
Forum: Old versions

Topic: Hercules RMX - Not so Hot! - Page: 1


Well, having took delivery of my new Hercules RMX unit on Friday, and played with it all weekend, I have to say all in all it's not really much better than my BCD3000. Looks nice and shiny, but fundamentally nothing new. There are a number of comments I would have both about the unit itself and about it's support for VDJ. So here goes:

The RMX unit itself, having been much hyped as "Pro Gear at a reasonable price" I personally don't think is so pro here's why:
1. The main volume control is purely a midi controller for a connected program, i.e. VDJ. There is no "master output" control on the unit that actually attenuates the main outputs. Whilst one could argue that if you are using an external mixer this is not an issue I would argue that if PC based DJ'ing is going to really move forward, any control devices such as these should do the whole job, and not rely on you having additional equipment.

2. None of the FX buttons or the kill switches have Led\'s on them. Despite looking very much the same as all the other buttons they do not iiluminate. This just smack's of cheapness and cost cutting.

3. On my unit anyway, the gain, bass mid and treble potentiometers supposed centre position is different on every switch, and not in the center!. I thought at first this could be physically the positioning of the knob onto the stem of the pot. However all of them have exactly same max and min positions. This again smacks of the use of cheap resistors that are obviously sending slightly different output values to VDJ for the same positions. I'm being picky I know, but for £260, I'm gonna be!

4. The push buttons themselves have way to much travel in them and no definite click to them. For most buttons this is not an issue, however for the skip forward and back buttons (which I think are mapped to a 16 beat skip in VDJ) because of this issue when you need a very precise and quick "push" you don't always get it.

5. No power button! I know its USB bus powered, but pulling connectors in and out to reset a device is just poor.

6. Hercules quoted "Adjustable resistance: makes the jog wheels more or less resistant, according to the DJ’s preference". I can certainly adjust the sensitivity of the job wheel, but this quote gave me the impression the physicaly resistivity of the wheel could be adjusted. Not that I can feel it can't.

7. Apparently the cross fader curve can be adjusted in the Hercules control panel. I can't find this. We can do this in VDJ anyway.

8. There are no buttons to control FX parameters or sample playback volume.

9. If like me, you want to use the full functionality of DJ control units without having to use external mixers etc, you would expect to be able to stack any outputs (i.e. soundcard + RMX, or BCD + RMX) using stackble RCA/Phono leads to a single pair of outputs for connection to amp/pa/hifi. Wrong, the output bus signals of the RMX completely obliterate the mid and treble ranges of any other connected device. You don't even have to doing anything on the RMX, the mere act of connecting the thing completely cuts the higher ranges from any other device. Again this would not be a problem if you are using physically seperate connections to say and external mixer, but I don't want that!

Ok so that's my gripes with the unit itself, so here's the problems with VDJ and it's support for the unit:

1. If a song has been playing for greater than about 30 secs, and you minimize VDJ to do something else, the playback pauses for roughly 10msec. Not good.

2. Every now and again, theres a little sudden pop. Nothing is being touched its playing back all on its ownsome. Settings in performance are set to fastest with Latency set to auto and overclock selected.

3. The FX buttons only allow configuration with a set of preselected effects in the setup. To use any FX other than these your back to the screen and mouse. A better configuration would have been to be able to configure a button to invoke the effect select or sample select and then use the up/down buttons to go to the desired effect and the right button to load it. Then use another button to activate the loaded effect or sample. As stated above though, you have no control over parameters!

4. Talking of the up/down/left/right buttons which supposedly allow you to browse, they dont. When you are on the directory side of the track panel, if like me you have your library in a variety of directories and subdirectories, you cannot open them using these buttons. Also there is no repeat on the buttons, so if you have a long song list (4000+ like me) in your window, you have to press down once for every song to scroll down!

5. One of the more fundamental issues for me, is I want to be able to use a multi instance skin, and the RMX/BCD to control 1 instance each. 4 Decks YES!!!.

