Hercules|赫库勒斯 - Starlight
The Hercules DJControl Starlight offers
RGB back-lighting with 4 leds mounted at the bottom of the unit. These leds can be assigned to any RGB color and have been pre-defined in the default mapping to offer 6 different lights modes
Open VirtualDJ Settings ->OPTIONS tab ->CONTROLLER sub-category and select one of the available values for the setting
Lightsmode. The selection is memorized across sessions.
VirtualDJ Options - Hercules Starlight Lights mode OFFThe backlight leds are turned off ON (AUTO)The backlight leds are turned on and automatically fade in/out in various colors without any beat-aware pattern (factory/hardware mode - not controlled by VirtualDJ) FLASH BEATThe left/right backlight leds flash in blue when left/right deck is at Beat 1 and flash red when in Beats 2,3 or 4 (of a 4-beat-grid pattern) as a mixing aid FADE BEAT The left/right backlight leds will fade-in/fade-out in blue when left/right deck is at Beat 1 and fade-in/fade-out red when in Beats 2,3 or 4 (of a 4-beat-grid pattern) as a mixing aid MASTER VOLBoth sides backlight leds will be lit white with intensity based on the Master Output level MASTER DECKBoth sides backlight leds will be lit blue if Left Deck is the Master Deck and red if the Right Deck is the Master Deck. (in most of the cases, the Master Deck will be the Deck that is audible on Master Output
For further Technical features and specifications, visit Hercules DJ CONTROL STARLIGHT
Product's Page
Hardware Integration Department 2018 - ATOMIX PRODUCTIONS Reproduction of this manual in full or in part without written permission from Atomix Productions is prohibited.