
Forum: Wishes and new features

话题: VDJ's new software exclusively for touch screen - Page: 2


Man how the heck can u use the screen comfortably mounted like that, They are even sweeter mounted horizontally at an angle.

发表时间 Tue 24 Nov 09 @ 11:33 pm
I do like what you did with your mixer case, however it just won’t work for me. I'm not quite as handy with tools as you are so would need assistance in doing what you have done. Plus due to the size of the screen and needing to be rotated for transport and the size of the Pioneer Mixer which is an amazing mixer, but makes the size prohibitive to fit in the mixer case.

With the large size of the touch screen the buttons are pretty large, even the small width scroll bars as pretty easily operated by fingers, even with the monitor mounted there. The OS is Windows 7 Enterprise so touch is built into the OS. If VDJ decides to code Multitouch it's ready. I really want to keep the console/monitor in one unit. With this modification the Pioneer CMX-5000 was removed marking a milestone, of not having a cd player in the setup since switching from vinyl in the 90's. (Actually both computers have a CD Drive and VDJ can play from the drives). I also have a Lenovo Z61m that gets set up next to the console that goes into channels 3 and 4 of the mixer, and an IPOD touch that get connected to channels 5/6 of the mixer that can handle things during a computer reboot.

As far as the mounting goes, its by no means permanent. I used custom made brackets on the 19" rack rails. The factory base of the screen naturally sits on the back inside brace of the SKB rack to fit perfectly (lucked out on that one). The screen "slips in" and is very stable even if the table/console suffers a significant bump. The RF Gyration Air Mouse/Keyboard also goes a long way for when I do need to use a keyboard mouse.


When I come up with a better way to mount, I will, for now this is working very well.

The workstation is a rack mount, high end quad core custom machine designed for videos, running Windows 7 64bit, Nvidia 8600 (I think) video. The OS and Music Drives are on Raid 1 (Mirrored) 500GB drives. Even the power supply is a high end thermaltake.

I'll try this for the Christmas/new year’s season, if I don’t like it, back to the drawing board. For right now the only thing I'm considering is picking up a decent UPS to support the Rackmout PC, up until now I used a laptop with battery so that was not an issue. Do you or anyone else who may read this use a UPS?


发表时间 Wed 25 Nov 09 @ 7:24 am

发表时间 Wed 25 Nov 09 @ 9:52 am

发表时间 Thu 26 Nov 09 @ 12:57 pm
Ok I got an Idea for you on mounting... What do you do with the lid of the case?? Do you just set it on the floor?? You could possibly mount it inside the lid and find a way to attach it to the side of the case so it is right next to the mixer that is if it will fit inside of the lid. You could make it at a slant as well as have it permanent. Just offerin suggestions if that isnt workin out for ya. As far as my case all I did was screw it to a piece of plexiglass on the rack.

发表时间 Thu 26 Nov 09 @ 5:39 pm
djfete wrote :
Here is a little something I made to show VDJ and a touch screen can do. Can't wait for a multi-touch version of VDJ to appear.

Kory a.k.a. Dj Fete


Just a thought. Does VDJ have to be multi-touch or the just the skin?



发表时间 Fri 27 Nov 09 @ 4:01 am
I would think the software would need to support it

发表时间 Fri 27 Nov 09 @ 5:25 am
If and when it happens I will move to the next step with my touchscreen setup!

发表时间 Fri 27 Nov 09 @ 5:29 am
Hey thanks for the interest.

Neither have multitouch in the video I posted, right now.

I have been on a quest to get VDJ to work on making a multi-touch application for VDJ. I explained to them that once they did make an multi-touch application, that e-nuff people ( dj's ) would transfer to their product as this is the way of the future.

That VDJ has the opportunity to be the first to make such software.

So please send them a message asking them if they intend to go multi-touch application and when. Only when e-nuff people ask will they consider it.

If you read the earlier post I explain a bit about multi-touch software. It would have to be VDJ that would have to be multi-touch. The skins would only make it easiers to use ( bigger butons, different layouts ect )

Thanks Again


Kory a.k.a Dj Fete


发表时间 Fri 27 Nov 09 @ 9:02 am
I've just purchased the Packard bell 20 inch Viseo 200T moniotr which has a mx resolution of 1600 x 900 and is multi-touch, which when couipled with Windows 7 is awesome.

Price in UK is £200, approx 200 Euros in Europe.

I am defintely looking to use this with my rig and Virtual DJ, so will report back later.

In the meantime, yes let's have proper support for this new technology in VDJ please, at the price above, many are going to migrate across alongside an OS upgrade to Windows 7.

