I have read two separate topics dance around this question ( here: http://www.virtualdj.com/forums/62385/Hardware_Technical_Support/New_mixer_.html?highlight=cm200usb , here: http://www.virtualdj.com/forums/58744/Hardware_Technical_Support/Numark_CM200USB.html?highlight=cm200usb ) and neither one has answered it with YES or NO, so perhaps we could lay it to rest here and now. Can the CM200USB be used with Time Coded Vinyls and MP3s to achieve the same effect as other people get with a standard mixer + ASIO Card + MP3s?
发表时间 Sun 10 Jun 07 @ 10:54 am
its contains a dual soundcard
one in each side of the mixer so you can output each deck as a seperate channel
i dont think it has stereo inputs that can be sent to the computer
and i dont think it has asio support
one in each side of the mixer so you can output each deck as a seperate channel
i dont think it has stereo inputs that can be sent to the computer
and i dont think it has asio support
发表时间 Sun 10 Jun 07 @ 1:29 pm
skyfxl wrote :
i dont think it has stereo inputs that can be sent to the computer
and i dont think it has asio support
and i dont think it has asio support
Well that's not a definitive answer. But here it is - And I have the CM200USB
NO - The CM200USB DOES NOT Support TC Functionality
You would need a seperate sound card for sending the TC Signal into VDJ
发表时间 Sun 10 Jun 07 @ 3:06 pm
So... how would I set up the CM200USB to support TC functionality?
发表时间 Mon 11 Jun 07 @ 3:00 am
cstoll wrote :
You would need a seperate sound card for sending the TC Signal into VDJ
Ah the dilemma of the century. Here is the problem with owning a CM200USB
VDJ currently only supports at MAX a two card scenario and since the CM200USB is a two card connection you are already at the limit. So you would need a dedicated sound card that provides your inputs and output back to the mixer - MAYA44USB. You would not be able to use the CM200USB's sound cards.
发表时间 Mon 11 Jun 07 @ 3:52 am
So, either I find a program that supports more than 2 sound cards, or I buy a Maya 44 because the CM200USB doesn't support ASIO in the mixer itself?
发表时间 Mon 11 Jun 07 @ 7:22 am
tasoli wrote :
So, either I find a program that supports more than 2 sound cards
Good Luck - even if you find one you will probably still be faced with the issue when talking about TimeCode inputs (Serato - must use their box, MixVibes, Traktor Scratch, Torq - same issue you are in now)
tasoli wrote :
YES this is the only true solution to your dilemma.
or I buy a Maya 44 because the CM200USB doesn't support ASIO in the mixer itself?
发表时间 Mon 11 Jun 07 @ 9:54 pm
Thank you for all of your help and to everyone for finally putting this issue to rest. Hopefully users or potential users in the future will search and find this thread before they post and get their questions answered.
发表时间 Mon 11 Jun 07 @ 9:59 pm