
Forum: General Discussion

话题: Few simple questions before VDJ Pro PURCHASE ;-) - Page: 2


What version are you using, if your demo expired? I don't know which video card or drivers you are using, or how you have your machine configured. What I can tell you is my experience with VDJ. I use it 7 hours a day in a club, 5 days a week. I also do mobile from christenings to corporate. I am mixing every type of music and videos, with almost all the effects. I am using multiple effects at the same time, I am online, and also using other programs at the same time. I have also had my Zone Alarm doing scans for virus and spy-ware. I am performing in front of people for a living, a very good living. I am not doing this on the side, I am a professional DJ, period. My equipment, software or hardware, has to perform. I am using a desktop that I built, almost 4 years ago. I have a new one that is ready to go on line, any day. I have a $3100.00 laptop, that I use as a backup and a demo machine. The last time I had a crash at the club, was due to a machine error. So to sum it up, I do not fear the software falling on me.

发表时间 Wed 13 Feb 08 @ 8:53 pm
Sometimes, especially with laptops you have to modify or make minor adjustments. I can get VDJ to work on a laptop that is almost 10 years old. Sure it doesn't work up to the standards of live performance but it does work.

128 ram
500 processor
20g HD
video card

By the end of the songs load time it's time to put another song on. But I can play it I had to. Matter of fact I used it for 3 months live in a club when I first joind VDJ. I had to get a power USB hub because it didn't have enough power to supply the controller and external at the same time.

Give us the specs before you say something doesn't work.

发表时间 Wed 13 Feb 08 @ 11:17 pm
esdwaPRO InfinityMember since 2007
Thanks guys for the feedback. I appreciate your comments and all questions. The machine is based on Intel Core Duo 2 T7500 2.2GHz, 2GB RAM; NVidia Graphics w/512MB of video memory, WinXP Pro. As I wrote in my previous post I just got new laptop and installed trial version of VDJ downloaded from this website. It\'s version 5 rev.4. VDJ works also flawless when performing music only. But I was able to do the same thing with my old good Dell (PIII 2GHz, 2GB RAM, XP Pro) without spending another $1700 for new ThinkPad. The issue I have is when playing video backgounds using ClipBank that use standard mpg files.

发表时间 Thu 14 Feb 08 @ 9:25 am
SBDJPRO Infinity Member since 2006
Which graphics card does it have specifically? I googled quickly, and found it seems to have a Quadro NVS 140M 128Mb, with turbocache extending this to 512Mb. If this is the case, thats likely to be your problem ;) IIRC, the NVS 140M is basically an 8400...

Lots of people have reported issues with the turbocache on 8xxx series cards, it might be worth trying to use something like RivaTuner to disable it.

I'm actually using a Quadro FX1500M 128Mb at the moment without issues :)



发表时间 Thu 14 Feb 08 @ 10:34 am
esdwaPRO InfinityMember since 2007
Yes indeed it is NVidia Quadro NVS 140M 128Mb. I will check RivaTuner tweak to disable turbocache and see how VDJ is going to perform. Thanks SBDJ for great feedback :)

发表时间 Thu 14 Feb 08 @ 6:41 pm
esdwaPRO InfinityMember since 2007
Finally got registered$$$ version (5 rev.7) and nicely surprised with all extras and add-ons I could find on this website. But what is most important I downloaded all Sonic plug-ins and they work great! Now I can forget about irritating .mpg that caused my VDJ freeze. I also updated my NVidia drivers to the latest one and plan to check whether the issue I described in my last posts exists. Anyway I am planing to run extensive tests on video functions of purchased VDJ before tonight gig. and this one is going to be big :-) I am planing to have my old laptop plugged in just in case :\ Let's hope everything is going to be all right. Keep my fingers crossed. Anyway this product is worth the money even if would do the half of what is already doing. :-)))
The only thing that I have to do before tonight show is to transfer VDJ database from old laptop to new one and since paths to files have changed I am curious if it's gonna be easy or hard and how much time it is going to take me. Remember when starting with VDJ it took me almost 3 days to clean the mess with my extensive music library. I hope I do not have to do it again, still concerned how VDJ is going to synchronize my old database on new laptop. I will follow suggestions given my by dj-in-norway (thanks!) and try to make this transfer as painless as it can be. If anyone of you folks had to transfer your database from one machine or another and could throw few tips & tricks, I would be more than grateful. Regards ,Steve

发表时间 Sat 16 Feb 08 @ 10:04 am
Congrats and welcome to the VDJ community:)

