
Forum: Old versions

Topic: BCD2000 FX Control and MIC


Hi Guys

Have a BCD2000 and taken it down to my mate who has Virtual DJ Pro 4.2 but was unable to assign FX Contol Buttons B and C to anything. Buttons A and D seem to use the one setup in VDJ software. Also unable to get the Mic working at all. Have read the forum on all posts regarding the BCD2000 and it seems that it does not support these? Can someone tell me does it support these, read something about mapping but it made no sense, the mic it seems will not work according to what I have read.

Love the software but would be reluctant to purchase a full version if not full working.

Many Thanks
Da GMan

发表时间 Wed 02 May 07 @ 2:18 am
G-Man there is a tool you can download, if you are a liscenced user, that will make all four buttons work. If you dont buy the liscence you cant get the download. Sorry

Thx TearEmUp

What is the tool called and will it work in the demo?? What about the mic, some say it will work with not using the asio drivers but noone has a definite answer to that one. As mentioned my mate has a full version so will download the tool and test. Great software if it can work.


TearEmUp wrote :
. If you dont buy the licence you cant get the download. Sorry

it wont work with the demo.

as to the mic it is supported in wmd mode.

hope to see you as a pro user soon.


Hi Sktfxl

According to antonyingham - Professional edition user - the mapper version 2 is not stable, he has requested support but noone has anwered his request (see this forum - secrch BCD2000). It's a lotta money to spend to find it does not really work very well as the forum seems to suggest.

Any comments from other BCD 2000 users?

Hey DaGMan, evertime I am on VDJ Radio I use a BCD2000. It works OK for me only as a midid device. I have used it when I am doing mobil jobs too and to date it has not given me any problems. Like I said though I only use it as a midi, so I use it on two different PCs with pretty good perfomance. I hope that helps.

the bcd2000 is not the best of controlers it has some very strange drivers which cause many conflicts

with other devices , this can be overcome if you spend time tweaking perhaps he ment that.

hoping that 3000 with be better

I agree with you there Sky, not the best of platforms. I am waiting to purchase a Total Control, then I was thinking about using my BCD2000 as a shooting clay. But for now it does the job.

So I does not really work well, thats too bad since the keep saying supports the BCD2000.

A fool and his money are soon parted, I was nearly one of them. I guess thats why the demo does not allow you to connect to the mixer, so you can't test it till you have parted with your money.

Bit disappointing really, looks to be a good package otherwise.

That's why I took Hercules MK2 and never look back ;)

I've a BCD 2000 and VDJ 4.3 pro. I use it as controler and PFL sound card with VDJ mapper (provided for pro users only). Il works well for me. I use it every week end to dj in private, public parties and clubs. The only funtion I do not use is the mic (when I need mic, I use the one on the club mixer or console).
With some latency with TCV or TCCD for the scratching, they are the two restriction I know. VDJ team did an outstanding job to support this console (especially the f**kg drivers).

Now, as BCD 3000 is out in one month, it's waste of money (and time) to acquire a BCD 2000.
