
Forum: VirtualDJ 8.1 Technical Support

话题: Scrolling Text On Controller Frozen. - Page: 1



发表时间 Thu 24 Aug 17 @ 3:32 pm
I guess you've not run VDJ today, or seen the latest posts about the new build...

Update your VDJ (enable 'early access' if you need to). The issue's been fixed!

发表时间 Thu 24 Aug 17 @ 3:49 pm
I've run it today, but not while on the network. There was an update last week I took, I'll try again later today and see if there's a new build, or a new beta.

发表时间 Thu 24 Aug 17 @ 5:17 pm
Tried it, not fixed here, still frozen?

发表时间 Fri 25 Aug 17 @ 2:20 am
Confirmed here with my HC4500. No scrolling of artist or title. Both scroll correctly in VDJ 7.4.7.

Odd - If you use (for example) the 'jog mode' button (so the display shows something else briefly), when the display switches back again - the characters displayed are different, as if it's scrolled but you didn't see it move.

发表时间 Fri 25 Aug 17 @ 8:44 am
AdionPRO InfinityCTOMember since 2006
Sorry about that, I didn't have the right controller around to test the fix, should be fixed correctly in the next update.

发表时间 Fri 25 Aug 17 @ 9:00 am
I just noticed another issue, with the BPM displayed on the HC4500.

In VDJ 8 it disappears if you use some of the HC4500 buttons to change the displayed info.

You can get it back by nudging the pitch fader, but in VDJ 7 it doesn't disappear.

发表时间 Fri 25 Aug 17 @ 11:00 am
Can confirm the BPM issue.

发表时间 Sat 26 Aug 17 @ 4:07 am
Is there a way of just aligning the start of the text to the left of the screen. I think I'd prefer to just see the beginning of the title and artist rather than waiting for it to scroll over so I can read the beginning.

发表时间 Sat 26 Aug 17 @ 4:10 am
Perhaps they could fix the FX buttons while they are in there?

It's saved with the "Menu" function along with the 5 function buttons. The function buttons save from one use to the next, but the 3 FX buttons lose their settings after a restart of VDJ.

发表时间 Sun 27 Aug 17 @ 9:19 am
halo_djk wrote :
Perhaps they could fix the FX buttons while they are in there?

It's saved with the "Menu" function along with the 5 function buttons. The function buttons save from one use to the next, but the 3 FX buttons lose their settings after a restart of VDJ.

I'm not sure if that is an issue or by design

But doesn't the controller simply control the effects that is chosen in the 3 effect slots in the software?

In that case you can use ONINIT to set the effect slots to always select specific effects when you start VDJ
That will work for next time you open VDJ, even if you sometimes change effects while DJing

Like this (in the ONINIT mapping on either keyboard or your controller):
deck 1 effect_select 1 'echo' & deck 2 effect_select 1 'echo' & deck 1 effect_select 2 'flanger' & deck 2 effect_select 2 'flanger' & deck 1 effect_select 3 'brakestart' & deck 2 effect_select 3 'brakestart'

I often add this scripts so I always know what the default effects will be when I open VDJ
Of course you can choose any effects you like in the script

发表时间 Sun 27 Aug 17 @ 12:04 pm
You set the cue buttons up the same way that you set up the FX buttons, by pressing the MEMO button that uses the MENU command. You then select what button you want to set, one of five cue buttons or one of three FX buttons. Then choose the function, and parameters.

I have already mapped the FX buttons manually but I doubt DJs would want to have to set the three FX buttons everytime they load VDJ. I did it for a week and it was driving me nuts.
Not everyone knows how to remap the buttons.

发表时间 Sun 27 Aug 17 @ 12:29 pm
As I tried to explain to you before, in another thread - it's the software (VDJ) that deals with what effects are selected and whether they're remembered between sessions.

The controller can't tell VDJ to always load 'echo' or whatever. Controllers don't/can't do that.

Loading of a default set of effects is done either in the skin or in the mapping. Same with remembering them.

发表时间 Sun 27 Aug 17 @ 3:06 pm
Completely aware of that. That's why I was asking for it to be fixed. If it were the controller I wouldn't be asking for VDJ to be fixed.

VDJ is remembering the settings of the 5 cue buttons, but not the 3 FX buttons. There's no code in the mappers, just the "menu" function that is used to set both cues and FX. Yet only the cue buttons are remembered.

发表时间 Mon 28 Aug 17 @ 8:44 am
The ONINIT command in the mapper will 'remember' the controller fx settings. (Like Klaus wrote a few posts up)


发表时间 Mon 28 Aug 17 @ 10:04 am
halo_djk wrote :
That's why I was asking for it to be fixed

Nothing needs fixing. It's not broken.

groovindj wrote :

Loading of a default set of effects is done either in the skin or in the mapping. Same with remembering them.

You need to either modify the skin you're using (or change to one that's already "persistent variable friendly") or add the required code to your mapping.


发表时间 Mon 28 Aug 17 @ 11:34 am
This is so frustrating, but i guess your frustrated too. I cant see any variables in this code, its from the default mapper. Please advise what I need to change if you can see the variables and i'm not.

(This is the button used on the controller to access a VDJ menu, to set either hotcues or sampler on the HOTX buttons then set what sample you want on each button. the SAME button is used to set the FXX button with whatever FX you want.)

(Note no variables, persistent or otherwise, just a MENU command, these settings stick after restarting VDJ)
HOT1 = menu_button 1 'hotcue,sampler'
HOT2 = menu_button 2 'hotcue,sampler'
HOT3 = menu_button 3 'hotcue,sampler'
HOT4 = menu_button 4 'hotcue,sampler'
HOT5 = menu_button 5 'hotcue,sampler'

(Note no variables, persistent or otherwise, just a MENU command, these settings DO NOT stick after restarting VDJ)
FX1 = menu_button 6 'effect'
FX2 = menu_button 7 'effect'
FX3 = menu_button 8 'effect'

发表时间 Tue 29 Aug 17 @ 5:15 am
AdionPRO InfinityCTOMember since 2006
Will be fixed in the next update.
"menu_button 6" changes the effect of slot 6, and vdj only remembers the first 5 effect slots in settings.
As a workaround you could select the effect in ONINIT of the controller
deck 1 effect_select 6 "Echo" & deck 2 effect_select 6 "Echo"
for example.

发表时间 Tue 29 Aug 17 @ 5:49 am
Thanks for that.

For the moment I've just manually mapped the 3 FX buttons to the FX I want to use.
I'll put the menu code back in later after the next release as I would like to be able to change them now and then.

发表时间 Tue 29 Aug 17 @ 5:57 am
halo_djk wrote :
if you can see the variables and i'm not

The variables are not there. That's why I said...

groovindj wrote :
add the required code to your mapping.

Please note the word 'add'. Thank you.

@Adion, don't forget to fix the issue with the BPM display of the HC4500. :-)


发表时间 Tue 29 Aug 17 @ 6:30 am