
Forum: Old versions

话题: Sampler volume still too low!


I remember reading a few posts about this and telling people it was because they were using two channel mode, and the volume from the sampler was being split between the two outputs.

I have found I was wrong! It seems the way I was correcting the issue, by pushing the faders for both decks A and B up, to use the sampler was just covering it up.

The sampler volume is in fact too low, bu about 8db. I now use "3 Channel Mixer" mode, and found that my new promos are yet again too low on the dedicated sampler channels. Yet I mastered the promos with the same software, using the same levels as I do for all my my music videos.

To prove my point, I played the sample in the sampler, then right away afterwards, played the SAME sample in one of the decks. I did in fact find that playing the sample in a deck gives much more volume than playing it in any of the 12 sampler decks.

Could the dev team please look into this, maybe try the same test as I did to confirm, I would imagine that fixing the volume on all of the 12 decks would be a small code change, but I'm not a programmer! =)

Also, I noted that the new LED meters for Volume "VUMETERLEFT/RIGHT" as a pose to the old "source="beat"" method now means the meters only go 50% of the way up instead of almost all the way to the top as is the result of the meters using the "source="beat"" method.

This was tested on the same song, and the song was mastered to a almost 0db peak, the VUMETERLEFT display should be going much higher than it does. I also noted on one of my bad tracks, that did have digital clipping, that when the clipping was happening, the meters were then all lighting up, but the last 50% were pretty much comming on all together.

Can anyone shed any light on this?

发表时间 Tue 06 Mar 07 @ 9:40 am
