Gemini - GMX/GMX Drive - Layout


  1. CROSSFADER. Blends audio between the left and right channels/decks.

  2. VOLUME. Use these faders to control the Output volume of the left and right channels/decks

  3. VU METERS. When the CUE/MSTR switcher is at CUE position, the VU Meters will indicate the Pre-fader Output Volume of the left and right channel/deck respectively. When in MSTR position, the VU Meters will indicate the Output level of the Master Output.

  4. PFL. Press these buttons to send left or/and right channel's pre-fader signal to the Headphones Channel for monitoring. When engaged, the button will be lit.

  5. FILTER. Use this knob to apply a resonance Filter on the left or/and right channel/deck.

  6. EQ LOW. Adjusts the low (bass) frequencies of the left/right channel/deck.

  7. EQ MID. Adjusts the middle (mid) frequencies of the left/right channel/deck

  8. EQ HI. Adjusts the high (treble) frequencies of the left/right channel/deck

  9. GAIN. Adjust the Gain (Trim) of the left/right channel/deck. Try to keep lower than the 12 o clock position to avoid distortion.

  10. TOP USB SOURCE. Use this USB input to connect a USB storage device (USB flash drive or Hard Drive) with your Music Media files. The device will be offered on the LCD display when the USB mode is enabled as TOP.

  11. MASTER: Adjusts the Volume of the Master Output Channel.

  12. BOOTH. Adjusts the Volume of the secondary Booth Output Channel

  13. CUE VOL. Adjusts the volume level of the Headphones Channel

  14. CUE MIX: Turn to mix between CUE and Master (PGM) in the Headphone channel. When all the way to the left, only channels routed to Cue (via the PFL buttons) will be heard. When all the way to the right, only the Master Output will be heard

Transport Controls