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话题: support Live Earth - Page: 1


Al Gore ....he's a good guy and beats the hell outta dub-ew-ya

i can't stand that our current gov't won't sign Kyoto or act to prevent global warming ......our Canadian , European and Japanese friends are making there contributions , but I think that without the participation of the US and the Chinese , it'll be for naught ......

i think soon we are going to have to use lo tech solutions that have immediate impact , like 1 day per month no private cars or nothing but HOV (high occupancy vehicles 3 people and up) that sort of thing .....

this daydreaming about miracle high tech solutions and refusing to mandate tough measures is getting us nowhere

发表时间 Sat 07 Jul 07 @ 8:28 pm
Tear Em 'UpPRO InfinitySenior ModeratorMember since 2006
chucknorrisyouwimps wrote :
Al Gore ....he's a good guy and beats the hell outta dub-ew-ya

Chuck I dis-agree about Gore...Weather records have only been accurately recorded for a little over one hundred years. We have no way of knowing if this is a normal cycle or not when you take in to consideration the age of Earth over the billions of years of the planets life. Al Gore's movie was a per-cursor to his running for office again, but his son's troubles last week have caused Gore to change his mind. Everything else we can wait and see about. Peace and warn thoughts my friend. T

发表时间 Sat 07 Jul 07 @ 8:43 pm
well i wouldn't wanna be distracted by whether W is good or Gore is bad .....regardless of Chuck's windy opinions we are undeniably spewing lots of pollution into the air and water ...... whether that causes warming or not almost doesn't matter , because if we cut down on the pollution the worst thing that happens is we have better air and water.........those of us who believe it causes warming (like me ) believe that will help prevent warming also

it just doesn't seem like a bad thing to cut down on the pollution from the cars and industry.......

发表时间 Sat 07 Jul 07 @ 9:05 pm
GaryBrPRO InfinityMember since 2006
I agree. Here in the UK we are being taxed so highly in fuel, road tax, congestion charges etc, basically anything that makes it more expensive to use a car but the gorvenment can disguise as a 'helping the planet tax' all in the name of trying to meet the government targets, but whats the point if the countries that create the most pollution don't do it as well.

I'm not sure if it causes global warming. Why should i be sure if the experts are not, but i can't see reducing it will cause any harm!!


发表时间 Sat 07 Jul 07 @ 11:04 pm
Of course it will cause harm. How can us selfish brits expect the Americans to all own two big SUVs which they will drive down to a shop a mile away to pick up a packet of chips if they're going to improve efficiency or raise costs. We would be destroying the recently published figures that 1/3 of Americans are obese. Not only that, but can you imagine owning just one car and not two? That's laughable. Who needs to cut down on pollution, it's not like there's any vast quantities of native american wildlife to protect, wait a minute...

Yes that statement was terribly stereotypical and no I don't have anything against American's, I love you really but not everything I said was terribly far away from the truth.

发表时间 Sat 07 Jul 07 @ 11:31 pm
no you were dead on .....unfortunately it isn't 1/3 of americans fat it's about half .........

i would venture to say the majority of Americans or at least the young ones believe global warming is happening and would want to do something about it ........

it is repulsive that we haven't done a damn thing about auto gas economy since the Arab oil embargo .....and we should be encouraging alternate travel and efficient vehicles .......

发表时间 Sat 07 Jul 07 @ 11:47 pm
I find amusing the number of christians in the world who believe in evolution (an unproven theory - one which goes against the creationism idea presented in the religions holy book) yet are so quick to dismiss global warming because it would affect them in some way. But america is quite censored, is it not true that some states banned the teaching of evolution? Our media in europe is quite worldwide, but whenever I go over to america all the reports are quite local to the state which you're in. Going back to the bible and global warming references, people will adapt a situation in whichever way to benefit them. In terms of the bible, certain people will claim sections are literal and what is written is gods law. In other parts (for example, homosexual christians) they will adapt the text and talk about how its poetic nature does not condemn their activity and people are misintepreting it. Same thing is happening with global warming.

