
Forum: VirtualDJ Plugins

话题: DMC-2 Custom Mapper


A custom mapper is now available for the DMC-2 with the following features:

  • Improved jogwheel behaviour. In normal mode, scratches when paused and pitch bends when playing, similar to a standard dual-CD player.

  • Improved LCD information display, including scrolling text, graphical display of crossfaders/faders and full use of the text displays for showing status information.

  • Multiple modes for the parameter knob, including audio effects, video effects/transitions and samples.

  • Folder, file and playlist browsing, including optional browsing using the jogwheel.

  • Incremental pitch bend using [-]/[+] (The longer it's held, the greater the pitch bend.)

  • Pitch sliders take current pitch range into account. 'Safe' pitch feature. Fine pitch adjustment.

  • Pitch slider can be optionally toggled between adjusting pitch and volume.

  • Brake start and stop.

  • Video and audio crossfading with visual display of crossfader position.

  • Automatic scratch hold and pause (Ideal for spinbacks via the jogwheels.)

  • Beat/bar position indicators and optional walking beat graph (Similar to 'Beat Keeper' feature on Numark CD players.)

  • User parameters allowing various options and settings of the mapper to be customised, such as jogwheel sensitivity.

To download the mapper:


发表时间 Thu 17 May 07 @ 1:33 am
chansinPRO InfinityMember since 2006
Does the scratch on the jog wheel work the way it does on an iCDX. I use the iCDX and I like the way the scratch works on that unit. If you are not familiar, basically as you hold the jog wheel down with a little pressure the track will actually stop and then you can scratch and as you let the pressure off the jog wheel the track will start up from the point it is on currently. I read in the mapper history that you can toggle the jog wheel behaviour. Is this one option?


发表时间 Fri 25 May 07 @ 12:43 am
The jogwheels are not touch-sensitive. They work like most standard dual-CD players. WIth my mapper, the jogwheels by default scratch when paused and pitch bend when playing.

You can toggle them into scratch mode by pressing the WHEELMODE button. When in scratch mode. moving the jogwheel will always scratch. If this is done while the song is playing, playback will pause while the wheel is moving and start again as soon as it stops (This does mean there's a very small delay.)

If scratching is important, then you are probably better off with iCDX, XP10, etc. or a DMC-2 + timecode vinyls.

发表时间 Fri 25 May 07 @ 7:06 pm
jaakkoPRO InfinityMember since 2006
Hi Boggis! I don't have DMC2 (yet) but im very much interested in. Is it possible to write own custom mapper as I have done with DAC-3? Do you have source codes?

With dmc-2 mapper, is it possible to display track comment line in lcd screen? That would be great...

Im very much into harmonic mixing, and i have track key values listed in comments column. It could be great if you could change key tone by pressing pitch bend buttons and value on display screen would change also (ie. if you press "+", key will be changed from 5A to 12A on display). Even better could be if some light could indicate whether the tracks are harmonically compatible or not (by reading key values)!

Get the point? Is it possible to write such code on mapper?
With DAC-3 you definitely cannot do something like that (because you cannot read the comment and cannot display letters on lcd)....


发表时间 Wed 30 May 07 @ 12:27 pm
You can write a custom mapper using the new SDK, but you would need the header file for DMC-2 (Not currently included in the SDK) and you would also have to write the mapper completely from scratch (There is no example default code unlike the DAC-3.)

My DMC-2 mapper allows you to choose between several formats for the standard song info display. By default, this is:


Title (Comment)

But one of the alternative display options is:

Artist - Title


This should suit your requirements.

In my mapper, you can use KEYLOCK and +/- to adjust the key up/down by 1 semitone. The current adjustment +/- 0 is shown on the LCD display in its own dedicated (KEY) indicator.

The key offset is only shown numerically (As an offset in semitones from the current pitch) - As you know, VDJ is not currently able to automatically determine or display the key (As it does with BPM.) This information is also not stored in any standard format in the VDJ database (This may change in future versions of VDJ.)

If you have added the key to the comment of your songs, this will appear as a comment on the LCD displays when using my mapper, but it will obviously not change if you adjust the pitch or key offset.

If you want to see what's possible with the DMC-2 mapper, download it and take a look a look at the included DAC3Mapper.txt file which explains all the functions of the custom mapper.

发表时间 Wed 30 May 07 @ 6:54 pm
Hey boggis:

with your mapper can I set the loop lenth buttons?

I would like to shift them all right 1 valueso that 8=16 and down from there.

and can I set the cue button to goto cue? - or am I stuck with hot cue 1/2?

or better yet I'd like the small loop values chaged to goto cue buttons and 1-4 set to 2beats-16beats.

I read the read me but I don't remember if it explained this.

发表时间 Thu 07 Jun 07 @ 3:52 am
Yes, you can change the functions of each of the loop buttons via user parameters (See section at the end of the manual for details on how to change user parameters.)

The parameter numbers to change are 75 - 83 (Loop Btn 1-8 and Loop Btn Cues.)

Each button can be set to trigger beat loopts of various lengths, or they can act as hot cues/goto cue.)

发表时间 Thu 07 Jun 07 @ 7:37 pm
frd1963PRO InfinityMember since 2004

Thanks so much for the mapper! This must have taken you a very long time to create. So detailed, so flexible.
The one thing I can't figure out how to do is to easily scroll through the defined cue points as you can without the mapper by repeatedly tapping the PAUSE button.

