
Forum: General Discussion

话题: need mac drivers for dac-3


supposedly there's a mac driver for the dac 3 floating around here somewhere... anyone have it? If so, I need it!



发表时间 Sun 04 Mar 07 @ 10:56 pm

发表时间 Mon 05 Mar 07 @ 8:37 am
Hi, I am about to go over to Mac. I use DAC3 and a gigaport. Does anyone know whether these work on Mac (before i buy)? I have lost confidence in PCs and I can't bring myself to go over to Vista and unleash a whole new catalogue of problems. Thanks

发表时间 Thu 05 Apr 07 @ 2:12 am
Hi, I heard that the DAC-3 wasn't supported on MAC, but since you're VIP I guess you might know something I don't!

If you do find MAC drivers for the DAC3, don't forget to let us all know where to get them from!

发表时间 Thu 05 Apr 07 @ 2:27 am
