Not sure if its Mojave update on OSX or latest VDJ early update. Tried rolling back but it seems FUBAR. It worked before, on channel 4 set to 7/8. I have tried all the obvious. I can hear the whine from the vinyl, and see signal on RZX, but on timecode settings mode, I just can't get it calibrated, just says no signal. Any ideas please?
发表时间 Sun 02 Dec 18 @ 1:28 am
BTW-All external settings for RZX are correct as far as I can see (ie external sett in utilities etc)
发表时间 Sun 02 Dec 18 @ 1:29 am
The annoying thing is it works fine with RekordboxDJ, but I don't want to use that software =/
发表时间 Sun 02 Dec 18 @ 1:46 pm
发表时间 Sun 02 Dec 18 @ 2:10 pm
What if you add all 4 timecode inputs in Audio Setup (from timecode 1 to timecode 4) ? Do you get TC signal from any TC input in TIMECODE tab of Settings ?
Do you have the SOURCE Input Selectors to USB ?
Do you have the SOURCE Input Selectors to USB ?
发表时间 Mon 03 Dec 18 @ 10:18 am
Yes. I tried adding the TC sources to other channels and swapping it around, and all set to USB. (Briefly switched to phono mode to make sure the signal was being transmitted, then tried rekordboxDJ, and it works fine in that software)
My guess is that it is something to do with the OSX update to Mojave which I thought I read somewhere was compatible with VDJ. I also updated to the latest version of VDJ. It was working fine before this. Guess the only thing to do for now is roll back OSX for now
My guess is that it is something to do with the OSX update to Mojave which I thought I read somewhere was compatible with VDJ. I also updated to the latest version of VDJ. It was working fine before this. Guess the only thing to do for now is roll back OSX for now
发表时间 Tue 04 Dec 18 @ 8:26 pm
Soooo, after a painful roll back from OSX Mojave, and loosing my mappers folder via a dropbox error on my behalf, Timecode is working again
发表时间 Fri 07 Dec 18 @ 7:39 pm