
Forum: VirtualDJ Plugins

话题: iCDX Mapper Suggestions


cstollPRO InfinityMember since 2004
Post your suggestions for modifying the current features and additional features for using the Numark iCDX controller here....

发表时间 Thu 25 Jan 07 @ 7:47 am
alx2kPRO InfinityMember since 2004
A nice feature would be to use the TAP button as a select button between effects and samples, then being able to use the selection stick to move from one effect/sample to another and the effect button to activate the effect/sample.

Also, I don't know if it's VDJ fault, or it can be solved via plugin, but maybe you have noticed that time elapsed/remaining are swapped on the LCD. it said "time remaining" and it goes up, and "time elapsed" and it goes down.

Lighting any of the lights in the controller (or maybe the lights around the platter) as beat indicator.

personally, I would change the "eject button" action. when having 2 iCDXs it's almost useless and you loose 2 buttons for any other use. having other possibilities (using only one of the eject buttons for swapping desks or having none and use pc's tab button since it's something you don't use often if you have 2 controllers)

I know that's a bunch of ideas, maybe some of them are crap, maybe others are not, and I must appologize, I have no programming skills, If I would, I'd try to help you somehow.

发表时间 Thu 25 Jan 07 @ 10:30 am
cstollPRO InfinityMember since 2004
alx2k wrote :
I know that's a bunch of ideas, maybe some of them are crap, maybe others are not, and I must appologize, I have no programming skills, If I would, I'd try to help you somehow.

No all good ideas and that's why I am offering to write a mapper. I didn't notice the time display thing - was to freeekkk'nnnn excited I guess. Will take a look at it. But, all great suggestions and will look at it.


发表时间 Thu 25 Jan 07 @ 1:57 pm
cstollPRO InfinityMember since 2004
OK, I have the shell of the mapper started. And will start writing the functionality over the next couple weeks. I know it will take that long because there are alot more options to play with in comparison to a DAC. Alot more buttons and knobs so - start speaking up on what you would like to see, so we can get a good list and discussion going.

发表时间 Fri 26 Jan 07 @ 4:56 am
alx2kPRO InfinityMember since 2004
Since I don't have a DAC, It doesn't show up the mapper itself, and I can't see how it looks,

I like the look of the DJConsole or the xp10 mapper, but the iCDX has far more possibilities, so maybe a more complex layout is needed.

I was thinking yesterday "TAP" button has a lot more possibilities. What if it is assigned as "normal" and "shift1" mode (like in xp10 mapper)? that way you get twice many actions, and you could make distinction of the mode you are in with the light in the "TAP" button itself.

In my personal fight to get as many buttons as I can, also a press/hold difference can be made in some less used buttons, such as "time". Pressing for less than 1 second could be used for time change on the screen, pressing longer could be used for swapping desks (what eject button does now) that way, you can leave the eject button for other action.

In your mappers (dac and icdx) you select a button and then the whole actions list shows up in a list menu or is it pretty fixed? As I said, I couldn't get DAC2 mapper to show up in VDJ.

Hope you like the new ideas. BTW, I also hope this starts to be a discussion, and not just a conversation between you and me. LOL.

发表时间 Fri 26 Jan 07 @ 1:00 pm
cstollPRO InfinityMember since 2004
In my DAC-2 mapper it is pretty fixed, with the exception of a few choices that toggle how things are done with like the play and cue buttons. We can discuss in great lengths the possibilities that could be done in the mapper. What I would like to start with is take all the features currently available natively and improve upon them. Like fix the Time display. Change the Parameter Knob to cross fade the video and not the audio - since I think the majority of users of the iCDX w/VDJ are using an external mixer. Things like that.

But as I am building those items, I look forward to discussions and ideas to expand the features, like using the Brake Adjust and Start Adjust, TAP button use (which would be interesting 2 modes - oh the code!!?)

But I think there is enough choices on the controller that doing a Custom USER Assignable mapper wouldn't be necessary - for now. But, I can work towards it.


发表时间 Fri 26 Jan 07 @ 1:45 pm
any possiblility of making the start delay and stop delay knobs actually work? and maybe a setting on those knobs that allows a turntable style delayed resume after scratching like the pioneer cdj?

发表时间 Tue 20 Feb 07 @ 11:49 pm
alx2kPRO InfinityMember since 2004
Hey Ctoll, what's up,

How does your mapper go? and still, Can I be of any help?


发表时间 Mon 12 Mar 07 @ 11:44 am
cstollPRO InfinityMember since 2004
Alejandro - thanks for asking about the mapper. However, since I didn't get much feedback -- I appreciate your post on suggestions -- I really haven't started with anything. I have been pretty satisfied with what I use the iCDX to do, and since I use the X-session MIDI controller to cross fade video and among other things I personally have not need to build a mapper. So, with that said it doesn't mean I won't work on one. I just felt not to many people felt a big demand for one. I have some time in the next few weeks to re-visit the idea and might start working on it. If you have any other ideas or know of anyone else using the iCDX that may want to contribute then send them here. Thanks again for asking though....!


