
Forum: General Discussion

话题: Is it true that U.K./"Brits" work the longest hours and get less holidays? - Page: 1


I was just watching the new U.K. ads posted by Apple for their "Get A Mac" campaign, and in the one entitled "Tentacles" it says that people in Britain work the longest hours and get less holidays than any other country in Europe.


How many hours make up a "normal" workday over there? sky?

- VT ConQuest

发表时间 Mon 29 Jan 07 @ 7:49 pm
bagpussPRO InfinityMember since 2003
Annual Public holiday Figures for EU:

Austria: 13
Luxembourg: 10
Belgium: 10
Netherlands: 8
Denmark: 9.5
Portugal: 12-14
Finland: 12
Spain: 12-14
France: 11
Sweden: 11
Germany: 9-12
Britain: 8
Greece: 10-12
Northern Ireland: 10
Ireland: 9
Italy: 12

EU average: 10.8
United States: 13

Public Holidays and legal minimum annual leave combined:
or How Many paid holiday days per Year:

Austria: 38
Luxembourg: 35
Belgium: 30
Netherlands: 28
Denmark: 34.5
Portugal: 34-36
Finland: 37
Spain: 32-34
France: 36
Sweden: 36
Germany: 29-32
Britain: 20
Greece: 32-34
Northern Ireland: 20
Ireland: 29
Italy: 32-42 (varies by sector)
EU average: 33


发表时间 Mon 29 Jan 07 @ 9:44 pm
sbangsPRO InfinityMember since 2004
duno why but last time u posted it it was locked

best go careful

发表时间 Mon 29 Jan 07 @ 9:46 pm
bagpussPRO InfinityMember since 2003
I think it was a good question, surprised it was locked, it's not a political debate but a simple question, and above are the facts.

发表时间 Mon 29 Jan 07 @ 9:56 pm

Workdays in Europe are about 7 hours :)

U lazy american have less?! hehe;) just (disk)joking :)

发表时间 Mon 29 Jan 07 @ 9:57 pm
sbangsPRO InfinityMember since 2004
yeh dont see why lol but there u go

发表时间 Mon 29 Jan 07 @ 10:02 pm

Think some saw the question from ConQuest as only made for posting the new MAC UK ad link ;)

But he would never do that;) lol


发表时间 Mon 29 Jan 07 @ 10:05 pm
bagpussPRO InfinityMember since 2003
The Average work day here in Britain is about 8-9 Hours, myself doing 9 hours a day, 5 days a week, 45 hours a week. I take a 30 minute lunch break and two 10 minute snack breaks, we don't have 2 hour lunches here ;).

发表时间 Mon 29 Jan 07 @ 10:07 pm

holy crap

the legal length of a work day in norway is max 7,5 hours

发表时间 Mon 29 Jan 07 @ 10:11 pm
sbangsPRO InfinityMember since 2004
thats the final straw do they need computer technicans down ur way =)

发表时间 Mon 29 Jan 07 @ 10:13 pm
bagpussPRO InfinityMember since 2003
Well in Norway I hear it's about £7.50 for a Pint? average here is £2.50, got its perks here ;).

发表时间 Mon 29 Jan 07 @ 10:21 pm

ouch, thats a blow below the belt...

Does UK need a new drunken dj?;) hehe

发表时间 Mon 29 Jan 07 @ 10:23 pm
sbangsPRO InfinityMember since 2004
always =)

发表时间 Mon 29 Jan 07 @ 10:39 pm
Way of life in England is described to be quite stressful by another countries in Europe (definitely less in Wales and Scotland).

Recently, I have read in The Times that more and more qualified English left the country to another destination where life is more pleasant. Tony Blair is said to be scared to see this emigration :s

But sure thing that the cost of living in England doesn't encourage people to get more holiday :s

发表时间 Mon 29 Jan 07 @ 10:58 pm
My day job is 7.5 hours a day with 32 days holiday plus 8 public holidays. . but I've worked long hours in the past.

good beer in my local pub is £2.20 a pint.

Life can be stressful but we have free medical care and social security if not working.

Lots of people leave UK for a while to work, but there are loads of people trying to get in to the country too.

The cost of living in the UK is generally higher than in the States. Friends of mine who live in USA now say they love it, but they come back to UK when they need medical care.

ConQuest - A Macbook Pro would cost equivalent to $2550 in the UK.


发表时间 Mon 29 Jan 07 @ 11:11 pm
bagpussPRO InfinityMember since 2003
I've also seen DJ Gear in America for half the price it is here! we get killed on the VAT and TAX!


发表时间 Mon 29 Jan 07 @ 11:23 pm
You forgot one country

Canada - Statutory Paid holidays - 9

Average work day 8 hours.

except for my day job

sun - 10hrs
mon,tues - 13hrs
wed - 8

then I get three days off.

I DJ these days

发表时间 Tue 30 Jan 07 @ 1:11 am
skyfxl wrote :
duno why but last time u posted it it was locked

best go careful

Bagpuss wrote :
I think it was a good question, surprised it was locked, it's not a political debate but a simple question, and above are the facts.

Yeah, someone was locking ALL threads that even mentioned Mac in them.

The worst part about all the Mac threads being locked earlier today, but specifically ones that I was a part of, is that I wasn't even bashing windows OR complaining about the VDJ/VV Mac version not being done yet.

I was trying to tell other VDJ users who are waiting on the Mac version to calm down and just wait a little bit longer because they would be MUCH happier with VDJ/VV for Mac than switching to SSL and then having to deal with a 1st gen, more than likely "buggy" version of video mixing software that they will have to pay extra for too!

So I was actually supporting Atomix/Numark and somehow I get repremanded. That's BS AND bad business.

I consider it "OSism" =P (the same as racism), or I suspect this just to be an example [hopefully an isolated incident] of plain, poor and biased non-sensical modding.

I've mentioned before on these forums that Final Scratch users revolted on Stanton's forums because of this same "Mod/God complex" problem (before they redirected support to Native Instruments when they saw that their users were ditching them and diregarding their "support" forums) and ended up starting their own forums where they could speak freely and without fear of dictatorial repremand.

I've stated MANY times on these forums that I EXPECTED that even though we were told that the Mac version would be available around Christmas, that I DID NOT expect the software until at the earliest around a month after that inital release date, which would be about now. It's just the nature of the tech industry, especailly when it comes to software development. However, VDJ Mac is just barely gonna go beta, so now I don't expect the final release candidate until at the earliest, around a month from now.

Regardless though, I'll wait a little longer and tell others to do the same, unless of course certain Atomix mods choose to continue to exhibit bias against it's paying customers and a segment of it's now small, but soon to prove to be exponentially growing, Mac user base.

- VT ConQuest
(Virtual Turntablist)

... and PROUD Virtual DJ Pro user AND advocate... unless me and other Mac users are further unnecessarily persecuted and repremanded.

A friendly word of advice: keep your "god" mods in check Atomix, or risk ending up like Stanton/Final Scratch.

发表时间 Tue 30 Jan 07 @ 7:25 am
DJ Marcel_1 wrote :
I DJ these days

Hey DJ_Marcel_1, where do you DJ at? =P

I just can't remember the name of the club and I don't know if you've ever mentioned it on these forums even once. ;)

Is it the "Green Pepper After-Dark Venue" in Edmonton Canada... I just can't remember and it's driving me nuts! =D

I'm just playing with you DJ_Marcel_1. =)

发表时间 Tue 30 Jan 07 @ 7:34 am
(in borat accent)



发表时间 Tue 30 Jan 07 @ 3:25 pm