Well NO actually. I Start up VDJ configured completely to use the BCD. In remote control the BCD unit is active. I'm also using Moramax's BCD mapper. All output is to the BCD asio driver. At this point I have the RMX usb disconnected. Everything works fine and dandy. Plug in the RMX unit, and hey presto the the RMX unit now controls the current VDJ session even though it's configured for the BCD! Not so handy when when you have two instances going and you specifically only want the RMX to control one of them. And before anyone says this is a device conflict thats unavoidable, the BCD will happily control just it's own instance, and not the RMX's instance. So it must be to do with how the RMX has been implemented to connect with VDJ.

6. Again using multi instance, the network setup to allow syncing between the two instances seems to be VERY slow, lots of latency gets introduced and the sync only seems to work well if you sync before the decks starts to play. If you hit sync when both instances are playing it does all sorts of strange jumping about.

So rant over. As I said my overall impression of the RMX is exactly as I stated in the title, not so hot. Don't get me wrong, it's not a bad unit, certainly looks pretty and the jogs are a much much higher quality than the BCD unit. I've not used any of the other hercules units so I don't know how they compare to these but they seem good to me. Also the fact that the mic input works on this is fantastic. I know this is not strictly an issue with the BCD units themselves and it's more of an implementation issue with VDJ, but it's good to having a working mic again without having to have a seperate channel on a mixer.

So a message to all you BCD3000 owners out there who have been looking forward to the RMX's release as an upgrade route, you will have the advantage of A) A working Mic input, B) Better jogs. This may be an issue for you, but is it a £260 issue?, because these two things really are the only advantage you will get.

Oh, and a better looking console ;-)


发表时间 Sun 30 Mar 08 @ 7:35 am
Thanks for your post Hammer, very good and informative.

I was going to get one this week, but I'm now going to hold back for a bit now, till everything is sorted. I knew there might be a few problems with this new console and the first batch of them.

Stick with my mk2 for the time being.

Jimmy b


wasn't thinking of buying one anyway, but i like to see people breakdown equipment they have purchased and used. it really helps out the community to know the pros and cons of equipment. dj gear is expensive and any feedback is good. giving it a try at a local music shop is not enough to go by. thanks for the info!

Denzel - thanks so much for taking the time to write this review out for us to read.

I was looking at this controlller - for a mobile set up - and reading the information that you have posted is really making me reconsider. Thank you so much for writing this!

About the directory browsing, on the mk2 you can use (when surfing the directory) the left song load button to close folders and the right load button to open folders. Have you tried that on the RMX?;^]


Yes I've tried this but the left and right buttons just switch the browser from the directory pane to the track pane. What you are describing is exactly what I thought should happen. No doubt this is just a minor glitch in the mapping that will be sorted in due course.

Also, one of my particular issues with the multi instance setup I've managed to resolve. Using Format and Mykels V-Mix multi instance skin I've resized this to 1280x800 to fit my laptop configuration (not all the graphics positions are mapped properly but close enough to use). Using this skin I can set each instance to the relevant controller and its works fine. So my original issue with the RMX controlling both instances must have been skin related.

Another BIGGIE for a lot of people out there that I've now tested thoroughly is the stability of the ASIO driver. There has been many posts about the BCD units locking up, and to be fair if you follow all the performace setup advice you can minimise this, but not completely eradicate it. I've had the RMX playing on automix most of last night and today (BTW Big thanks to whoever sorted the smart automix in 5.0.7, its much better) and not a single lockup. Aside from the occasional pop and the little stall when minimising VDJ, this ASIO driver does not lock up.

I know that will be a seen as a huge plus for this unit judging by the amount of posts regarding VDJ locking up with controllers. I cant say I've tried to much with videos or karaoke's yet but with straight music its as stable as a rock.



I just got my Rmx on Sat. and played around over the weekend. I\'m fairly new to computer DJing, so I don\'t have much experience, but I do have some valid comments and at least something to compare with, as before getting the Rmx, I tried the Numark TC for a couple of days.