发表时间 Tue 13 Mar 07 @ 1:24 am
cstoll...is there anything that can be done about the slight latency and funcationality of the iCDX? i noticed that when i used the iCDX with CDs or MP3 thumb drive as opposed to hooking it up to VDJ, it responds better to all user input and actually holds a spinback when you press down on the disc and spin it back...

发表时间 Wed 14 Mar 07 @ 4:33 pm
cstollPRO InfinityMember since 2004
The difference you are experiencing is normal because of the communication from device to computer and then you have to factor in the performance quality of the PC.

It's the same issues that TimeCode user's deal with. Response (Latency) when using real vinyl or CDs (or direct from a hard-drive in the case of the iCDX) is always going to be better than a computer having to analyze and then respond to what it's being told to do. Only thing one can do to increase the response is to ensure that the computer is fully optimized to run exclusively the program and the necessary process to allow the external add-ons (iCDX, sound card) to work. If latency is still a problem then it's time to look at the PC specs and determine what needs to be upgraded.

I am glad you asked and I wish people that fuss about VDJ not performing correctly would put things in perspective and at how they use their computers and how old or under-powered their computers are for what they are trying to do.

I wish I could give you better advice...


发表时间 Wed 14 Mar 07 @ 10:01 pm
alx2kPRO InfinityMember since 2004
I would say you are right, cstoll, iCDX is a great controller, but that also mean $$$ or €€€....
And that makes a restriction on how many people use it here.

Being selfish I'd say, yes, go on, develop it. But the truth is that there are other contributions that would help much more people meaning the same time developing.




发表时间 Thu 15 Mar 07 @ 7:31 pm
cstollPRO InfinityMember since 2004
I agree with you that the cost is up there for most. And, I do have the mapper shell built, just hadn't laid any functionality to it yet. So, I will work on it over the next couple of weeks and see what I come up with... Also, if there are any other recommendations for features post back so I have some ideas.

Also, if DJCel, DJ-in-Norway, or even the DevTeam can help with the TEXT display features that would be GREAT!!! That is the only thing that I struggled with when building the basic shell of code.

发表时间 Thu 15 Mar 07 @ 10:20 pm
djcelPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2004
DJDiZZLe wrote :
is there anything that can be done about the slight latency and funcationality of the iCDX?

You can use the function "set_scratchlatency()"in VirtualDJ to customize the ICDX scratch

发表时间 Fri 16 Mar 07 @ 1:59 am
just thought of something...safe pitch return would be a good feature for the mapper =)

发表时间 Mon 26 Mar 07 @ 11:52 pm
l_ridsPRO InfinityMember since 2003
Sorry I haven't posted earlier. I've had the Icdx for a while now so would like to give some input. A few buttons I'd like to remap to functions also. Changing how the outside of the jogwheel works when you have keylock engaged... you don't actually want pitch bend because it becomes quite noticeable.

Functions like clone deck. Remapping the hot cues buttons to effects rather than scrolling through each time. Changing the Play button to play/pause instead of play/cue so it frees up the use of the pause button for another function.

Theres also some issues I'd like to point out but I'll do it in another post.

发表时间 Thu 19 Apr 07 @ 2:41 am
frd1963PRO InfinityMember since 2004
I would like to see one of the knobs be mappable to 'crossfade'
I actually thought this was already available before I bought the iCDX, but I was mistaken.
Another feature that I think would be nice is to have the option of making the CUE button act as a STOP button, so that it will cue the music, but not set a cue point. That function is already available with the REC and 1,2,3 buttons. Instead, repeatedly hitting the CUE would allow you to scroll through your various cue points that you have set and the beginning of the track, which is the normal functionality of STOP.

发表时间 Fri 01 Jun 07 @ 9:01 pm
song834PRO InfinityMember since 2006
The parameters dial does work as a crossfade. I'd love to see it work as a videocrossfade, as I like to be able to vidfade seperate of my audio and it's currently the ONLY function I still rely on the herc to do. I'd much rather dump that and use the parameters control

发表时间 Thu 05 Jul 07 @ 9:33 pm
Not sure if this can be done in a mapper or if this is more a request for a feature but i would like to be able to use the multiple scratch modes on the icdx like when using CD /MP3 i.e. scratch forward and also the turntable start / stop dials.

If you ever need a guinea pig to try something with more than happy to give it a go!

发表时间 Thu 30 Aug 07 @ 9:01 pm
