
Forum: VirtualDJ Plugins

话题: record???


how do you use the recording part on virtual dj free trial?? or can you even use it on the free trial

发表时间 Mon 13 Aug 07 @ 9:05 pm
spinnaJPRO InfinityMember since 2004
yes u can..it should be.. go to record tab at the skin n at there at config choose whether recording from master/master plus mic or line in n in wav or mp3 n to which drives.... then press start recording... n there u go...:)

The trial is abt 20 days..

Btw.. pls next time post at the general forum or technical forum or hardware forum, this is a plugin forum (focusing solely on plugins).. thks:)

发表时间 Mon 13 Aug 07 @ 9:37 pm
