
Forum: Old versions

Topic: Auto gain "Always 0dB"


This is known problem for some time in V4 and it is still not corrected. This option is good most of the times but sometimes it turns volume up above 0dB and it can surprise you and your speakers, if you know what I mean ;) . I have few tracks that are affected by this, and I can send them to Dev team if needed. This option is very usefull to me.
Dj Alf

发表时间 Mon 09 Apr 07 @ 12:46 am
songs already scanned or not?


djcel wrote :
songs already scanned or not?

Yep, and played many times, always gained above 0dB.

Anyone else had this issue?

Yes, even if the song was already scanned if you start playing the song while the song has been reloaded and being scanned again the gain might start above the 00 Gain and drop right after the song finish loading.

dydy1 wrote :
Yes, even if the song was already scanned if you start playing the song while the song has been reloaded and being scanned again the gain might start above the 00 Gain and drop right after the song finish loading.

Nope, I mean, you are right, if it is not loaded fully it will do that, but I have tracks that are scanned, fully loaded (several times a night) and still gained way above 0dB. I almost burned my bass speakers :)

Get better "bass speakers" :)

Honestly have known this issue since 3.0. I have just changed those few file names and added (LOUD) at the end so I know which tracks to cut down a lil...

Would be nice to have it fixed though

Would be nice to have it fixed though

Yes, I want that too. Will try to edit those tracks to see what happens.

I've not tried 4.3 yet but in 4.2 I could put a song playing while it was being analyzed and when the analyze ended the volume would jump up big time. Needless to say I stopped using the Always 0dB feature. I'd like it if it worked though.

To be fair it maybe too much to expect the songs average volume be known before analyze has finished. Still it's NOT too much expected that once I start playing it, there won't be sudden surprise jumps in gain/volume.

I use an external mixtable and always check the gain before i started mixing in a song. I've never blown one speaker. Well with our equipment now it's impossible anyways, but still ;)

I just use Gain "Always 0DB" in settings, and pre gain all my tracks to the same volume. Then the only time the gain jumps up is if a track has not been scanned, then after it's loaded the gain drops back to 0DB.

I usually prescann all new tracks before playing, to avoid this happening.

Do I have to repeat again? They are scanned and played many times and they are gained above 0dB!

Alf is rite.. i too facing this problem.. already scan n some song are way above or low.. even when use always 0DB..

need to be corrected asap..:)

best thing to do is disable the auto gain and have all your songs play at their default gain (which youve set with a gain prog like 'MP3 Gain' n whatever)

stil, its a feature that would be nice.

i experemented with different gains until i found one that would be equal in gain to a CD deck on the mixer