发表时间 Sat 16 Feb 08 @ 11:35 am
jimmy bPRO InfinityMember since 2007

Welcome to the team mate,

Jimmy b


发表时间 Sat 16 Feb 08 @ 12:59 pm
Welcome aboard

发表时间 Sat 16 Feb 08 @ 5:34 pm

welcome as full member ;)

发表时间 Sat 16 Feb 08 @ 5:35 pm
welcome aboard the good ship vdj :)

发表时间 Sat 16 Feb 08 @ 6:03 pm
esdwaPRO InfinityMember since 2007
Thanks guys... it's very kind of you :-) I have spent whole Saturday trying to synchronize my VDJ mp3 library from old notebook to the new one. It was mostly manual job (editing m3u and .xml files) since files path has been changed. Still got no idea where VDJ stores tag mirrors :-( . Happy but tired and my gig is coming in few hours, thank god I always get relaxed when playing for the audience :-))) Have a great weekend!

发表时间 Sat 16 Feb 08 @ 6:15 pm
esdwaPRO InfinityMember since 2007
Thanks for steve_davidson I finally solved this mystery of VDJ database file. Thanks guys!

发表时间 Sat 16 Feb 08 @ 6:24 pm
spinnaJPRO InfinityMember since 2004
Welcome to the pro side esdwa;)

发表时间 Sat 16 Feb 08 @ 8:51 pm
esdwaPRO InfinityMember since 2007
Thanks for such a nice welcome. Since you are all here, I was wondering if there is any hardware (DJ console) that is supported by VDJ and secures DJ gig performance such way:
- it looks like typical 2-deck DJ console
- connects to PC using USB
- allows to operate VDJ instead of clicking the mouse
- has audio output: main and headphones (for monitoring)
but also:
- when you load track to the deck (on VDJ screen or using console), the actual MP3 file data is transfered from PC to this console and played from it
- the purpose of such function is to secure performance against unexpected computer or application problems or to support slower, older PC's

I read about Numark's consoles supported by VDJ, but I am not sure which one has this "deck buffer" that ensures unbreakable play from both decks in case PC or VDJ crashes of freezes and need to be restarted. And I do not need an embedded hard drive in such console since I assume that console is fed from PC per user request as it happens in VDJ. Does anyone makes such console? Regards, Steve

发表时间 Sun 17 Feb 08 @ 6:20 pm
spinnaJPRO InfinityMember since 2004
Hi edswa y don't u check Herc Mk2 as it is all in one.. or better yet wait for DJC Rmx out on march or much more from others;). U could also look for other controllers too that can control VDJ n its midi.


-"the purpose of such function is to secure performance against unexpected computer or application problems or to support slower, older PC's"

I dun't think that help when using controllers unless u using external decks n external mixer;)

And to support slower, older PC.. hmm not to sure (maybe nice to upgrade RAM) n VDJ have the minimum spec to operates nicely.


发表时间 Sun 17 Feb 08 @ 11:31 pm
SBDJPRO Infinity Member since 2006
esdwa wrote :
- when you load track to the deck (on VDJ screen or using console), the actual MP3 file data is transfered from PC to this console and played from it
- the purpose of such function is to secure performance against unexpected computer or application problems or to support slower, older PC's

I read about Numark's consoles supported by VDJ, but I am not sure which one has this "deck buffer" that ensures unbreakable play from both decks in case PC or VDJ crashes of freezes and need to be restarted. And I do not need an embedded hard drive in such console since I assume that console is fed from PC per user request as it happens in VDJ. Does anyone makes such console? Regards, Steve

No controller provides this function with VDJ - or any other DJ software - as far as I know I'm afraid.

发表时间 Mon 18 Feb 08 @ 6:46 am
spinnaJPRO InfinityMember since 2004
Thnks SBDJ.. my
bad..i just reread the whole post of this.

esdwa wrote :
- when you load track to the deck (on VDJ screen or using console), the actual MP3 file data is transfered from PC to this console and played from it

This is not possible..

发表时间 Mon 18 Feb 08 @ 6:58 am
DJ-ALFPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2005
New user aboard, welcome esdwa!