发表时间 Sat 07 Jul 07 @ 11:56 pm
well hope this helps ease your mind a bit my daily driver is an old vw rabbit with a 4 cyilnder and get 48 miles to the gallon on biodiesal ( oil from resterants) my buddy makes it as long as i help get the oil i get all i want

发表时间 Sat 07 Jul 07 @ 11:59 pm
@ rockinrossco sure ya don't want a suv the size of a rail car ???lol

Andrew ...ya got me confused ......anywhoo yes i think there are many people ignoring the inconvenient truth as Al Gore calls it ..... and yes there are Americans who are very provincial .....i didn't want this to be a general US bashing topic cuz i'm American and proud of my country .....

our situation is very different from Europe ......we span a big chunk of a continent , we have a very big and friendly northern neighbor , we have a big friendly southern neighbor and that's it ...... so we are a bit insular i imagine by European standards ..... probably the internet is slowly changing that

发表时间 Sun 08 Jul 07 @ 12:13 am
Yeah the internet is great. I tend to have the most bizarre sleeping habbits in the world so it's great to have time differences. If I decide to play on Xbox Live at 3am I can play with American's and Canadians; only downside is you are generally better because the game came out over there six months before heh. I suppose in England our news has to cover much of the world. Our neighbouring countries all have their own native languages and people don't want to hear in the media how many different EU laws our government have decided to disagree with, often harming the consumer. I find the news pretty boring to be honest, I occasionally check the BBC site from my rss feeds in firefox, but if it were not for that I wouldn't even realise who our new prime minister is lol.

发表时间 Sun 08 Jul 07 @ 12:18 am
we haven't been willing to make sacrifices since WW2 , that's a big part of the problem .......

i think it's gonna take some sacrifices by the western world , especially the US to have an impact anytime soon

发表时间 Sun 08 Jul 07 @ 12:44 am
bagpussPRO InfinityMember since 2003
I think that pollution in any form is something very dangerous, we are already too many for this planet, and that can't be helped, but there are too many of us living to an excessive standard.

We have a simple choice, revert to moderate living standards or face the fact that everything we have will be over due to our doings, I think the latter is unacceptable and selfish.

It's well over 90% of our population who believe that what we are doing (polluting) is at a critical level, and in science, a similar percentage find this evident.

We are treating the planet in a way that a burglar treats the home he/she has broken into, taking what we need, what we want, without any consideration for the home and the people who occupy the home by rights.

The problem is the lack of extremists; our politicians are so weak, often having long winded debates leading to no change in policy, or very small changes that have no direct effect on the problems we are facing. What is needed is what's already happened, a global forum for the worlds leading experts in science (and other relevant fields), cast the vote (and it was and will be in favour of a massive change), such results need to be brought to light (they already have to some, certainly not to most), following this we need governments prepared to take extreme action upon receiving the best informed survey of our time.

That's how simple this is, but most politicians are just moderate talkers with no real passion, the best of politics is in the past in my belief, after all, those with the power to make the biggest change are those fighting for other peoples oil, it's not exactly comforting is it?

发表时间 Sun 08 Jul 07 @ 1:34 am
sbangsPRO InfinityMember since 2004
rock on i was in the london arena , good show good message :)


发表时间 Sun 08 Jul 07 @ 11:58 am
bagpussPRO InfinityMember since 2003
Just imagine the carbon footprint it left, thousands of people travelling from who knows where by Plane and car, overall who can tell if it has done more good than harm? for most this is just another pop concert, I think these events have become so common they've lost their thunder, concerts aren't the way forward for such a serious cause. A mass protest would do more, if only slight.

发表时间 Sun 08 Jul 07 @ 12:59 pm
Bagpuss wrote :
Just imagine the carbon footprint it left, thousands of people travelling from who knows where by Plane and car

Haha, that leaves a good point. Most people already know as much as they want to know about such issues and as individuals we feel pretty powerless. Is turning off the light when I leave the room really going to make that much difference? I could do that, but surely Snoop Dog flying in on his private jet is far more damaging. Yeah, I will leave the light on afterall, besides it probably uses more electricity to turn it on and off anyway.

