
Forum: Wishes and new features

Topic: Add more buttons to Sampler - Page: 1


Is there a way to add more buttons or another sampler box. I DJ for a few radio stations and it would be nice to have each stations samples in there own sampler, that way I would not have to keep changing them.


发表时间 Fri 13 Jun 08 @ 6:15 pm
Or could someone re-write the sampler manager plugin that we used to use on version 3.4?

been asking myself for this option for a while, seems we may have to persuade the skin makers to incorporate this into any future skins they produce, here's an idea that i have shown and would like to see, its just the current sampler takes up far to much space for the amount of buttons we have, and this whole lot fits in the same space


Or something like this maybe, where you can quickly recall pages of samples -


At one time there was an effect that acted as a sample manager, but i don't know if it still exists.

It does, but it's only compatible with version 3.x.

The sample manager seems most logical.

Save samples list, then recall them whenever you want.

I'd like a feature like that as well. I use different "sets" of samples for different purposes.

A sampler manager would be perfect... Hopes to see it soon...

I support this motion also.

If we're going down this route could we think about external controls for it too
eg. Trigger Fingers.
Make it in such a way that you can have as many sample banks per page as you have pads for on a controller
eg. 3x3 or 4x4
and have the ability to change pages using a rotary control.

Just some ideas.

Ross M

Or how about the option to load up pages of 12 samples, or two groups of 6? That way you could mix and match your different groups of samples for live use. Certainly the page loading process would need the ability to be MIDI controlled, I'm sure that in itself wouldn't be too hard to implement.

The sampler is one of the few features of VDJ that hasn't seen an upgrade in years - it's good, but it could be better in many ways. I'm guessing that keylock for each individual sample pad is a little unrealistic given the amount of processing power that involves, but some kind of effects or filters (even if they affected all samples at once) would be better than nothing. I believe Decadance has managed to add filters to its sample slots....

Oh, and it would be great to be able to stutter beatmatched samples... the auto-sync system gets in the way if you're trying to do a stutter effect. If it could be set up so that when SHIFT is pressed, the sample should still be bpm-matched, but NOT "locked" to the playing track's beatgrid, if you see what I mean.

And a final suggestion - I keep my samples on a removable drive along with my music, as I work on more than one PC. I also do the same thing with the video clipbank. When loading new videos into the clipbank, the program seems to remember where I store my videos, and opens to the correct drive and directory without me having to point back to it manually. The sampler however always expects to see files in the documents/virtualdj/samples folder, and it takes several seconds of clicking about to find the right location to load a new sample in. A small niggle I know, but it can be frustrating when you want to load something in a hurry!

Well, there's a wishlist anyway.

I have been using VDJ for a few years, and have often turned to an external sampler for the effect I desired/need when doing gigs (mostly audio). However, I also host a video mix show on local cable, and it would be a plus to store/play video samples. If we can control both audio and visual in the sample bank, that would be super sweet... can't wait to have a passing truck pop up on the screen when I use my horn. Have there been any updates?

would be a great feature seeing as I have 141 samples to choose from

Wow ! and you will need 141 buttons to use them.. :p

Guys i'm not sure if we could have more sampler buttons (banks) in the future, but i've learned to live with what i got. So there is always a workaround with such issues..

You may have sets of 12 samples, and according to your needs to load these sets with just a button.
For example this button will load 12 new samples in your sampler bank with just a press.

sampler 1 load "C:\path...\samplename" & sampler 2 load "C:\path...\samplename" & sampler 3 load "C:\path...\samplename" & ..... & sampler 12 load "C:\path...\samplename"

As you may imagine you can have several sets of samples assigned to different buttons.


Or you could just download the sample manger............


djdad wrote :
Wow ! and you will need 141 buttons to use them.. :p

Guys i'm not sure if we could have more sampler buttons (banks) in the future, but i've learned to live with what i got. So there is always a workaround with such issues..

You may have sets of 12 samples, and according to your needs to load these sets with just a button.
For example this button will load 12 new samples in your sampler bank with just a press.

sampler 1 load "C:\path...\samplename" & sampler 2 load "C:\path...\samplename" & sampler 3 load "C:\path...\samplename" & ..... & sampler 12 load "C:\path...\samplename"

As you may imagine you can have several sets of samples assigned to different buttons.


Could you clarify how you could make multiple Sampler Banks using your example, but describing the step by step method to accomplish this...



Lets say you have some Samples at C:\MySamples\Drums Folder and you need 12 of them to replace the excisting 12 samples in the bank.
Assign a keyboard button as
sampler 1 load "C:\MySamples\Drums\Drum1.mp3" & sampler 2 load "C:\MySamples\Drums\Drum2.mp3" & sampler 3 load "C:\MySamples\Drums\Drum3.mp3" & ....etc ... & sampler 12 load "C:\MySamples\Drums\Drum12.mp3"
giving the correct path to each one of them.

Of course you have to assign another button to return to your previous samples .like..
sampler 1 load "C:\User\MyDocuments\VirtualDJ\Sampler\siren.vdj" & sampler 2 load "C:\User\MyDocuments\VirtualDJ\Sampler\saxo.vdj" & ...& sampler 12 load "C:\User\MyDocuments\VirtualDJ\Sampler\whatever.vdj"

So you create a button for each dozen of samples you need to use. Once they are loaded, you may use all the sampler actions. Load is instant.

Another possibility would be to add to your skin a multibutton with several dozens of samples as different actions. This one needs some skining skills, but you would be able to view which Sampler Dozen is chosen.

Thanks for that input.

Would be easier to just "Name a Bank" that would hold all twelve effects and populate them like we do now with video ClipBanks, this way you would use one command to pull in the Bank/Page of sound effects and use the already programed keys F1 through F12 to trigger them at will....

Another thing, is it possible to make each effect triggerable through a Korg Nano Pad or controller....




yep you can use a nano pad, you just need to use:

sampler 1 play_stop, if you want it to play till the end, or

sampler 1 play_stutter, if you want to drum.

I have both set up in different banks that change automatically with a cycling shift button.
For the shift button I use:

cycle 'sampler_mode' 3 & var_equal 'sampler_mode' 1 ? sampler 1 load "filepath to drum sample" & sampler 2 load "filepath to drum sample" etc... : var_equal 'sampler_mode' 2 ? sampler 1 load "filepath to normal sample" & var_equal 'sampler_mode' 2 ? sampler 2 load "filepath to normal sample" etc... : var_equal 'sampler_mode' 3 ? sampler 1 load "filepath to loop sample" & sampler 2 load "filepath to loop sample" etc...

'sampler_mode' 1 - is for drum samples
'sampler_mode' 2 - is for normal one shot samples
'sampler_mode' 3 - is for loop samples

then for the sampler pads I use:

pad 1
var_equal 'sampler_mode' 1 ? sampler 1 play_stutter : var_equal 'sampler_mode' 2 ? sampler 1 play_stop : var_equal 'sampler_mode' 3 ? sampler 1 play_stop & sampler 1 match_pitch & sampler 1 beatlock & sampler 1 loop

pad 2
var_equal 'sampler_mode' 1 ? sampler 2 play_stutter : var_equal 'sampler_mode' 2 ? sampler 2 play_stop : var_equal 'sampler_mode' 3 ? sampler 2 play_stop & sampler 2 match_pitch & sampler 2 beatlock & sampler 2 loop

