
Forum: General Discussion

Topic: My Vista Experience - Page: 2


I phoned up PCDJ down in Clearwater this morning (8am my time) and spoke to a fellow named:

Tolan (taullan?) He had a thick southern drawl.


PCDJ will not be releasing any dedicated VISTA drivers.

He told me that they had received NO complaints thus far regarding compatability with vista regarding the DAC 2

I guess the answer would be - yes (kinda sorta) the DAC 2 is vista compatable.

Good news for me; You fella's have been telling me that vista runs video much better, so I might go and purchase a copy of Home premium.


i recommend business :)

has a good ballance of features.

the sl-1 is broken in vista seems all sound card makers are sleeping but numark. The VV box and djio both work under vista.

Experiencing some bad things with Vista ... Sound screws up after some time, video screws up the same way after a while, sounds like buffer underrun, jibberish as things don't keep up with things... The CPU usage starts at 10% from the moment I start VDJ, and then a lot higher... like 70-80% using video. Please advise

Using nVidia 6800 GT 256, 2048MB RAM, Socket 939 4400+ Athlon dual core, Internal AC'97 sound.
Works fine in XP Pro, should work fine they say in Vista with their new sound and video API..

Bump I too am wondering

Something is wrong there, On my system here VDJ sits idle at 0% and bounces between 4-12% playing to mpeg2 videos.

I'm using asio drives not internal sound cards, I'll do some tests tomorrow on my ac97 mobo soundcard.

Did you disable the side bar? I remember it causing some issues for me early on. I also turned off those gadget things too.

ah.. yeah, could be that. internal components are in most cases not the best.. never thought of that side bar thing.. Will try an external + disabling some "useless" stuff.

I also set my slider to fastest and used auto latency. I found the higher you set the latency the less and less cpu consumed.

Yeh, definately high latency worked well for me in vista, also there was a service running on mine that made the cpu % drop loads when i turned it off, just can't remember the name of it now! I can have a look though if anybody wants to know.

I disabled defender and my cpu dropped a ton.

Hmm... interesting.

Cyder, could you (or other vista "gurus") post a list of possible tweaks + a list of unnecessary services etc to optimize Vista for VDJ use only? :)
Vista is still a bit blurry for me yet...
