
Forum: VirtualDJ Technical Support

话题: get_decks now reports skin_decks instead of max open deck ID


NicotuxHome userMember since 2014
I hope there is an unknown (or I missed) parameter to get correct number of decks or the higher ID of opened deck or even better which IDs are in use (like Multitransition decks)

The new result "layout can handles" count of decks breaking MultiTransition and many scripts and pads and some skins
not being possible to workaround but looping up to infinity number of decks ^^

Otherwise it would need a get_decks different of get_skin_decks and get_deck_maxID
get_decks 'skin' what layout handles
get_decks 'absolute' what VDJ handles
get_decks 'open' how many actually open
deck_exist id or has_deck id to know whenever a deck is open or not
or deck 'next' and deck 'previous' to go directly skipping unaffected id
making it possible deck 'next' get_deck

Open a deck stopped to work with anything else but load/play (clone and samples stopped for a long time now)

BEFORE THE USUAL TROLL About openning deck #99 opens 99 decks wasting memory^^
THAT WAS AND IS TOTALLY WRONG That always (and goes on right now) opened 1 deck
the one with id=99 only all other close ones being still close)
get_decks used to report max ID number used by any deck
And if it was the case there are enough other more important amount of waste of memory but a 100 decks definition

发表时间 Mon 24 May 21 @ 2:35 am
NicotuxHome userMember since 2014
OK These were not the only related issues:
"deck all" now refuses to do all the decks but only iterates the layout declare count
set '$nbdecks' 0 & deck all set "$nbdecks" +1

Badly "deck all" have the "fixed definitive parameter" bug (more hard then slider)
no way just to do
deck all get_deck & debug ^^
deck all get_deck & param_cast & debug ^^

One of the workaround to know whenever a deck with the specified ID exist or not :
deck 11 param_equal `get_defaultdeck` `get_deck`
deck 11 get_deck & param_equal get_defaultdeck
deck 11 get_defaultdeck & param_equal get_deck
and some other usable with get_text hack ... useful to make foemats work again in skins
(cost : between double the size of the entry and decks^2)


发表时间 Mon 24 May 21 @ 9:34 am
AdionPRO InfinityCTOMember since 2006
get_decks indeed returns the number of decks available in the skin.
deck all iterates through all decks, which will be at least from 1st deck to last deck with song loaded, and can also include decks with no song loaded depending on number of decks in the skin and number of decks in the connected controllers.

发表时间 Mon 24 May 21 @ 12:08 pm
NicotuxHome userMember since 2014
OK I figure out every change
for the case now the decks in between are really open ;) and this is not a so bad idea

old get_decks issue moved to
deck all set $maxdeck `get_deck`
or equivalent now
set '$nbdecks' 0 & deck all set '$nbdecks' +1

just when get_decks value would have been the correct one ^^
these value still need to be dynamic , better have a verb doing it specially with Multitransitions which get the list of decks

deck_all always monopolizes parameters please fix this one ^^ and maybe ... (same with sliders by the way ?) simple tests:
deck all set get_deck & debug
deck all set get_deck & param_cast & debug
don't work

deck n & param_equal `get_defaultdeck` `get_deck` ? DECKEXISTS : DECKNOTEXISTS
not needed anymore but only true for decks > $nbdecks

clone working for decks never loaded in between 1 and $nbdecks

can have get_decks 2 and get_default deck 42 and active_deck 22

just have to rework plugins and pads to follow new methodes till next time

发表时间 Mon 24 May 21 @ 2:41 pm
NicotuxHome userMember since 2014
Adion wrote :
get_decks indeed returns the number of decks available in the skin.
deck all iterates through all decks, which will be at least from 1st deck to last deck with song loaded, and can also include decks with no song loaded depending on number of decks in the skin and number of decks in the connected controllers.

This is badly only valid until a skin_reload or layout change or skin change
After what any playing deck (and thus still loaded I presume) go on playing and are missing :
- not reported by get_decks anymore
- commands go directly to "deck number" modulus "declared decks" (deck mod get_decks)
- "deck all" goes on doing the job correctly AFTER a deck got a 'load"
but "really funny" :
Trying to send a command to next decks (i.e.: stop or mute or unload ...) now end by applying to....
deck "wanted deck" modulus "decks declared by the skin"

when "deck all integrates" reloaded extra decks "get_decks" does report only declared decks
but this time the if deck number is greater get_decks it receive commands
deck "wanted deck" modulus "decks declared by the skin", even some decks in between are working
TOTALLY BROKEN and this time unusable

I WAS WRONG with "deck all" not allowing parameters passing is NOT AN ERROR ^^ it's a removed behavior but not everywhere and a different working mode depending on context:

So that
"deck all get_deck & debug"
will give all "No Param" because autocast was removed so that no parameter exist to debug
correct scripting is
"deck all get_deck & param_cast & debug" and will list all decks
or any action doing it
"deck all get_deck & param_add & debug
but won't work in text formats or action or backquotted


发表时间 Tue 25 May 21 @ 8:06 pm
