
Forum: Old versions

话题: Gosh Darn latency :(


I'm wondering if anyone can possibly help me out by recommending some good settings to avoid latency problems?

Here is what I've got and what I'm doing:

Toshiba Laptop - Core Duo
DJ/IO external soundcard
NUMARK TOTAL CONTROL midi controller
Windows XP using CUE LE software

I've unchecked Safe mode and Overclock
Latency is set to Auto
My sound config is set to
Headphones/asio driver

After an hour of using the controller, I hear a screachy noise while playing mp3's and sometimes the song stops right in the middle and kind of pauses here and there.

What can I do about this?


发表时间 Wed 26 Dec 07 @ 6:54 pm

First, try turn overclock ON... It can help lots on laptops..

Secondly, safe mode will remove the crackles, but give a bit lesser sound crispness.

If you have crackles/pops, its because your audio card runs out of audio data (buffer), and the settings is individual for each PC (depends on your hardware).

Try make it latency setting in VDJ to AUTO (recommended, soundcard controls latency), or set it at a reasonable level, such as 512 buffer.

its no use try 1ms compared to 5ms or 11ms, you cant tell the difference.

发表时间 Wed 26 Dec 07 @ 8:21 pm
What about presets? Should I have the slider toward Fastest or Best Quality?

I'll try your recommended settings. Is there anything else I can do to improve sound quality with risking a latency issue?
What about my DJ/IO settings. I have the latency setting down to relaxed. Is that a good place for it to be?

And thank you for polity answering my question. The members of this board are very nice and helpful unlike some of our friends over on the Serato board.

发表时间 Thu 27 Dec 07 @ 12:03 am
I would start at Fastest (all the way to the left). Also with latency at Auto. Then if u still have issues check or uncheck Safe mode or Overclock depending on what it is set at currently. I have had systems that with safe mode checked workd beautifully and others that would crackle and pop with it checked.

发表时间 Thu 27 Dec 07 @ 12:08 am

Giving your powerfull PC, I'm pretty sure you can run at highest Quality setting (Slider all to the right), if you do TWO things:

1) Set latency in performance tab to AUTO (controlled by soundcard that means, and not by VDJ)

2) Try use overclock, it does wonders for laptops that have so many powermanagement features that kills a good flow of audio data

发表时间 Thu 27 Dec 07 @ 12:10 am

one thing, latency dont really matter much, or at all, if you arent using timecode vinyls/cds to control VDJ.
(as long as we arent talking really large buffer/latency)

The total control has nothing to do with VDJ latency, it operates on its own, using HID, whitch is the same protocol as keyboard and mouse use, to talk to the pc

you wont hear any difference if you increase latency, it only sets a buffer... how large the audio data buffer should be.

That doesnt really matter much for a normal user. It does matter for a timecode user.

And if you dont plan to use the HQ master tempo, you dont need higest preset on the slider. You can relax the system a bit by setting it one or two steps down from highest preset

hope that helps :)

发表时间 Thu 27 Dec 07 @ 12:13 am
Paz75PRO InfinityMember since 2006
latency improvement outside of the vdj settings isnt an easy task. first thing to assess is the hardware itself. For laptops, consider the following types of hardware available. After tweaking the software settings as much as possible, you can only buy new hardware.

USB - generally the most latent. this is because there is a controller chip which governs the USB devices to connect to it before it goes to the data bus.

Firewire - can be better (stress the word can. a well designed usb device can be better in theory than a crappy designed firewire) because the chip which governs multiple devices on the bus is on the device itself. this is called a true daisy-chain.

Cardbus - Recommended, this is a format which is an external device which is physically _on_ the databus and not just connected to it. It provides the highest possible bandwidths and lowest possible latency since there is nothing between the device and the processor. See the EMU 1616M... very nice. Make sure your laptop actually has cardbus and not expresscard

ExpressCard - This is the newer version of cardbus and not backwards compatible. It comes in two sizes, 34mm and 54mm whereas carbus is only one size. FYI, expresscard is a slot configuration and carbus is pin. The bus-speeds is compatible with the PCIe standard which allows much higher speeds. Currently these only exist in super pro models. Apogee makes one for stacking up to 1024 channels I/O and its only for Mac. Not something to consider yet, but eventually devices will be on the market for it. FYI, you can get a converter to plug a Cardbus device into your Expresscard slot for a good price...

Bus-extender. Now, this is what I'm going to do. I have expresscard. You can get a bus extender which allows you to plug a fullsized PCIe or PCI card into this box and then connect it to your laptop. I gives you another box to lug around but also means you open up your possibilities tenfold for a good piece of hardware.

This is a breakdown of categories of manufacturers. Though I have used one quite well for years, if you want to kill latency, dont go with a Home/Amateur box, trust me. Go between medium and pro. Honestly you need a good DAC converter with a good architecture and you have to pay the money for it. However, the format is the biggest factor. EVERYONE will say 'zero latency' which is not physically possible. The bus-type is the main factor. Get a cardbus system from EMU for 400USD and you will have easy 1ms latecy and can do some killer turntablism. I've tested it myself and would own one now if it didnt have an expresscard laptop. I could easily get the converter, but instead i will go bus-extender and go higher for an RME Hammerfal PCIe card.

M-Audio, Creative Labs


Apogee, Digidesign, MOTU, RME

发表时间 Thu 27 Dec 07 @ 12:24 am
