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话题: Apple music - Page: 1


As I understand the new Apple streaming music service will have an Itunes integration.
Shall it be possible to mix those songs in VDJ?

发表时间 Thu 25 Jun 15 @ 6:23 am
blckjckPRO InfinityMember since 2008
Apple streaming is not licensed for that kind of use.
You won't be able to load those songs into a deck individually because it is a streamed source, like broadcast radio.
The only way I could see you getting the stream radio to play through VDJ is to map a line input through a deck and have another PC play the content.
But, again, it is not licensed for that use.
I haven't even gotten an answer back from Apples legal department to see if purchased songs are legal for use. As there license is written, it looks like no.

发表时间 Thu 25 Jun 15 @ 6:31 am
But as I read well, you can integrate Apple music in the playlist with the songs you bought from Itunes. I use Itunes for creating my playlists in VDJ.
So, as I think Atomix has acces to the develop program, how will this be in the future?

发表时间 Thu 25 Jun 15 @ 6:46 am
blckjckPRO InfinityMember since 2008
Integrating it into your playlist doesn't add it to your library like purchased music. It just cues it up to be streamed.
The above would still apply. Streaming and licensing.
Apple content is for personal, not commercial use.
Content Unlimited is different then a streaming source because you are actually renting a copy that can be kept on your machine, not relying on a continuos stream from the Internet.

发表时间 Thu 25 Jun 15 @ 6:59 am
I am NOT talking about licences. I'm aware of the problems with licences, it's even different in every country. It's even not that simple with the music you bought on Itunes. But that's not my question.
I'm only wondering of somebody knows how the integration of the new Apple Music will look, and, as we can use Itunes playlists, there might be a possible use in VDJ.
Now I have Spotify, and music also can kept local on your harddisk for offline listening.
I'm in the Apple Beta program, I use 10.10.4 (14E36b) with VDJ, but I don't see a new Itunes yet.

发表时间 Thu 25 Jun 15 @ 7:31 am
blckjckPRO InfinityMember since 2008
When the issues with content unlimited came up, there was a lot of discussion about other providers including Spotify and Apple streaming. The main arguments brought up then were licensing and stream vs content cached.
That is why I brought up those points.
I have been using iTunes for years to manage my media as well.
Since your in the Apple Beta program, maybe you have more information then I do. I could only comment on the lack of response I got from their legal department about the use of their content. The regular support was only able to give me the legal departments contact link. Their support forum only has third party comments and speculation on usage rights.
So, I thought it was relevant to Apple streaming usage in VDJ.

发表时间 Thu 25 Jun 15 @ 7:45 am
dcomoPRO InfinityMember since 2012
Regardless of licensing, Apple music is streaming only... It doesn't get cached to your local machine for offline access.

Could you potentially use Apple Music at an event, yes. Would it work through VDJ, no... You'd have to play that Analog, no different than perhaps using a XM Satellite device playing through an AUX input.

Folks... Just buy your music like we all do.

发表时间 Thu 25 Jun 15 @ 8:17 am
dcomo wrote :

Folks... Just buy your music like we all do.

I buy all my music! Mostly on vinyl. But that's not the question.

I use spotify now for finding new music, following playlists of other users. Should be nice to try those new found tracks in a set on VDJ. As there will be no Spotify-integration, I was wondering because Apple Music says it has 'deep integration' in Itunes and OSX, it will be possible to use those in VDJ?

发表时间 Thu 25 Jun 15 @ 8:37 am
SBDJPRO Infinity Member since 2006
No, I don't think it will be possible.

发表时间 Thu 25 Jun 15 @ 10:53 am
dcomoPRO InfinityMember since 2012
Deep integration from the iTunes side means that you will be using the same interface, nothing more.

Without breaking any NDA's, I've been using Apple Music w/ a beta version of iTunes for about 3 months now and intimately know how it works.

发表时间 Thu 25 Jun 15 @ 1:22 pm
NAWTBOYPRO InfinityMember since 2003
So Apple Music is here.....has anyone tried to see if these files can be played in VDJ?


发表时间 Tue 30 Jun 15 @ 1:44 pm
audiodPRO InfinityMember since 2011
NAWTBOY wrote :
So Apple Music is here.....has anyone tried to see if these files can be played in VDJ?

NO, you can't import it into VDJ. Now you can drag it into a player and it will recognize it; however, it will not play.

发表时间 Tue 30 Jun 15 @ 9:49 pm
So Apple Music saves directly to iPhone for offline use. Does it do the same in iTunes? I don't have my MacBook with me to test out.

发表时间 Tue 30 Jun 15 @ 9:51 pm
chiefohPRO InfinityMember since 2014
From what I've seen, you can save Apple Music songs to your my music folder for offline listening. However, these files are in a m4p format. iTunes purchased music that can be played through VDJ are m4a format. I've tried adding the m4p extension in Advanced options and it shows up, but no audio comes out and the track either says 0:00 or 0:01 on the time. Will VDJ be able to play the m4p format?

发表时间 Tue 30 Jun 15 @ 11:22 pm
jakovskiPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2006
Apple used a protected file format for it's songs so they will play only in iTunes. That's it. No trick to change that.

Greets, Heiko

发表时间 Tue 30 Jun 15 @ 11:30 pm
jakovski wrote :
Apple used a protected file format for it's songs so they will play only in iTunes. That's it. No trick to change that.

Greets, Heiko


In other words: If it worked in VDJ, Apple would have made a serious security mistake :)

发表时间 Wed 01 Jul 15 @ 4:03 am
VDJ RonPRO InfinityMember since 2010
Long ago using linux I ran a program called streamripper. You could focus on particular types of music, say 70's, and would end up with a folder full of such songs. However the quality was way below what is acceptable at 128kb/s bitrate.
My core library is 320kb/s, and I often think of changing that to lossless flac.

I'm not fond of the music industry, but they have improved their business models.
Amazon, HMV, iTunes and many more provide cost effective music deals.

Content unlimited is an excellent idea to help the music industry earn a living, whilst also helping us DJ's.
It should be supported.
I'm testing CU now, and all being well I plan to extend my subscription to karaoke.
Yesterday my phone acted as a "perfect" Internet hotspot for over 6 hours !
Also I increased my phones data allowance, though I still only have 3gb. but I suspect that's enough.
The Tesco sim only plan I'm on costs £15 per month.
3000 mins, 5000 texts and 3gb of data.
For no particular reason, and to start off with Tesco gave me an extra 8Gb data !
This means I can experiment to my hearts content.
CU is no good without an Internet connection.

I know other alternatives exist for finding music, for instance the Russians are very helpful, but if we can afford to we should support are own music industry.

发表时间 Wed 01 Jul 15 @ 5:42 am
VDJ RonPRO InfinityMember since 2010
Just adding that I use a Blackberry Z10 which appears to be almost perfect.
My nephew has an iPhone 6 which costs him over £50 per month, but it can achieve no more than my Z10.
We have a wide range of solutions to fit most pockets.

We could do with lists of the phones, and providers that work well with CU.
Little reviews would be good..maybe just stars.

Technology is being kind to the mobile DJ.

发表时间 Wed 01 Jul 15 @ 8:36 am
Any phone that is capable of tethering or creating a Wifi hotspot can be used. It all really hinges o. Peoples data allowance.

I have unlimited data for £15 a month and that includes 4G when I'm in a 4G area.

发表时间 Wed 01 Jul 15 @ 9:00 am
You can't always trust on your 4G data connection when you're inside a building.

发表时间 Wed 01 Jul 15 @ 9:14 am