表时间 Sun 27 Aug 06 @ 7:35 pm

And a huge part of SSL suggest is just that fact. It makes people get a great soundcard.
The same way Numark Virtual Vinyl will....

Virtual DJ being open to any soundcard has its good and bad sides. Some users with cheap lousy soundcards will complain that soundfeatures dont work good etc.. ;)

Soundcard matters...

发表时间 Sun 27 Aug 06 @ 8:04 pm
has any1 tried it with the ttm57sl abd was sucessful with it if so explain in detail please

发表时间 Sun 27 Aug 06 @ 8:32 pm
paulheu wrote :
A Man and His Music wrote :
I stand by the words that come out of my mouth. If I am wrong or make a mistake, I will apologize right away. They charge you $500.00 for a sound-card and it can't do video. So, which part of those 2 facts is untrue?

IMO the first part is untrue, if true it would imply the Serato software is worthless, which IMO could well be perceived as bad-mouthing it and in fact is false.

In all honesty, I get what you're saying but do not agree with it. Serato choose to 'force' a specific hardware/software combination to insure a certain performance level for it's users. This is IMO a good thing if you're after the target audience Serato is after. This strategy would not work for VDJ as their target audience is (again IMO) quite different.

I thought the software was free to anyone. It may not be worthless, but they are not making money on it, if it is free. So, if the software is free, then you are only paying for the sound card. That's OK with me, I'm sure it is worth it. I try to speak clearly, so you know where I stand, and don't have to "perceive"
what I mean.

发表时间 Mon 28 Aug 06 @ 3:07 am
djkboogie wrote :
has any1 tried it with the ttm57sl abd was sucessful with it if so explain in detail please

yes i have tried. it doesn't work. not yet at least ...

let me clarify, the 57 works as a regular USB soundcard, but not as a ASIO soundcard. if you need TCV, use the serato sl-1 box, not the ttm57sl.

发表时间 Mon 28 Aug 06 @ 3:42 am
A Man and His Music wrote :
I thought the software was free to anyone. It may not be worthless, but they are not making money on it, if it is free.

Without the SL1 connected the software only shows the record case so you can edit your
crates, the players only come up when the SL1 is present (or the TTM57S mixer). So in fact it's more like a $500 dongle I guess .. :^)

But seriously.. I get your point, but as said at the same time can see how someone might read more into your words..

发表时间 Mon 28 Aug 06 @ 4:11 am
Just popped over to the ScatchLive boards, and I'm kinda chuckling my ass off. You would think the Rane sound card is a "magic black box" the way they ask if it has been "cracked". lol. I'm going to turn my friend onto VDJ to see how he likes it. (He owns three SSLs, 1 stays at home, 1 stays at his residency, and 1 goes with him.)

发表时间 Mon 28 Aug 06 @ 4:22 am
l_ridsPRO InfinityMember since 2003
So whats the verdict anewsome? I havent actually seen you comment on what you think of v4 overall. I'm sure you have a well respected opinion in the forums as you are a experienced user of ssl and vdj, I for one appreciate the points you bring to the table.

发表时间 Mon 28 Aug 06 @ 4:54 am
l_rids wrote :
So whats the verdict anewsome? I havent actually seen you comment on what you think of v4 overall. I'm sure you have a well respected opinion in the forums as you are a experienced user of ssl and vdj, I for one appreciate the points you bring to the table.

yes you are correct. norway and i were just bringing up that exact point in private message. i have not made a comment on the performance of 4.0. let's just say that we all want my review to be a positive one. so when i do make a public review of 4.0, it will really reflect what a tremendous job dev team have done on this release.

发表时间 Mon 28 Aug 06 @ 5:06 am
I think most of us would like an honest review, and can handle it whether it's positive or not. If you find something that needs improvement, it can only help the dev team.

发表时间 Mon 28 Aug 06 @ 9:04 am
