
Forum: VirtualDJ Plugins

话题: Using Shoutcast Server to "serve" as a bridge btween VDJ and Milkdrop


Ok here's my problem......I obviously want Milkdrop Visualizations in sync with VDJ, so I dlowded the shoutcast server and told VDJ to connect to it. Ok, nothing wrong with that. But when I open Winamp and connect to the shoutcast server and start Milkdrop there's a delay of about a 0.5seconds or 0.25seconds hard to tell. How can I eliminate the delay? I tried just using the internal VDJ shoutcast server but the song display does not change.

Any Help Would Be Greatly Appreciated
DJ Ethan
Triangles in Moncton

发表时间 Thu 05 Apr 07 @ 1:04 am
Hey, that's a cleaver idea to link the two!

Fraid I don't know how to reduce the delay though, but thought I'd reply so hopefully a few more people read it!

发表时间 Thu 05 Apr 07 @ 2:50 am
The delay is caused by buffering on both vdj (while it creates m3 stream) and on the winamp side.
I recommend you to directly use audio connection and set "LINE INPUT" in winamp in order to react to music.


发表时间 Thu 05 Apr 07 @ 10:02 am
TexZKPRO InfinityMember since 2005
Connect the Main Out of your mixer (a stereo line) to the Line Input of the computer where you're running Winamp by opening the url "linein://". REMEMBER: The Line Input is the Windows' default one! Please check the Control Panel under the Sound configuration, Audio panel.

发表时间 Thu 05 Apr 07 @ 3:59 pm
Sorry Guys Can't Do That , My Sound Card (Onboard Dell) doesn't support recording what is playing also known as "Stereo Mix or Record what you Here" the only other option would be for me to get a Y cable and spit the Output one to go to the mixer and one going back into the line-in. I'll give that a try. I'm saving for a MAYA44 USB (they brought them back again). Just out of Curriousity does any one know how long a monitor(VGA) cable can be before it suffers from signal loss? I bought 100ft of it to run from a the PC(Laptop) to an LCD Projector.

发表时间 Fri 06 Apr 07 @ 4:08 am
But then I wouldn't have what song is playing sent to Millkdrop (Winamp) only when using the ICECAST Server or the Shoutcast Server does that occur.

发表时间 Sun 08 Apr 07 @ 7:45 am
joetmenPRO InfinityMember since 2005
hi guys,
I have just written the procedure to use linein in winamp as a bridge berween virtualdj and milkdrop, but I have to translate it in english as soon possible.
if you want to check it, click here!!!
hope I help you :)

发表时间 Sun 08 Apr 07 @ 9:42 pm
This is Great Stuff! Ok now all we need is a way to get VirtualDJ to output what it is presently playing (as it does when you stream) to winamp. I have an Idea.....We need to create a VirtualDJ Output Plugin that dynamicly updates a .m3u (playlist) file now according to the WIKIPEDIA an Extended .m3u file goes something like this....

#EXTINF:111,3rd Bass - Al z A-B-Cee z
mp3/3rd Bass/3rd bass - Al z A-B-Cee z.mp3

1st line remains unchnaged
2nd line #EXTINF:<lenth of song in second>,<Artist - Title>
3rd line is the file path to the mp3
in this example c:\mp3\3rd Bass\3rd bass - Al z A-B-Cee z.mp3 (for some reason backslahes don't show up here (must be an HTML thing and I don't know the HTML code for the backslash (found the code :))

And from what I read so far VirtualDj dumps all this info into a DLL called GETINFO.DLL and to get the info we need (lenth of song in seconds,artist,title,file path) we somehow have to get GETINFO.DLL to write an M3U with this info

Finally according to what I've read about GETINFO.DLL here are the parameters for what we need
1.Lenght of Song in Seconds do this SongLength(int*): returns the length of the actual song (in 1/44100th seconds).
2.Artist do this Author(char*): return the author of the actual song.
3.Title do this Title(char*): return the title of the actual song.
4.Path do this FilePath(char*): return the path of the actual song file.

So Everything is here we just need the recipe (the plugin) and we're all set...


发表时间 Sun 08 Apr 07 @ 11:38 pm
ethan_hines wrote :
Sorry Guys Can't Do That , My Sound Card (Onboard Dell) doesn't support recording what is playing also known as "Stereo Mix or Record what you Here" the only other option would be for me to get a Y cable and spit the Output one to go to the mixer and one going back into the line-in. I'll give that a try. I'm saving for a MAYA44 USB (they brought them back again). Just out of Curriousity does any one know how long a monitor(VGA) cable can be before it suffers from signal loss? I bought 100ft of it to run from a the PC(Laptop) to an LCD Projector.

I figured out a way around this too.....(this only applies to people like me with an onbord sound card without a way to record "stereo mix/what you here" it's called Virtual Audio Cable and it's fantastic it actually creates a Virtual Sound Card and you get VDJ to output to that, then in winamp you select the Virtual Audio Cable's Output as line in.....
I found it while going though another persons winamp line-in plugin documentation
here's the link http://software.muzychenko.net/eng/vac.html

发表时间 Sun 08 Apr 07 @ 11:56 pm
