
Forum: VirtualDJ 8.0 Technical Support

话题: first look...some issues with club usage


Just put it in and am going through it.

Love the speed, sound, and still looking at all the options.
Hoping for a update for the profile plug in and multi clipbank (if that is even used anymore..lol)

1- Absolutely hate the scrolling text in playlist, browser, and deck. Deck easy to shut off...still perusing manual to find anyway to get rid of that scroll...

2- we use this at our club for 4 djs....the login appears to come up no matter what if you are not logged in. Which begs the question, is the program partially disabled if not logged in? I would not want my login to be used by the other djs and they are not gonna spend 400 dollars a piece just to use the same program.

3- the login automatically saves the login information...there is a manual logout and a manual button to click to keep that from happening....what happens when I forget to logout and go home and someone now has access to my virtualdj account to do whatever they want?
That is a tad scary. Perhaps keeping it automatically setup to NOT save the login would help.

4- is there anyway to disable to login screen from coming up and then allowing them to log in if they wish..?
5- gotta know, does not logging in lose ability to use the program as a dj normally would (not counting the internet stuff?)
6- what if our computer is not hooked to the net, will the program still work (ours normally is not?)

all in all, kick butt upgrade guys....awesome.
gonna take some getting used to it...but sounds and looks and works great so far. Just do not know if we could use it at the club or not due to the login issues.

发表时间 Mon 12 May 14 @ 12:04 am
AdionPRO InfinityCTOMember since 2006
1. The option is called browserTextFit

2. Not logging in is similar to using the demo version, so only limited time use of controllers for example.

3. When you log in on another computer, the previous one will be logged out automatically.
While logged in, other people can modify your cloud lists and record podcasts under your name.

6. You need an internet connection to log in, but once logged in, you can use virtual dj without internet connection.

发表时间 Mon 12 May 14 @ 1:01 am
Just a thought here....

With the login having the option to use a VDJ ID, Google and Microsoft IDs - in a situation where several people are using it, could they not each log in using a different ID if those IDs are listed in the registered users profile?

So for example if Reg Ister is the owner but lists Bills Google ID and Bobs Micosoft ID to his account.

发表时间 Mon 12 May 14 @ 2:56 am
I am confused.. WHY do we need to login to use the software?? 99% of my GIGS there is NO internet access UNLESS I turn on my HOT SPOT. I just want to enter my serial # and have the full version...

if you HAVE to login to use the software, I will be sticking with 7.4 and NOT going to 8. Please correct me if what I read above is NOT correct. I though logging in was only for the content unlimited....


发表时间 Mon 12 May 14 @ 9:03 am
PachNPRO InfinityMember since 2009
You just have to login ONCE, if your gig laptop never connects to the internet again.

You have to login again if you are working with multiple devices with internet connection, and use another device then the last one you were logged in with.

发表时间 Mon 12 May 14 @ 9:06 am
PachN wrote :
You just have to login ONCE, if your gig laptop never connects to the internet again.

You have to login again if you are working with multiple devices with internet connection, and use another device then the last one you were logged in with.

so for our djs at work, to use the full version, they have to have a PRO account and sign in to it for full functionality? Thus each must pay the $400 or so just to use it?

And, it will keep me logged in unless I remember to logout or check that button to keep me from being logged in all the time, or they can fiddle with my account?

Skipping login means demo instead of full?

In a club setting (I payed for the software, but the club has a license too) we have different djs that use that computer per day...and them spending 400 bucks just to use it correctly would not work well (or be fair)...and we need the thing to work as intended. And I don't want a bunch of people using my login.

I am concerned, but I am sure they got this worked out somehow and I am just looking at this wrong.

I still think it should be a check mark to 'always keep me logged in' to prevent always staying logged in by accident.
I would rather the license work fully without the login needed though.

发表时间 Mon 12 May 14 @ 12:02 pm
You can login, set it for full license, then logout. You dont need to be logged in unless you use content unlimited .. This is what I read from other users when I asked the question..

发表时间 Mon 12 May 14 @ 12:09 pm
bobhoffman wrote :
they have to have a PRO account and sign in to it for full functionality? Thus each must pay the $400 or so just to use it?

No. As long as someone (i.e. you) has logged in once, to let the software register your license, there's no need for anyone (including you) to log in again - as long as the machine has no online access.

bobhoffman wrote :
they can fiddle with my account?

