
Forum: General Discussion



mcdj7Home userMember since 2006

发表时间 Fri 07 Apr 06 @ 12:00 am
21gramsPRO InfinityMember since 2005
**** em , behringer is known for the worst mixers on the planet, like the one with 5 channels and 49 effects for like ~189 $ the faders rust into garbage after one month and leak sound

发表时间 Fri 07 Apr 06 @ 1:34 am
mcdj7Home userMember since 2006

Humm....The fact that they don't comply with standard regulations (FCC) could explain why I had so much audio interference when I was using their products in the past....

发表时间 Fri 07 Apr 06 @ 6:05 am
I agree with 21Grams,
with behringer you get lots of functionality (or faders) for just a couple of $. The result is that the quality is not that good. I do not buy their equipment.

发表时间 Fri 07 Apr 06 @ 6:33 pm
apopsisdjPRO InfinitySenior staffMember since 2003
Some of their models are good. I have a MX-1602 mixer (16 ch) for 10 years now and it is still working well.

发表时间 Fri 07 Apr 06 @ 7:50 pm
Gentlemen, I never understood why there is even a debate about Behringer. It is very simple. There is a reason they are so cheap. They use inferior parts, and their designs are direct copies of others. What, you think their prices are so low, because they are so kind? They just want to give you the same quality as Pioneer, but feel sorry for those that don't have the money? I don't think so. It the same reason my X5 cost more then a Kia. You can tell by just closing the door.

发表时间 Fri 07 Apr 06 @ 8:17 pm
mcdj7Home userMember since 2006

Can you imagine, Behringer is sued by the US government, It's the first time I see such a thing in the audio industry.

I think it's the tip of the iceberg....That legal procedure is one amoung others, the money is starting to come out of Behringer, the lawyer$ are just starting to have some fun.

We don't even know what's happening with Behringer in Europe, maybe the European governments are going to sue Behringer for the same violations (CE regulations).

--> Forget about the warranty
--> Goodbye technical support
--> Behringer is in deep s_ _ t

发表时间 Tue 11 Apr 06 @ 5:30 am
CE compliance is not enough for the USA, that's the problem....


发表时间 Tue 11 Apr 06 @ 12:36 pm
technically your local computer store is supposed to spend the tons of money to have the fcc approve each of it's computer models. but that never happens.

these guys put out a pretty good product for the money. i agree that their on-board effects are garbage. but again--consider the price.

发表时间 Tue 11 Apr 06 @ 4:15 pm
i got a vmx200 mixer which is good but the crossfader started leaking not long after buying it

发表时间 Tue 11 Apr 06 @ 7:47 pm
xeonPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2004
i had the same problem with behringer mixer.

发表时间 Tue 11 Apr 06 @ 8:08 pm
I've just sold my behringer VMX-1000 into a bar. Fortunately it has VCA controlled X-fader and not direct, so it should not leak. But, sometimes it's there on heavy usage, usually the bass knob, and volume slider. (and image 2 crazy dj's touching it simultaneosuly) (i was one of them)

The problem was, with volume faders, they have very aggresive curve at the end, so I modified fisrt two. put a resistor paralel to the slider, now it's much louder in the middle position, and when you get to the max it's not so much difference than previously.

But for that price it's good i think. it costed me 195 EUR brand new.

Their top line is quite usable :-).


发表时间 Tue 11 Apr 06 @ 8:56 pm
I have shoes that cost more then that, and they last longer too.

发表时间 Tue 11 Apr 06 @ 9:18 pm
JeremKPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2004
Nice one A Man and His Music ^^

发表时间 Tue 11 Apr 06 @ 10:07 pm
but try to sell your half year old 10$ shoes for 8$ to someone ;-)

i am happy i sold it ... I have numark DXM01, and for weddings and smaller gigs is enough and quite good quality.

发表时间 Tue 11 Apr 06 @ 10:55 pm
djdadPRO InfinityDevelopment ManagerMember since 2005
i think you have "accused" Behringer BDC2000 long before you even try it. It's only a few days since the console has been released in the USa market (in Europe we are still waiting for it), and i haven't yet read a review from a DJ, not in this or other forums.
How can you tell if something is good or not, just because other products of the same company prooved to be less reliable. I think we have to wait for some reviews before we say something. I have allready ordered the console. No matter how good or bad is it, i think it's worth the money, don't you agree? Even for Hercules we all said that it's for bedroom DJs, but quite a lot from us (in the forum) bought it for the same reason some will buy Behringer.

Some of the forum members have the console in their hands. I'm very curious to hera from them their comments. Can you please post a review?

发表时间 Wed 12 Apr 06 @ 11:06 am
ciocePRO InfinityMember since 2004

发表时间 Wed 12 Apr 06 @ 1:52 pm
its down to wat people want as i bought my vmx 200 for bedroom use so didnt wanna splash the cash for a bigger stage i'd use a much better mixer e.g pioneer

发表时间 Wed 12 Apr 06 @ 7:38 pm
"How can you tell if something is good or not, just because other products of the same company prooved to be less reliable".

You are only as good, as your reputation. Would you jump into a pool with an alligator in it? I mean he could be a nice alligator, but they have a bad reputation of eating people. Do you take a chance? Would you buy a Ford Explorer with Firestone tires? They have a reputation of blowouts and rollovers. When I picked a urologist for my vasectomy, I did not go to the guy with multiple lawsuits and license suspensions. We all go by reputations, the choice is ours. You have to excuse me, Hannibal Lechter is on the other line. He wants to go to dinner.

发表时间 Wed 12 Apr 06 @ 8:35 pm
A Man and His Music
am i too late for dinner? i'm a little hungry too ;)

i'm ditching my vmx soon :)

发表时间 Wed 12 Apr 06 @ 11:10 pm