
Forum: Music discussion

话题: Top 100 UK tracks


HomeboyPRO InfinitySupport ManagerMember since 2003
Thats right we are looking for the latest UK tracks. Please post here a list. Also you can contact me on msn to discuss the top 100.


发表时间 Mon 06 Sep 04 @ 6:30 am

发表时间 Mon 06 Sep 04 @ 12:07 pm
bagpussPRO InfinityMember since 2003
By chance I was just looking at the top 40 UK charts, and i'm sorry to say but i've never seen such a terrible looking collection in all my life :).

I would look elsewhere, they used to say U.S for Film and UK for music, now I say U.S for both :).
I'm not a fan politically of the U.S, but the house/club music scene is superb.

But this is coming from someone who's never been a chart fan..

发表时间 Thu 11 Aug 05 @ 6:17 pm
divoxxHome userMember since 2005
i think the gasolina is the best song in the momente , wi put a litle mix and is so good

发表时间 Sun 14 Aug 05 @ 6:25 pm
PulsaceHome userMember since 2003
There's a lot of good music around here in the UK - just very little of it makes it onto the chart.

发表时间 Wed 28 Sep 05 @ 4:15 pm
I used to check UK new songs and top ones at www.dotmusic.com
But since it was taken by "yahoo! launch uk" is not wat i used to be.

I will thank if anyone nows any site where we can find this info, more than the classic bbc top 40's

发表时间 Sun 05 Feb 06 @ 12:26 am

发表时间 Mon 06 Feb 06 @ 2:09 pm
PionaraPRO InfinityMember since 2004
I don't know if it's any use to anyone, but www.allofmp3.com has quite a good list, including:

USA TOP 100 Albums: http://music.allofmp3.com/ratings/charts/usa_top100.shtml
USA TOP 50 Singles: http://music.allofmp3.com/ratings/charts/usa_top50_singles.shtml
European TOP 100 Albums: http://music.allofmp3.com/ratings/charts/europe_top100.shtml
UK TOP 75 Albums: http://music.allofmp3.com/ratings/charts/uk_top75.shtml
UK TOP 75 Singles: http://music.allofmp3.com/ratings/charts/uk_top75_singles.shtml
Germany TOP 50 Albums: http://music.allofmp3.com/ratings/charts/germany_top50.shtml
France TOP 50 Albums: http://music.allofmp3.com/ratings/charts/france_top50.shtml
Italy TOP 50 Albums: http://music.allofmp3.com/ratings/charts/italy_top50.shtml
Digital TOP 10: http://music.allofmp3.com/ratings/charts/digital_top10.shtml
MTV TOP 20: http://music.allofmp3.com/ratings/charts/mtv_top20.shtml
Best Albums of 2005: http://music.allofmp3.com/ratings/ratings_2005.shtml?action=best2005

Might be worth checking out some of these. You can also use the site as a pay per download service, and, when you register an account, it is credited to start you off and then you simply add money into it from your bank. A bit similar to all the rest, I suppose, but still...

Incidentally, it's a Russian site, but at the top left corner you can change the entire site into English.

Cheers...and keep spinnin'...:o)


发表时间 Mon 06 Feb 06 @ 8:53 pm
If you click on this link it takes you radio 1 rhodes in the greek islands. It has not only the charts but also up coming releases in the uk as well. The site is in greek but the links are all in english.

Hope this helps those looking for something a little different


发表时间 Tue 07 Feb 06 @ 9:33 am
azizanHome userMember since 2006
thnx you Pionara

发表时间 Wed 28 Jun 06 @ 5:05 pm
