
Forum: VirtualDJ Technical Support

话题: POI Backup?


I noticed awhile ago that when I copied my files to a new computer, my POIs were lost. Is this corrected in a recent update? Is there anything special I need to do to backup my database including my POIs?

发表时间 Sat 13 Apr 19 @ 10:38 pm
No, the POIs are in the database.xml so as long as you back that up, and follow all the usual rules about not moving your track files around, you should be fine

In the example below taken from the database.xml you can see both the standard POIs for a track, like a couple of cue points - but also an action POI that puts the track into playing in reverse when it is reached:

<Song FilePath="C:\privat\iPod\New\Muse - Madness.mp3" FileSize="8973370">
<Tags Author="Muse" Title="Madness" Album="Madness" Year="2012" Flag="1" />
<Infos SongLength="279.693333" FirstSeen="1370430780" FirstPlay="1533443990" LastPlay="1533451208" PlayCount="2" Bitrate="256" Color="6824968" Cover="1" />
<Scan Version="801" Bpm="0.666667" AltBpm="0.499989" Volume="1.059292" Key="A#" Flag="32768" />
<Poi Pos="0.216236" Type="automix" Point="realStart" />
<Poi Pos="0.313787" Type="beatgrid" />
<Poi Pos="5.640272" Type="automix" Point="cutStart" />
<Poi Pos="5.650000" Type="automix" Point="fadeStart" />
<Poi Name="Cue 1" Pos="179.661179" Num="1" />
<Poi Name="End" Pos="266.986145" Num="-1" Color="4294901760" Type="action" Action="reverse" />
<Poi Pos="274.972154" Type="automix" Point="cutEnd" />
<Poi Pos="275.650000" Type="automix" Point="fadeEnd" />
<Poi Pos="278.009615" Type="automix" Point="realEnd" />
<Poi Name="Cue 2" Pos="0.319728" Num="2" />

发表时间 Sat 13 Apr 19 @ 11:04 pm
Got it! Thanks!

发表时间 Sun 14 Apr 19 @ 2:43 pm
When I Load onto one of the decks a freshly recorded file which has had cue points set per transitions made during the recorded set creation, I can see the cues- the cue file is loaded.

After changing several things which I can describe if needed, such as where recordings were being saved, I noticed that the files in the old folder, merely the parent folder of the new recording save spot folder, all no longer load with their transition poi cue information. Very Sad! I've come to rely on it as a critical feature!

How can I, for example, load any file with a cue schema, with it's cue schema imported from where that is stored, be it a flac or mp4 or mp3 external file, etc.

perhaps this would also be a worthwhile focal direction for future feature development, also.

发表时间 Mon 03 Jun 19 @ 9:07 am
