
Forum: VirtualDJ Technical Support

话题: There's no setting to tell Automix to ignore BPM information


I'm not a typical VirtualDJ user. I mix jazz tunes. I've been trying to achieve the following, with VirtualDJ:

I'd like to automix, removing silence, and always with zero or near zero (ideally, I'd like to choose exactly how much) overlap. I have two jazz tracks, the first of which goes to silence abruptly at the end, and the second one starts up nice and clean too (no fade in or anything like that). So, as soon as the first track ends (and reaches silence) I want the second track to immediately start.

I have found that I can get this transition to work fine (at least for these two songs) if, just before playing the tunes, I do an "Analyze for BPM, etc" on each of them. I think this is because the tunes naturally have a big difference in BPM (the first song is 138.68, the second song is 85.12)--or I could simply be lucky that these BPMs work for me.

If, though, for some reason I've tapped on the "tap" button, to alter the BPM of the first song to be close to the BPM of the second song, then Automix seems to insist on beatmatching at the transition, and sometimes jumping into the second song too late to hear its beginning.

In other words, I hear an abrupt transition from song to song, omitting both the end of the first song, and the beginning of the second.

I can repeat this problem with very few changes from the factory settings of VirtualDJ:

Automix Type (Radio)
Automix Length 0 seconds.
Turn off AutomixBeatMatchOnFade.
Analyze both songs, then manually adjust the BPM of the first song to match the second.

Would this problem be solved if I simply re-analyzed all the tunes in my library? Or is there a way to ignore BPM in automix which I haven't yet found?

发表时间 Fri 05 Oct 18 @ 12:21 am

发表时间 Fri 05 Oct 18 @ 12:27 am
AdionPRO InfinityCTOMember since 2006
Automix type radio indeed currently aligns the cut-point with the beat grid, there's not yet a way to turn that off.
Since your automix length is 0 seconds anyway, it doesn't really matter which automix type you choose, so you could choose a different one.

发表时间 Fri 05 Oct 18 @ 6:53 am
you could just click MATCH BPM OFF...

发表时间 Sat 06 Oct 18 @ 7:49 am
I find the more accuarate setting for 0 seconds is fade remove intro and outro. I still occasionally have a problem but I can see it on the waiting song and adjust the cue point on that song by clicking on BPM Editor and clicking on either /2 or +2.

发表时间 Sat 06 Oct 18 @ 4:06 pm
Thank you all for the suggestions. Unfortunately, it seems they don't help me.

Here's a demonstration of the problem. I am, here, using automix type "Fade (remove silence)" (not "Fade out/Cut in"), with a length of 0s, and all of the suggested beat matching settings have been turned off, and yet the transition skips the beginning of the second song (Social Call).

The transition happens right near the beginning of the video, and then I show my settings.


BTW, I'll gladly go Pro Infinity if this problem gets fixed.

发表时间 Sat 06 Oct 18 @ 9:44 pm
WildCountryClub said: "you could just click MATCH BPM OFF..."

Ok, that's in the automix editor. I clicked on it and it didn't seem to do anything (the button didn't even change color).

I'm thinking that the button is supposed to perform an instant modification of the transition that is currently visible in the editor, but it did nothing to my transition in my case.

发表时间 Sat 06 Oct 18 @ 9:51 pm
Adion said: "Automix type radio indeed currently aligns the cut-point with the beat grid, there's not yet a way to turn that off."

Good information! Thanks.

"Since your automix length is 0 seconds anyway, it doesn't really matter which automix type you choose, so you could choose a different one."

I've since tried "Fade (remove silence)" and it didn't improve the problem. The beginning of the second tune is getting skipped. Please see my video, above.

I do want the "remove silence" feature, as without that, there's no good way to do a clean cut from one song to the next. But given my example, VirtualDJ seems to be making some strange choices about where to end one tune and begin the next.

The best option for me right now (to hide the flaw) is to use an Automix length of 1s, which at least fades in the new song, hiding the fact that it's starting it at the wrong time.

But I'd love to have nice, clean, accurate cut-overs. Thanks for your otherwise incredibly awesome product. I'll go Pro Infinity if this gets fixed.

发表时间 Sat 06 Oct 18 @ 10:00 pm
AdionPRO InfinityCTOMember since 2006
While automix is om, you can right click the left part of the waveform to open the poi editor and check if the automix point is at the start of the song or not

发表时间 Sun 07 Oct 18 @ 4:14 am
Thanks for pointing me at the POI editor. I'm a noob and I didn't know that one could tweak tunes like that.

I've spent a couple of hours trying to tweak some tunes to achieve the result I want, and I couldn't achieve it. Let me describe what I want, because I'm thinking it isn't quite obvious.

First of all, I don't want to do any fading. That is, I don't want to alter the gain of either track when doing my transitions. I'd just keep the cross-fader in the middle if I were doing this manually. Full gain, from both decks, throughout the transition.

Second, I DO want the sound of the songs to overlap. I want the reverb tail from the first song to play out, without getting cut off, as the second song starts up.

So, while I don't want to do any fading, I also don't want to do a cut-over. I just want the second track to start playing, before the first track ends, in such a way that when the reverb tail of the first song starts, the beginning of the second track's interesting material is playing.

Note, this means that the second track might already be playing, with some near-silent material, before the final note of the first track is played.

It seems that the only automix type which doesn't fade (alter the gain of one or both decks) is "None (back to back)", which also doesn't do any overlapping of the two tracks.

And it seems that what I want is an automix that allows overlap, but keeps both decks at full gain, and just uses some strategy to decide when to start the second deck as the first deck's tune is ending. I'd guess that this strategy would involve synchronizing the first track's "Cut" end point with the second tracks "Cut" begin point, but keeping both decks at full gain both before and after the cut. Then, of course, you'd need a good algorithm for choosing where to put the 'cut' points.

But the essential, here, is track overlap with full gain on both decks, with the synchronization of an end point of the first song with a begin point of the second song. Unfortunately, I don't think VirtualDJ supports this kind of automixing at this time.

发表时间 Mon 08 Oct 18 @ 3:09 am
freppaPRO InfinityMember since 2002
Did you try to move the files in the editor ?

Look at this small video that I show how you can use the editor.
In my example I use videos but it works the same way with audio files.


发表时间 Mon 08 Oct 18 @ 4:19 am