Any suggestions?
Thanks again,

发表时间 Thu 21 Jun 07 @ 4:29 pm
Thanks. I wasn't aware that the default mapper did that. I'll look into adding it in a future version.

However, in Cue Points mode, you can select a cue point by number and then press the parameter knob to go to it. Also, you can optionally change the Cue button to 'stop' via user parameters. This will cycle through your cue points for each press of the Cue button, but you will not be able to set cue points anymore using the Cue button if you do this (You can via the HOT1/HOT2 buttons or Cue Points mode though.)

发表时间 Thu 21 Jun 07 @ 7:56 pm
Hi i was Wondering i have bought the numark dmc 2 with the numark cue software and i was wondering if you could email me the plug in as i do not want to purchase the full software as i do not have enough money left over thanks

发表时间 Sun 24 Jun 07 @ 6:38 pm
Sorry, the mapper is only compatible with the full version of either Numark Cue or VirtualDJ Professional.

发表时间 Sun 24 Jun 07 @ 9:09 pm
I just bought a DMC2 to test with. I currently use a Dac3 for gigs. With the dac 3 when you hit pause a second time, when it's in pause, the song returns to the beginning of the track. With the DMC2 I cant seem to find how to return the song to the beginning, only to the first cue point. Any ideas?

发表时间 Tue 03 Jul 07 @ 3:56 am
I assume you mean CUE (The DAC-3 has PLAY/PAUSE on one button - Pressing this a second time will resume playback.)

You may have changed the behaviour of the CUE button to 'stop' via user parameters on the DAC-3. The default on the DAC-3 and DMC-2 is cue_stop, which lets you set, return to and stutter from the current cue point.

'stop' will return back to the cue and on further presses will cycle through your other cue points and the beginning of the song. You cannot set a cue point using the CUE button when this mode is selected (However, you can set one using HOT1/HOT2.)

You can optionally choose 'stop' as the action for the CUE button on the DMC-2 via user parameters.

Alternatively, press WHEELMODE to change to Search mode - This allows you to rapidly search through the song using the jogwheel.

发表时间 Tue 03 Jul 07 @ 8:11 pm
ajb174CUE userMember since 2007
Hi guys
Have loaded mapper and all seems fine and must say its a great add on to the DMC-2s function, but have found i'm unable to load tracks in to the "playlist" folder as directed (ie :holding- "wheelmode" & pressing "push/select" knob ) ? Browsing tracks in "playlist" ("wheelmode" + "file") works fine but have to use mouse to drag tracks into the playlist.
I have full cue edition updated & have uninstalled/reinstalled mapper with no luck.
Any ideas?

发表时间 Wed 04 Jul 07 @ 3:18 am
This is a bug that has been discovered in the DMC-2 mapper. It will be fixed in the next version. For now, you will need to add songs to the playlist by mouse (Or keyboard shortcut.)

发表时间 Wed 04 Jul 07 @ 7:52 pm
ajb174CUE userMember since 2007
thanks alot "jpboggis" the mapper works great & is joy to use!

发表时间 Fri 06 Jul 07 @ 2:33 am
hey guys,

just got the dmc2 and tried it with & wiht out the dmc mapper by jpboggis.

great job jp. that was smart thinking with the wheel mode light blinking fast/slow.

and obviously it's great that you fixed the audio fade instead of application exit.

i have to say though, the param is a bit too much.sorry. but it really is.

are you open to suggestions for the next version of the dmc2 mapper?

if so, and excuse me if i seem rude..

these are my suggested steps in building the ultimate dmc2 mapper.
1. start off with creating the exact mapper numark suggested.
2. fix the problems.
3. publish that dll
4. add in your own stuff, publish it and call "beta"
5. ask for comments/errors, fix it and call it what ever you want.

again, i don't mean to be rude.

dj shahar

发表时间 Thu 12 Jul 07 @ 5:41 am
djkz wrote :
and obviously it's great that you fixed the audio fade instead of application exit.

I wasn't aware that it didn't work in the default DMC-2 support. I never use this feature myself because I use an external mixer. The audio crossfade was tested in the DMC-2 mapper after I implemented it though to ensure it worked properly.

If it causes a crash in the default mapper (Which is written by and hard-coded into VDJ/Cue by the dev team), please report it as a bug so that they can fix it (Check that you are running the latest version of VDJ first, it may have been fixed already!)

djkz wrote :
i have to say though, the param is a bit too much.sorry. but it really is.

The mapper is mainly intended for users who want to increase and enhance the functionality of the DMC-2 beyond what the default mapping provides. The same also applies to the DAC-3 mapper that I wrote. The user parameters are there to allow users to adjust it to their own particular preferences, but you don't have to change them if you don't want/need to.

If you don't need this added functionality, you may be better off just using the default mapping.

NOTE: In future versions I may add options to turn off various functions of the mapper (E.g: Mixer Mode for those who don't need this.) I might also add a 'Simple' mode that makes it operate more closely to the default mapping

djkz wrote :
iare you open to suggestions for the next version of the dmc2 mapper?

Yes, any suggestions for improvement are welcome.

发表时间 Thu 12 Jul 07 @ 7:36 pm
