
Forum: VirtualDJ Plugins

话题: I'm going to make a video plugin... (hopefully!)


I've got an idea for a simple video plugin to expand the functionality of the clipbank in the new vdj5, so it can be used automatically when mp3s are playing.

It goes like this:

a= clipbank number (between 1 & 12)
x = amount of time between changing clips in either beats or seconds

>activate clipbank plugin;
>while (0);
> for (a=1; a <= 12, a++)
> {
> If a video is loaded in bank "a"
> {
> If (x > length of clip "a")
> set clip "a" to loop mode;
> trigger clip "a";
> wait for time x;
> }
> }

Yeah, so i started off thinking that I'd just describe it, then i ended writing that, but now I've just realised that i actually should have said:

" I want to make a plugin just like slideshow, but for the video clipbank"

But it was fun writing a bit of pretend code, havn't done that for a few months :)

The real question is, would this be possible for me to do without having to make my own clipbank plugin just for that purpose?

EDIT: It got rid of all my indenting, how annoying!
EDIT AGAIN: i just put > at the start of each line so you can see the indents
ANOTHER EDIT: Stupid > thing didn't work, still no indents, so much for good code layout!

发表时间 Mon 20 Aug 07 @ 2:14 am
sbangsPRO InfinityMember since 2004
it should be possible to choose clipbank in video options for "use for audio only files"

it is possible to triger samples in the clip bank with the folowing code for skins

in a skin

<button action="video_fx_button" value="0"> = bank 1

values are 0-11

but its also possible to to make keyboard shortcuts to triger it under "video shortcuts"

发表时间 Mon 20 Aug 07 @ 10:35 am
Thanks for the response sky,

I tried selecting clipbank for audio only files, but all it does is activate the plugin, doesn't trigger any of the clips.

So i was thinking that a plugin might be a good idea- also would be cool to have the clips change, say every 4 or 8 beats to make a montage that goes intime to the music. I downloaded a trial of mixmeister a few years ago and that's what they'd got- looked pretty cool.

I'll have a go when the new skd comes out

发表时间 Mon 20 Aug 07 @ 1:41 pm
sbangsPRO InfinityMember since 2004
did you check the shortcuts?

发表时间 Mon 20 Aug 07 @ 1:49 pm
djcelPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2004
andytaylor125 wrote :
a= clipbank number (between 1 & 12)
x = amount of time between changing clips in either beats or seconds

>activate clipbank plugin;
>while (0);
> for (a=1; a <= 12, a++)
> {
> If a video is loaded in bank "a"
> {
> If (x > length of clip "a")
> set clip "a" to loop mode;
> trigger clip "a";
> wait for time x;
> }
> }

Hehe, yes just by reading the source code,it will freeze and maybe crash VirtualDJ ;-)
=> "while(0)"

You have to use multi-threading if you intend to make that but i hope you know how to well manage it otherwise it will be a mess

发表时间 Mon 20 Aug 07 @ 11:34 pm
lol, well I've only done a bit of basic programming before in C++ before, and I wanted it to just loop continually.

I'll have a go at actually writing it when the new SKD comes out- looks like it might be a steep learning curve though! Don't know anything about multi-threading at the moment.

Funny how nothing is ever as simple as you hope it will be! :)

Sky: No, I havn't checked the shortcuts, cos to be honest I really want something completely automatic, so that I don't have to remember to press any buttons- just like the slideshow plugin, but for video cliips.

发表时间 Tue 21 Aug 07 @ 3:51 am
TexZKPRO InfinityMember since 2005
It's a bit more complex to do... like Cel wrote, you need another thread and you must be careful with it!

发表时间 Tue 21 Aug 07 @ 11:52 am
thanks, i'm off to do some research then!

发表时间 Tue 21 Aug 07 @ 12:56 pm
