
Forum: General Discussion

话题: Yesterdays Wedding, An Assesment


Let me start off by saying, it just felt right, my condition makes it hard to socialise with strangers in big groups so I had a good time sitting behind the table. Everybody seemed to be having a good time, I tried to read the guests as they came past the table to try & tell what kind of music they would like and then played in cycles of about 5 songs per genre. A few of the country/ bluegrass crowd were easy to spot out with their cowboy hats and formal cowboy shirts, but I think I judged everybody else pretty good too. It was about a 5 & a half hour gig with no major mistakes up until about midnight when I had a few too many and paused the playing song instead of playing the cued song, but it was only about 10 people left & they were all really cool about it. As far as that goes though, you live ya learn & next time I stay sober 'till the music stops. It was about 100 people at the ceremony and much of the reception and several people stopped by my table just to give me a thumbs up.

Heh, the overpreparing payed off too. I decided at the last minute, that since a crowd would break up the path of least resistance for the sound waves that I would change my loudspeakers from left left table right right to left right table left right, and I think it helped distribute the sound to the two sides more efficiantly. Not long after 5 o'clock when I started the music one of the children tripped over a speaker cable & pulled it's plug right out of it's socket, no big deal just grabbed a fresh cable out of my bag and hooked it up, piece of cake. Later on one of my PA heads began overheating, pointed the fan at it & got it cooled & later did the same thing when my cdm 150 started getting a wee bit too hot.

The wedding ceremony itself and the reception went off without a hitch, I had made it a point to have them print out the bridal march and ceremony instructions & it really did help having it right in front of me like that. Heh, I had offered to do it for free and before the wedding CG decided he was gonna pay me $100 anyway, but he decided after the wedding to bump it up another $20 for, as he put it "a job well done". I had a very good time, but more importantly everybody that was there seemed to have a good time. There is one thing I forgot to account for though, that was a personal lamp for when it got dark, but that was semi solved by moving a couple of the ground torches on both sides of the table.

I'm sooo glad I got the oppertunity to do this, aside from bringing back memories of filming weddings with my Poppi (who is greatly missed) it felt good to be contributing something & have the audience happy with my performance. My only complaint other than my big screw up at the end was, also towards the end, was when the country fans got impatient with the rap stuff and the rap & rock fans got impatient with the country. But they were pretty much all drunk by this point & I think I managed it well just by telling them politly I would play songs for them as soon as I finished the current set. A couple of them still didn't like that, but they dealt with it. An excellent night all in all, hopefuly this will attract more gigs;^]

发表时间 Sun 08 Jul 07 @ 8:22 pm
taylaPRO InfinityMember since 2007
nice one...glad to hear you enjoyed yourself, it makes all the difference...and here's to many more in the future



发表时间 Sun 08 Jul 07 @ 8:28 pm
Here here! I'll drink to that (but not until the music stops..lol);^]

发表时间 Sun 08 Jul 07 @ 8:32 pm
Good job! Here's to many more successful gigs!

发表时间 Mon 09 Jul 07 @ 3:13 am
Good Job - I raise my beer to your Success

发表时间 Mon 09 Jul 07 @ 3:27 am
well done ...... see , if you just prepare and don't take shortcuts and you give a damn about the people you are entertaining you'll do well ........ now you just need to get out there and get the experience

发表时间 Mon 09 Jul 07 @ 9:24 am
I have made that mistake, and I don't drink. I have also done it with CDs, and Turntables. The thing is, you learned a few new things. That's the most important part, because you will get better each time out.

发表时间 Mon 09 Jul 07 @ 9:33 am
grugPRO InfinityMember since 2004
Always good to keep a tally of how much your drinking, especially at a wedding. Its very easy to get carried away when your having a great time working but being a drunk dj at a wedding will get you a bad reputation very quickly.

发表时间 Mon 09 Jul 07 @ 2:40 pm
Thanks for all your help and support guys, reading various posts on these message boards were a big help in my preperation. Hehe, my drinking on saturday night was actualy my first drink in about 4 & a half years, so it didn't take much..lol. I'm thinking about trading in my CRT monitor for my VAIO desktop to get a flat panel monitor and use VDJ for the next time around and just use my cdm 150 as a backup. It'd be nice to not have to make duplicates of all the cd's and leave up the option for trick mixing for afterparties;^]

发表时间 Mon 09 Jul 07 @ 6:42 pm
