
Forum: General Discussion

Topic: Allen & Heath announces harmonic mixing software - Page: 1


Dear Friends,

We've never posted here before, but many of our DJs love Virtual DJ and we wanted to let them know about a new version. Our software goes hand-in-hand with Virtual DJ and Allen & Heath just released it to a wider market.

Called Xone Mixed In Key, our software scans your music files and shows you which songs are harmonically compatible. The benefit to the DJ is extremely smooth mixing. Xone Mixed In Key helps you eliminate key clashes, muddy mixes and out-of-key elements from your DJ sets.

Mixed In Key is currently used by thousands of DJs including Pete Tong, Deep Dish, Dean Coleman, Kuffdam & Plant and many more. We also have an active harmonic mixing community where DJs can learn advanced DJ techniques. If you have any questions, please post them and we'll reply.

Here is the link to learn more:


Press release from Allen & Heath:


Allen & Heath, manufacturer of the leading Xone mixer range, has teamed up with Mixed In Key to offer new software which enables DJ’s to analyse and harmonise tracks. This partnership is the first seamless integration of top-class mixing equipment with the fastest growing DJ application on the market.

Xone Mixed In Key is Windows / Mac OS X software that allows DJs mix in total harmony. It analyses MP3 and .WAV files, identifies the key of a track, and highlights which other tracks are harmonically compatible. Xone Mixed In Key allows the DJ to discover harmonically-compatible songs in their music collection. The benefit is extremely smooth mixing with no key clashes.

"Xone Mixed in Key is a fantastic innovation for DJ’s, and eliminates the time-consuming and laborious task of manually detecting the root note of every track. Allen & Heath has a golden reputation in the DJ community, and we're excited to offer Xone Mixed In Key software to a wider audience" writes Mixed In Key president, Yakov Vorobyev.

"The explosion of digital DJ’ing over the past couple of years has introduced a wealth of technical advantages to the art of DJ’ing. Xone Mixed In Key is a case in point. DJ’s have instant access to thousands upon thousands of new music files and this software can quickly and easily enable them to put tracks into musical context," concludes Xone designer, Andy Rigby-Jones.


发表时间 Thu 18 Jan 07 @ 5:36 am
Seems to $58 USD and just short of £25 GBP.

Anyone got any comments on this?


Think I might check it out too. This would be a great feature - although my only issue is that it's just another piece of individual software to install onto a nice clean machine.

Would be good if VDJ could incorporate this type of functionality into the software...although in fairness, I can't see that happening for a while...:o|


That looks really interesting!

Has anybody tried it yet? Wondering how you'd use it when djing, can you drag songs straight from it onto a Virtual DJ deck?

This does look interesting. I guess you would have to rename or reorganize your tracks once you've analyzed using this s/w. That way when in VDJ you could recognize the key somehow. That could be quite time consuming unless there is another way someone can think of.


The Windows version allows you to rename files automatically. You can enable that option in the "Personalize" panel and it will rename automatically next time you analyze your tracks.

My files are renamed like this: Key - Tempo - Artist - Song Name.WAV

It works for both MP3s and WAVs.

you can choose to add the info to several ID3 tags.

If only VDJ supported ID3 tags properly....


Correct. We were one of Zplane's first customers as we licensed the algorithm in 2004. It took us a while to release the software, but we've been going strong since early 2006. It's been really fun meeting our favorite DJs because many of them started using Mixed In Key. We're actually flying to London in three weeks to meet Allen & Heath team and hang out with Pete Tong if he is available :)

I like your software alot, Mixmeister and Mixshare too...

I'm an addict to harmonic mixing....

Are you still allowed to develop your program?
What would rock, and make a lot of users here interested, is if you had some export possibilites, that could export the keys (specially in keycode format) to the VDJ comment field..

or just write the keycode and key as a field in the general IDtag comment field (as VDJ can read and import that). Might be easier, and also usefull for other software..

If you could, I'd be a big fan ;)

please oh please add this funtionality to virtual dj :)

Surely this is a must for the next version of vdj. Harmonic mixing and more control over sampling. Please add Harmonic mixing i and all other vdj uses would love it!!!!!!!

Well after seeing this post I went out to their site and purchased the software. The software seems to work great but I think its biggest problem is that it does not label the id.tag and also does not re-name the file. So basically with all your music after you scan it within MixedinKey program, you will have to use their software to fine your track, than use vdj browse to find it.
Or you could manually relabel your 1 terrabyte drive full of MP3's. I did post about this on their site, so hopefully they can enhance this software.
I am not bitching because 58.00 is not alot of money, but I do think that is going to be a major complaint with a lot of digital djs.

disregard my last, there is an option where it will relabel your music and set the correct bpm and key information.

if it supported vob's maybe....

already made that request, but more of you that are interested in this would help make the same request so they see how important that is. As we all know Video is becoming the next big thing, and Virtual DJ is already the forerunner in that aspect in regards to the Digital DJ Software. So if these can do this with mp3's I am sure they can easily adapt to .vob

So if anyone has any questions on this software let me know, I have it scanning the rest of my libary after testing it out on about 20 tracks

Thanks for testing it out funnyb0nz. How easy was the renaming process? Did you have options on the order. I currently do artist name-song title, which is how I would like it continued. So, where did the key information go in naming?

I have been mixing in key for decades. This would help for those who do not have any music theory background. One of the main problems with this type of software, is it might not be correct. As you know, a lot of electronic music is produced in bedrooms by folks who might not have had much musical training. This is not say that what they produce is crap; however, the structure of the track might not be in key or it will be in 1/4 steps meaning somewhere in between C maj. and Db maj./C# maj. Kind of like pitching a CD up to +1.7 % without master tempo switched on. The software would be somewhat confused. I feel that you cannot beat the human ear and a piano to find the root keys. I also do not like the Camelot easy mix system. Yes it is easy and circular chart is great but the number codes are not that helpful in really teaching someone the basics of music theory. Another way to excite a dancefloor is to modulate up C maj. into D maj. into E maj. etc. It is best to do this on the drum breaks so the bass line or the keyboards do not clash. A few progressive/trance DJ's use that trick. Keep in mind it is okay to modulate up but down it does not work. Do a 'drop' and start over again. Here is really good web-site all about harmonic mixing.


DJEJ> Yes it allows you to save it that way. The following are naming prefences
1. Artist Name - Song Name - Key .wav/mp3
2. Artist Name - Song Name - Key - BPM .wav/mp3
3. Key - Artist Name - Song Name .wav/mp3
4. Key - BPM - Artist Name - Song Name .wav/mp3

This sofware can also write to the ID3 tags if you want it to. I have scanned some of my .MP3 files and it works quite nice. Its worth the $58.00 and I have talked to Yakov and pointed out that I think it would be great if they could add .vob support So we may see this feature in a future version. Also with the files being renamed, it makes it easy to find the correct key/bpm in Virtual DJ.

ok ive been djin for a while and maybe im really good which i doubt or just plain out stupid but dont most djs just take two tracks they like and blend them together regardless of the key, cause i personally do and never have heard any complaints,. so my main question is excuse me for being stupid but whats the benefit of usin this software. and when you use it is it for live mixin or just like a renamin tool so then you burn the cd with the artist name song name and key then sort through ur burnt cds for tracks with a common key
