
Forum: Old versions

Topic: Video Woes in 4.2r1 - Page: 2


I'm Using integrated graphics on my motherboard. (256MB assigned) with out any problems in VDJ.
Videos play nice and transitions work, and so on and so forth. Also integrated sound.


4.3 works just fine gentlmen.

What about visuals, effects, transitioning, etc. Do all those work fine as well ?

Do you notice any problems with some visuals. I am trying to delete everything I know will not work with videos if you know of anything?

If you were asking me?

I havn't had any problems since I switched over to video. I just installed my vista drivers, extended my desktop, and started playing.

If you watch the video - transitions are not a problem, soniques are working, slideshow works, and visual effects work.

Actually at one point I have 5 video effects running at the same time.
- video rotation
- Video Cube
- show logo
- sonique visualizations (might be hard to see I had the transparency turned down.)
- photo slideshow

All this is going on while mixing audio files.

I do some quick mixes of music videos as well, mostly using 3d flip, and double window transitions.

As told to you in previously - it might be your vid card.

Bryant I really think there is an underlying issue here with your system. Granted I don't like my CPU on some of the Soniques I have never had an issue with any effect or anything else I simply just dont play the ones that really tax my system. I have never had a crash or freeze on the system I built and I dont think 4.2 is the real problem, there could however be an issue with the latest Direct X for XP cause after that I had to bump my graphics card drivers back 2 versions to see stable results. Like Marcel I can have like 4 or 5 effects running and transition without a flaw so I really think we need to sort out your bugs. I see you have been messin with codecs and everything else and you have said you don't use VOB maybe this is some of your problems. Please top contradicting what I say as I am trying to help and at every turn you are blaming 4.2. I think we can work through this and if you have any further problems please address me in a PM not on the public forums.

Marcel I am lookin at upgradin my MOBO is the one you are usin the same as Cyder wants to get and do you need another GPU or can you just use the onboard and have no issues.

The one I use works just fine with the imbedded GPU. (see Video)
The mix might be a little odd sounding but it's an Odd venue I play at

For me video memory is not an issue. VDJ used to play from both decks on my Dell 5150 on a GEforce Go5200, and only 32MB of ram. I have since upgraded the card to the 64MB version, just to be on the safe side. Video is silky smooth!

HOWEVER! on my new Desktop system with a 7300LE and 256MB of Ram as the system has 1GB of ram Turbocache was active bumping it up to 512MB. After loading a second video and playing it, the first one would have video freezeups randomly (Like a 10 second freeze every 30 seconds) untill i loaded a new track in deck one, then deck two would start freezing. It seemed that it was always the OLD track that would suffer from the freezing issue.

I have however solved the problem, and here is what did it!

Using RivaTuner, under power user tab, open matched database, and then NVIDIA ForceWare 81.94 system, I set the value to "1" on RMDisableRenderToSysMem and restarted my PC. I found that the control panel is now showing only 256MB instead of 512MB as it was before.

I will be posting this in a new thread as it will be easier to find with this freezing issue!