发表时间 Mon 18 Feb 08 @ 10:08 am
esdwaPRO InfinityMember since 2007
Again thanks for all welcomes. Regarding the case I can think of the reason there are no DJ consoles like the one I described with this "buffer" function. It looks like there is just no demand for such product since you can find either consoles that works just as manipulators to support mouse-less operation for software like VDJ or consoles with integrated Hard Drive or supporting other mass storage devices like iPod for example. So the console I was referring to would be just something between those two. My questions came from the situation I recently experienced when using VDJ on my new ThinkPad with bunch of preinstalled software that lowered dramatically its performance and caused serious problem on my last gig. Fortunately I already found that it was aggressive antivirus software that was scanning every audio and video file which was accessed by VDJ. So what happened was that 2 times I had this weird stutter effect when playing from one deck and trying to preview another file. Anyway problem was solved but a bit of uncertainty still exists.
Please note that even the best PC machine running OS like Win XP Pro is complex "organism" and may fail or get stuck for hundreds of reasons that are hard to control by regular user. We have to realize that all applications running under OS like windows are system dependent and it is the system that assign all necessary resources to it, not reverse. So the less additional apps you are running on your dj-machine the better and more stable your system can be. And sometimes it's takes only hungry antivirus to make a real mess and turn your gig into a nightmare if you are not realizing that. It did mine, that is why I am sharing my thought with you.

I asked VDJ tech support for assistance in my case and their answer was exactly as I described, the PC used as dj machine should contain as less apps as possible and it should even see the internet what in this case may release it from using antivirus which can cause a problem for software like VDJ. But real life is sometimes harder and you just have to share machine resources for other apps for example to support mp3 downloads. Also, typical PC machine needs to be maintained and that means you have to run some disk cleaning and de-fragmenting from time to time as well as root-kit/spyware check which nowadays requires to use additional software. And that software once installed also increases the risk that apps like VDJ can get confided without you even realizing that. and that is another reason to worry about.

Let me give you another example why PC's are not machines you can rely on especially when performing life. Back in the 90's and early 2000's, there was many companies who wanted to get a "piece of the pie" in gaming business and designed and sold next generation slot machines using commercially available Windows-based systems. They all failed and they are gone forever. Why? Well, the machines based on off-the-shelf PC-architecture with commercial Windows base OS were not stable enough with typical casino-like human interaction. And just one failure, one freeze cost the machine to be removed from the casino because no one wanted to play on it anymore. Because playing slots is not only a fun for some people (actually I do not really understand what is fun but my opinion does not matter) but also it was about the money. And when money are involved there is no place for single mistake. The very same thing is with the DJ job. If you are great and respectable DJ and you switch to the best PC-based software console without realizing all the risks of using such system, that you can loose your reputation in just one night. Well maybe it won’t happen in one but two gigs in the row may ruin what you’ve already built unless you quickly solve the problem. That is why in all critical business applications professionals prefers to use so called “solid state” solutions which are just devices that are built for certain purpose, not for versality of use. So even the best PC with OS like Windows is still an universal piece of equipment and has no match to dedicated DJ console with built HDD designed only to do the DJ job nothing else.

But since nowadays every such console uses mostly packed audio files (mp3, aac, etc.) it has to interact with PC or Mac to get audio/video data updated from time to time. And that is good, but IMHO having PC just to update my expensive HDD-based console is one option and another would be have a console which is much cheaper because it only has a buffer for couple of mp3’s that are currently loaded on decks and let it use PC to retrieve next songs when it’s necessary. I am positive that such console would be much cheaper and it would give DJ’s who uses PC-based systems with software like VDJ more certainty about what they are trying to do so no PC would never spoil his gig, ever.

Looking at the consoles like Numark “Total Control” recommended by VDJ which has an USB link but still uses PC as sound output or even better new DJ RMX from Hercules which has in addition all Audio Ins and Outs, it’s just so obvious that it would be nice if such consoles like Hercules would have little more functionality and support such “buffering” so the actual digital to analog data conversion (from mp3 to sound) would happen in the console not in PC. Imagine how more reliable operation it would be. But after reading about new RMX from Hercules it looks like it’s just a smart combination of digital (USB-based) mixer with DJ console (USB-midi) that supports software like VDJ allowing mouse-less operation. I hope my conclusion was not too boring for those of you who read it but thanks for reading anyway. I wonder if anyone would be interested in console I was talking about trying to convince you that it would make sense for all that uses software like VDJ, which would be also good for the software itself and would give some of you a little more certainty. And to be honest with you guys, I would be very interested in participating in design of such console, since I am not only a night DJ but also an day electronic engineer who does design for living on daily basis. I just being with the music all my life (and that is my 1st love : -) as well as with electronics and I was curious if we all can make a profit out of since we are already here discussing the subject. And of course I am not talking about the money in terms of profit, I am referring to something more precious like reputation. But of course I accept the fact that I might be wrong with my thoughts, so I would appreciate your feedback very much. Regards, Steve.

发表时间 Mon 18 Feb 08 @ 4:24 pm