Anyway, better get back to watching the Forumla 1. Our British hope has been a bit of a n00b this race. It's good that he's not driving spectacularly fast though, it's better for the environment. Honda realised this and painted their car in the theme of the earth. They made their energy cutbacks by making the car slow.

发表时间 Sun 08 Jul 07 @ 3:21 pm
@Bagpuss .....good points .....the overpopulation is very bad also ......as far as the impact of the concerts goes i like to be naive i suppose and believe it's gotta help ...... raising awareness has got to be better than ignorance ??

did you ever see Nickelback's video to If Everyone Cared ?? they say Live Aid raised $150 million in ONE day......

they also quoted Margaret Mead to the effect that you can't overestimate what one person or a small group can do when they get motivated ........

Ghandi's force of will and peaceful resistance liberated India ....... Nelson Mandela vanquished apartheid

seems like a good idea and some motivation can work wonders ......

@Andrew .....turn off that light friend !

发表时间 Sun 08 Jul 07 @ 4:19 pm
Dj XeoPRO InfinityMember since 2005
black eyed peas royaly ruined their set, went down like a sinking ship

发表时间 Mon 09 Jul 07 @ 10:16 pm
Tear Em 'UpPRO InfinitySenior ModeratorMember since 2006
chucknorrisyouwimps wrote :
did you ever see Nickelback's video to If Everyone Cared ?? they say Live Aid raised $150 million in ONE day......@Andrew .....turn off that light friend !

Yeah Chuck, but to this day no one really knows where all that Live Aid made. Bob Geldof(sp?) was very close to bieing taken to court over it. Sure we all need to be aware of our surroundings. However the "Global Warming" buzz phrase is so over done its not funny! Al Gore's home is one of the least "Green" places in his state (cough, hipocrite!), buy way of comparison the Bush Ranch in Texas is very environmentally freindly. Not to mention Gore is killing the ozone buy flying around to give these speaches.. So its all a ploy, to keep us off topics we should be watching, like the fight on terrorism.

BTW Andrew, I am an American, I do not drive a hugh SUV one mile twice a day. I drive a Focus every day. No one in my family, which is far from poor, does either. For the most part people are the same all over, some are cool some are not. Its the ones who are not cool controlling the information we are getting fed. So if you dont want to turn your light off, investigate these things you like to speak on, rather than play games.

发表时间 Mon 09 Jul 07 @ 10:42 pm
The light thing was an example of how one may think about such green peace issues. It's hard to take Live Earth seriously when most of the performers are constantly flying around the world in their private jets and littering with their entourages. I wasn't being literal. Congratulations on not driving a huge SUV one mile twice a day. My comments were based on what information we're fed with over here about the world's highest conrtibutor of pollution, if there's no truth in it then I do apologise.

发表时间 Mon 09 Jul 07 @ 10:50 pm
I have a real problem with Greenpeace these days, and similar "Nature Groups"

They seem to be doing a lot of noise making and retoric, but will not entertain solutions.

There is a real debate right now in Canada about switching from coal powered generating stations to Nuclear.

Ther is always some knee jerk reations to this statment - but remember that it really is some of the "cleanest" power out there. the biggest problem is the unrecylable unuseable radioactive waste.

Down in Navada you guys have a gigantic boiler hooked up to a STERLING ENGINE that's generating some of the power for Las Vegas

We have wind farms in Canada as well.

Truth be told there is no shortage of oil at all in the world, not even really a shortage of oil production, But of REFINERIES.

There hasn't been new refineries built in North America in almost 30 years. Any industrial accident shut down production and so forth.

Greenpeace would have humans shut down everything. and go back to horse and buggy it seems.
PETA would have us turn into vegitarians.

UNfortuantly for greenpeace I don;t beleive then anymore. They don;t have a single documented board member with scientific creds anymore (at least in Canada)

发表时间 Tue 10 Jul 07 @ 2:04 am