The only "fiddling" anyone else can do is view config and see your user name and email address.

If they click "log out" then maybe you have an issue, as it would need logging in again. Yes, I just tried this. Even without internet access, I can click "log out" and it loses the license info.

Perhaps an option to hide the log out button is required (password protected or somesuch).

发表时间 Mon 12 May 14 @ 12:09 pm
blckjckPRO InfinityMember since 2008
From what I've put together from other posts, customer support can put together a license file. If the club owns a licensee, maybe the file would keep the software as the full version, then each DJ can login to get their playlists or content unlimited, etc. Maybe someone from the team will comment to verify.

发表时间 Mon 12 May 14 @ 7:40 pm
czech54PRO InfinityMember since 2012
Adion wrote :

3. When you log in on another computer, the previous one will be logged out automatically.

Whoa. What?!?!

I ALWAYS run 2 PCs at a gig. Are you telling me that I can no longer do this, since logging into the second PC will log me out of the first one? I paid for a VDJ license that states it can be used for TWO computers AND I pay for monthly for the content unlimited. You need to fix that for people like myself who use multiple PCs at their gigs and pay for the content unlimited subscription.

发表时间 Mon 12 May 14 @ 7:57 pm
HomeboyPRO InfinitySupport ManagerMember since 2003
czech54 wrote :
Adion wrote :

3. When you log in on another computer, the previous one will be logged out automatically.

Whoa. What?!?!

I ALWAYS run 2 PCs at a gig. Are you telling me that I can no longer do this, since logging into the second PC will log me out of the first one? I paid for a VDJ license that states it can be used for TWO computers AND I pay for monthly for the content unlimited. You need to fix that for people like myself who use multiple PCs at their gigs and pay for the content unlimited subscription.


You are granted one license to:
- install and use the Software on one computer.
- install and use the Software on a second computer, if this computer is normally used by the same person and the Software will not be used on both computers at the same time.
- make back-up copies of the Software for archival purposes.

The EULA has not changed. This has always been the case. One is for backup.

发表时间 Mon 12 May 14 @ 8:02 pm
gkon116PRO InfinityMember since 2006
I've been playing with 8 on my Mac; when I first signed in, it asked me for my login. I switched back to 7.4 and it asked me for my login again.

So are you telling me I won't need to sign in again on either 7.4 or 8? I would hate to be at a gig and have 7.4 not work because I didn't sign in when I was at home with an active internet connection.

发表时间 Mon 12 May 14 @ 8:27 pm
All is explained in the thread above.

发表时间 Mon 12 May 14 @ 8:38 pm
LudekPRO InfinityMember since 2005
groovindj wrote :

If they click "log out" then maybe you have an issue, as it would need logging in again. Yes, I just tried this. Even without internet access, I can click "log out" and it loses the license info.
Perhaps an option to hide the log out button is required (password protected or somesuch).

You can backup license.dat file from your documents\virtualdj directory. If you loses your licence info, put this file back a everything is working again... :-)

发表时间 Mon 12 May 14 @ 8:56 pm
gkon116PRO InfinityMember since 2006
Adion wrote :

3. When you log in on another computer, the previous one will be logged out automatically.

6. You need an internet connection to log in, but once logged in, you can use virtual dj without internet connection.


Not sure this is explained fully. According to Adion, when you log into another computer, you'll be logged out of the previous one. I never logged out of my computer, I was using the same one, that's why I was surprised that when I closed 8 & opened up 7.4, I was asked to login again.

If I'm missing something, let me know.


发表时间 Mon 12 May 14 @ 9:01 pm
J-SnipPRO InfinityMember since 2006
gkon116 wrote :
Adion wrote :

3. When you log in on another computer, the previous one will be logged out automatically.

6. You need an internet connection to log in, but once logged in, you can use virtual dj without internet connection.


Not sure this is explained fully. According to Adion, when you log into another computer, you'll be logged out of the previous one. I never logged out of my computer, I was using the same one, that's why I was surprised that when I closed 8 & opened up 7.4, I was asked to login again.

If I'm missing something, let me know.


This does NOT happen to me however I do not "login" for netsearch or anything with 7. If you don't have to depend on netsearch, cloudlists, etc then 7 should work as normal regardless of you signing into 8.

发表时间 Mon 12 May 14 @ 9:06 pm