The Numark TC works pretty OK right out of the box. One thing I didn\'t like is that I had to get a separate USB soundcard (the Numark Dj|iO) as it was the only option available in order to connect it to my laptop (actually the next available option was to get the M-Audio Torq Xponent, which has integrated soundcard, but kind out of my budget). Another thing, that I noticed was that the jog wheels were not that responsive.

Back to the Rmx and a few comments I have, now that I can compare: To the most part I agree with DJDenzel with the following additional things:

- setup was a bit more complicated. I noticed that if the Hercules RMX sound card was selected from the \'Sound card(s)\' in \'Sound Setup\', you could hear at very low volume any of the decks playing, even if the volume and cross faders were all the way down !!! Seemed that sound was escaping from somewhere. Problem was resolved when selecting the Hercules Rmx ASIO driver.

- comment on No. 6 of DJDenzel about the sensitivity of the jog wheels: as the Hercules manual states on page 10 \"you can adjust the screws located on the underside of the device under each jog wheel to increase or decrease its resistance, according to your preference.\"
I haven\'t tried it but the manual says it ...

- comment on No.7 about controlling FX parameters. The manual says (page 12) that you can use the buttons 1-6 to apply effects, etc and you can modulate the effect by turning the jog wheel while keeping the effect button pressed down. Bummer !!! It simply does not work !!! And the only way to assign an effect to one of the buttons is if you load the Hercules Rmx skin. Otherwise you can\'t, as neither can you assign any of the samples VirtualDJ comes with on any of the buttons.
Numark TC, for example was perfectly suited for that as not only had effects, samples and loop buttons, but also rotating knobs for each one that could adjust the parameters.

- speaking of the Hercules Rmx skin ... it might cool looking with it\'s metal finish, but it\'s very basic and lacks many options. Note: you can change the parameters of the various effects, but you need a mouse and try to rotate the knob with the mouse ... Good luck !!!

- about the up/down/right/left buttons and browsing through a big list of files. Again as the manual says (page 11) \"you can also use the jog wheels to browse through music lists. When browsing through a directory containing lots of music files, simply turn the jog wheel while keeping the Up or Down button on your console pressed down in order to move through the list more quickly\".
This one I tried and it works ... partially. It works as described: when you have the \'Down\' button pressed and rotating the jog wheel you go down the list very fast. But if you keep the \'Up\' button pressed and rotate the jog wheel to go up ... it keeps on going down !!!

- and the most important: the SOUND. At some points I\'ve noticed a lot of pops and the music sounds a little bit \"canned\". I can not pinpoint when this happens, but I have a pretty good laptop and I don\'t think it\'s performance issue (The Numark TC sounded much better)

- on the plus side, the Rmx has the looks. It looks much more better than any other controller in the same range (BCD, Numark, etc.). And a bit more: has a compact design and it\'s pretty functional cause it integrates a sound card and connections to plug other devices, e.g. CD so you can actually mix between a CD player and your computer.

For a seasonal DJ like me it's pretty good, but it can get better if VirtualDJ and Hercules people get together and figure out these issues. Hope they read this and other posts.


I ordered the RMX today, your post are really good and informative, but could u may tell me also some "positive" parts of that Console ? -.-*



Thank u so much for the valuable information. I too was eager to get hold of the rmx, i'll go on with my mk2 for now. Well will it be possible to rectify the buttons attributes through mapping? And can we custom fit led lights in the buttons?If so can anyone tell me or give me a link for making our own midi device or button. Thank u

I went out today for 10 mins and missed UPS, so I'll get mine tomorrow. I'll give you my 2 cents worth once iv tested it.


As you pointed out in my haste to get the review up, I missed a couple of things. I've now tried the jog resistance screws and they do work. Also the browsing looks like it was intended to allow the jogs to scoll you up and down faster, but as you have pointed out, it only works in the down direction. I'm pretty confident these are just minor mapping issues that could be easily sorted.

On the multi instance - multi control front, I've discovered that the you have to sart up a multi instance skin with the RMX controlling the first instance and whatever else you have (in my case a BCD3K) controlling the second. Also every time you restart, although instance 2 keeps its sound output settings (i.e using the ASIO for the BCD), it loses it's remote control settings and reverts back to being controlled by the RMX. If you just remember to change this when you start VDJ, all is sweet.

