
Forum: Old versions

Topic: Sound quality!


Hi there

I have been playing about with VDJ for over a week now in prep. for going out live with it... but to be honest i am a little concerned at the sound quality....

I am using the two sound card option..


2.13Ghz AMD Cpu 1024mb ram gforce 4 graphics
internal audigy
external extigy
Windows 2000 ops sys..

I run both the sound cards at about 75% volume normally, this seems to be fine in Atomix but in VDJ i seem to get clipping, pops and crackles all the time... i have experimented by reducing the output and reduced the gain to as much as -10db but it doesnt seem to make any difference...

Its hard to explain, its as if you are over running the preamp..

I also seem to get the odd jump and stutter when using the frequency crossfaders for any length of time which is also a major problem....

I am hoping to swap over from Atomix to VDJ with my live sets in the near future but to be honest although i love all the new features, the sound issue concerns me greatly.... I need to resolve it!

I also would like to see the automix length adjustable again. I only use atomix mix early evening when people are arriving, but with VDJ it seems the automix function in all its forms will not cope with non dance tracks too easy, the mix is much to fast....

Any ideas guys?

I'm afraid Atomix will have to stay my live software for now........

any advice appreciated

best regards all



发表时间 Tue 15 Jul 03 @ 9:46 am
Have you tried each of the cards invidually? (pull the other out of the machine)

Does the problem occur only when using two separate cards?

Besides, i highly recommend not to use two cards, use the 3D mode. Using two cards may cause sync problem, try listening same track with same speed in same position and they probably are not in sync.

I have had no probs with running an audigy and extigy together in atomix and also use two laptops with avance internals and extigy... Again no problems

i mostly use external mixer so prefer the two soundcard setup.


I'm sure the developer understand that, but it may help fixing the thing if you give more information, like does it work ok just with one card in 4.1/3d mode. This test may not even require you to take out the other card, just select the 3D mode in VDJ.

Actually i don't really understand your setup ? Why you need internal and external card when you can use the 3D mode in exact same way with your mixer? Of course it may be that there is the Creative Problem, where rear-channel output is not working properly (there was a inverse phase problem, i'm not sure when they got it fixed).

I have the exact same problem. I have 256MB ram and a 2.4Ghz Celeron (HP Laptop Ze4540). There is a very noticable quality decrease.


I have the same sound problem - Seems to be high frequency sounds - almost like a tweeter distorting (similar to your flanger noise) - I have tried 3 sound cards -an on board one, an old sound blaster live and now a brand new audigy 2 zs.
The latter being much better, but still not right.
I can play the same song through any other MP3 player on the same machine and it palys perfect.

Guys, have a look at this website:

JeromeXL came up with this site, download these drivers for your soundblaster, and your troubles will be over.

or use a terratec 24bit card-no problems and best quality sound:-)

yo cannoball .. good one .. i install the drivers you recomend and found my self into a huge thing .. is not only a Sound crad driver ... its more than that ... you make your own Dsp map ... with effects limiters ... and modif all your sound crad ins and outs . its great .. still try to understand most of the stuff but hey i just only spend like 4 hours with this thing ... its great !! so you can use this . with the virtual dj . or just your mp3 player .. its cool ...

I have a problem on sound. I use two soundcards no problem and all in all through my 3.5K rig the sound is great. My problem comes when I play MP3's that are somewhat quieter than normal. For instance One of my MP3'd sixties albums if I were to play the CD I would have to turn the faders up a couple of notches to balance the sound. In virtual DJ I do not have to do this which is great. But what I do get is an output sound that sound like I have limiters cutting in. So obviously VDJ is compensating for the lack of volume. however I would rather not have VDJ compensate and push the fader up myself to get rid of the strange limiter type output I get. Can anyone identify what is happening, or has anyone experienced this themselves.

Thanks in advance

turn off the auto gain function and the limiter function and this will solve your problem