The gesture support is fab ..

Go see http://packardbell.com/filelib/COM/PDF/press/2009/PR_viseo_200T_final.pdf


发表时间 Thu 31 Dec 09 @ 2:42 pm
Has anyone heard or seem any dj software that is multi-touch? I have been asking VDJ for a couple months about working on something like that, but it seems not to be on the " to do list "

I would think that VDJ would want to be the first to corner the market with the multi touch dj software, as there seems to be none out there. Yeah there is touch screen dj software, but not multi touch. And since W& is multi touch some dj software would be great.

Let me know


Kory aka DjFete


发表时间 Thu 21 Jan 10 @ 4:16 pm
The thing is, what is the 'latency' like with 'muli-touch'?

it sounds cool and all, but if it can't completely replace a controller, whats the real benefit?

发表时间 Thu 21 Jan 10 @ 6:13 pm
When you say " Latency " I am assuming you mean the measure of time delay experienced in the software. example from the time I press the play button and the time it actually starts?

That varies on thes skin. Some skins react perefctly and then some have a slight delay from the time you press play on the screen and when the music actually starts playing. When I say delay I mean maybe 1/10 of a second, but enough that you are still having that slight pause when your start the music in the deck.

In regards to touch screen, when using my touchscreen to play, ENUFF people are so taken by itthey just stand there all night watching me play. So in that regards it is definetly a plus. If not just for the showmanship of entertainment.

Once the multitouch software comes out ( not sure who will be the first - VDJ, Sereto, Traktor ) but who ever does it will make a killing, because who ever is first will grab the majority of the buyers, once someone buys software that does what they want ( multitouch dj software ) there is no need to buy a 2nd copy of it with someone else. If it works, there is no need to fix it, plus no need to spend more money. This is why I still use VDJ. I got it with my console, and have stuck with it since, only because they had the best performance with the hercules console that I bought. So because all was fine, there was no need to purchase a next software. Even thou everyone keeps telling me that Sereto is better. Personally I hope VDJ comes out with the multi touch DJ software before everyone, because who ever does it first will get my purchase.

Kory aka Dj Fete


发表时间 Fri 22 Jan 10 @ 9:38 pm
As a software company Atomix can't really do anything..
A hardware company has to make an HID interface and driver that sends low latency multiple outputs..
Yes, windows now allows multiple "mouse pointers" but i have to think the latency on it is a killer.

发表时间 Sat 23 Jan 10 @ 11:30 am
Hippy its not as bad as u think:) DJNutz is runnin a touchscreen rig that is badass. Multitouch will make a setup like his go to the next level!!

发表时间 Sun 24 Jan 10 @ 5:05 am
johansPRO InfinityMember since 2005
hippydog wrote :
As a software company Atomix can't really do anything..
A hardware company has to make an HID interface and driver that sends low latency multiple outputs..
Yes, windows now allows multiple "mouse pointers" but i have to think the latency on it is a killer.

As many of you i'm also intrested in using VDJ with multitouch.
But as Atomix can't do anything?? who can do it?
Let's assume Atomix can't do it? Then I still believe Atomix has more power to convince a hardware company to build such an interface/driver then we as single users can do.
As stated before, "be the first" and your market value will grow.
My suggestion is that maybe someone of the Atomix team could have a talk with Hercules or Numark and see if they can.

Just my opion


发表时间 Mon 25 Jan 10 @ 5:44 am
johans wrote :

My suggestion is that maybe someone of the Atomix team could have a talk with Hercules or Numark and see if they can.

Not to be a downer ;-)

but I cant see any DJ manufacturer wanting to do this.. it would be like shooting themselves in the foot..
if this ever comes into fruition, two or three VGA screens with touch screens could replace just about any controller out there..

want the RMX? download the skin.. want the VMs7? download the skin.. Want to go from a 2 channel mixer to a 6 channel mixer? download the skin..


发表时间 Mon 25 Jan 10 @ 12:01 pm
SBDJPRO Infinity Member since 2006
It's not quite that simple though; I for one vastly prefer tactile feedback to a touchscreen.

发表时间 Mon 25 Jan 10 @ 12:36 pm
I would love to see VDJ put some work into touch technology.

发表时间 Mon 25 Jan 10 @ 7:10 pm
JoeyKJPRO InfinityMember since 2008
Well I do this with my Karaoke Books now on a touch screen monitor and a small acer computer networked to my show machine.
No more misread slips and wrong disk numbers, and the people are loving it, not squinting their eyes in low light just to see the book information.
Great technology


发表时间 Tue 26 Jan 10 @ 7:28 pm