On the question of the new skin for the unit, it's rubbish! I'd always use one of Format's skins as these are much better. The FX assignment to buttons can be accessed in the config settings of the remote control setup. These however only list the standard FX the VDJ ships with so if you have any others installed that you tend to use you're out of luck.

On the positive side, it looks great, jogs are very responsive, mic works and it appears to be very stable. I think that once the software issues are ironed out in the key mappings etc it will be a good controller indeed.



Where are you guys purchasing these RMX's from for immediate delivery, I can't find any etailers that ave them in stock. I even emailed Hercules but got no response, any idea?

It would seem that the neighbours had my RMX and didn't want to give it to me straight away and waited until the following day to give it to me, anyway I have it now and have had a quick go with it.

From taking it out of the box I was impressed, the first thing I noticed was the weight its nice and heavy the way a bit of pro audio equipment should be. Actually I think it’s heavier than the xone 3d, the metal finish is a huge step forward.

I am not used to devices that have a play cue and stop button however now I’ve had a go I can see why they did it and I think its an excellent idea, One other thing I really liked is the mic on off button this is great for making announcements because it acts as a mute button and you can adjust the level in herc control panel too. Of course we have had these features before on our aux mixers but never on midi controllers or at least the Hercules controllers. Another feature that we have all had before but never on a previous herc's is the master balance, it’s nice to think that I can now adjust the balance on the fly! The kills work great and so does the navigation to work the record case (it's brilliant) the only thing being you can't alter the scrolling order eg bpm, artist etc. I hope to be proved wrong! We have moved slightly closer to having pro gear with VDJ so I won't moan, remember I only had 5 mins with it and it has actually taken longer to write this post.

The two gains seem really sensitive! however the jog adjusters underneath for the jog wheels did not seem adjust the jog sensitivity a lot if at all, I think ill experiment some more on that one.

Good news - The remix is rackable although you will need to fabricate your own rack ears, if anyone wants them doing please pm me and I’ll do a pair for you for a fee.

As mentioned before when you minimise the program it dose stutter so there will be no minimising during a gig until it's sorted as it's quite bad (bad enough not to do live)

I can only seem to get this thing to work with the software provided and not with my pro version of VDJ, can anyone tell me what I need to do or tell me if it's possible yet even.

Anyway nothing more to say at the moment other than I think it's worth the money, I know that a few are holding back or Jimmy is anyway but I have to say that I think that this item is actually priced bang on I wouldn't expect to get something like this any cheaper however at the same time I would not pay anymore for it due to the fact that they haven't got the rack ears sorted out yet which would cause a problem for so many users.

My closing statement is this - When using the controller it has usability and you really get into it something that never happened with me while I used the mk 2, it is still under speced but just good enough at the same time.


Had nightmare getting VDJ to recognise the RMX with pro initially then I saw a sticky that included a statement from frank699 that stated you needed 5.07, so I installed it over rev 6 and it now works fine and the minimise issue re stutter has now gone so you can min a max as much as you want.

Disable the "safemode" option when you use a MIDI controller


djcel wrote :
Disable the "safemode" option when you use a MIDI controller

Can I ask why? please

I own an mk2 it works ok but with a few limitations, doesn't have kill buttons, gain, and it's a little bit small it everything too much close. I was thinkin to make an upgrade, buyin the rmx. Do you think it's the best option or i should buy the bcd? Or a vestax, torq?

Does anybody know if there is the possibility to connect an power supply to the rmx console, or is it only USB-powered?? I think, the MK2 console needet an external power supply to use phonosources. Would the USB-power suffice to connect 2 turntables to the console und use it for timecode-use???
...Sorry for my bad english


Nope, cannot connect to a power supply. The whole weight to supply power is on the computer's USB port ... I don't think this is good. I haven't connected any external devices to the RMX, so I'm not able to say what would happen.
