
Forum: General Discussion

Topic: Serato does not support Microsoft Vista


Serato Audio Research wish to inform our customers that we are not satisfied with the performance of audio using “Vista” with current release versions.

Serato Audio Research create applications for professional use in the production and entertainment industry.

It is our policy to only release product that is consistent with the demands of our customers and believe reliability is non-negotiable, especially in live public performance.

Until stable performance on Vista is achieved, Scratch LIVE will not be supported on Vista. We are working on this, and will post an update as soon as we have any news.

This driver WILL cause blue screen errors & could do damage to your computer

发表时间 Sat 07 Apr 07 @ 11:03 am
Temporary one less for Vista use!

Yup, its a major shit storm over there with the MAC PC haters having a field day.

Just be glad your VDJ developer had the foresight to plan ahead WHILE creating the MAC version AND fixing all the stuff you guys want fixed nearly single handedly.

This is a MAJOR up for VDJ with the only lagging problem being 3rd party drivers like M Audio...Grrrrrr.
But I can plug my piece of crap Gigaport in and it works FLAWLESSLY in either ASIO or 4.1 sound.

Soon I will find a place to get the new Gigaport.

one just went for around $160 on ebay

The Gigaport only lists for $125
I think RANE is just trying to making-up for their inablity to work in the Vista format.
All my video problems have been resolved in vista and RANE can't fix audio....
I think they need new programers over there at Rane.

Thats the funniest thing I've ever read. Basically every new computer being built has a flavor of vista on it. So what they are saying is if you buy a new laptop you must downgrade to xp in order to use serato. Great marketing. Btw VDJ has no problems with vista and the virtual vinyl box works under vista as well.

what a truely pants product.


In XP I was having a prob with my Geforce "GO" card and after the upgrade to vista, video is working flawless.
Vista's biggest upgrade was to the sound engine, so why is RANE pussing out?
I'm gonna ask them!

They're not pussing out, it'll be there sooner or later. It's just a warning for users to get Vista @ there own risk for now, which to me is very proffessional. All of you know that. If you kept reading the posts in the SSL forums, you'd see that some people have a work around just like here.

Vista has been in Beta for over a year, why is RANE (saposed to be a leader) lagging behind?
they need to get with the times and not make up things to explain why they can't adapt to Vista.

I love thire mixers but they need to step-up their drivers.

Man, If I start talking about serato here, i'd probably just get banned so i'll just shut up.

@kregCZ, do you have serato?

Yes I do, and have tested it several times, works great on my mac but not at all with VDJ

I ment with Vista

Still haven't resolved the text issue with VDJ and Mac to start testing Serato with it

I've been as happy as a tornado in a trailer park since I upgraded to Vista with my comp.

Video is a lot better - Clear, smooth, no drops or freezes.
Audio is a big step up as well.

I upgraded last week - used it this week end - worked just fine for me.

Mantahoe wrote :
Man, If I start talking about serato here, i'd probably just get banned so i'll just shut up.

Good Idea. Most of us know where to go, if we want to know about Serato.

mp3jrick wrote :
Yup, its a major shit storm over there with the MAC PC haters having a field day.

Those darn Mac peecee haters!

Looks like vista is more "OW" than "WOW".

But in all fairness, this is more Rane's fault than miCrapsoft's.

mp3jrick wrote :
Just be glad your VDJ developer had the foresight to plan ahead WHILE creating the MAC version AND fixing all the stuff you guys want fixed nearly single handedly.

Yes, we are very grateful to Atomix for that Rick. =)
