
Forum: General Discussion

Topic: MP3 QUALITY HELP - Page: 1


hey guys, i have a gig coming up, in which i will be mixing, everything from reggaetone, soca, reggae, chutney, rnb, hiphop and indian beats...i was wondering if you would give me some much needed adice on the quality of the MP3 that i should mix..RITE now i have 128kbs and above, with some somes in the 196kbs, i know this question has been killed over and over, but i still cannot find a site where i can download good quality mp3 from all these genre of music with 320kbs quality..SO I HAVE 2 QUESTIONS, DOES PLAYING A CROWD of 650 with 1500watts of powered speaker, and 1200watss of bass really gonna make a difference if i use 128bs MP3s? the SOUND HAS TO BE CLEAR, NOT AMAZING BUT I DONT WANT CRACKING OR OTHER DOWNFALLS! and if i cant use 128kbs Mp3, where can i get them other than through p2p programs like limewire....IS THERE ANY SUGGESTIONS, ALSO is there any way i can make the 128kbs mp3 better and more clear for playing at 1500watt speakers?..YOUR HELP WOULD BE GREATLY APPRECIATED!!!, THANKS AGAIN

发表时间 Sat 16 Dec 06 @ 12:01 am


MTV, new website, and should have your genres;)

As for mp3 quality, it matters..

128 is made for small units like walkman mp3 players.
For big systems you need more dynamics and frequency in the music, and therefore you should use 192, at least. I can say I hear much difference from 192 and up, but I do hear big difference from 192 and below...


what is chutney??

well chutney is a form of carribean music, like calypso, and soca.....but the urge website tells me nothing of the 192 minimum quality you tell me about also it says that the wma tracks are drm protected and ive read that wma tracks are not working too well with vdj, the version i have is 3.4 and it was fromt eh console edition which is what im goin to use to play the crowd....i was hoping for something like allofmp3.com or something like that since it gives you option of quality for cheap prices...also this is going to be be set up..please give your input...it is going to be my pc, with an external firewire hard drive with songs (300 for 3 hours) and im going to be using the mk2 and from mk2 i will connect a mixer, but it is not for the song but just a control station....and from the mixer onto powered speakers, 1500watss and bass 1200 watts..i dont have the pro version yet...what do you all think..i know its alot of questions but you guys are the most reliable source i have...thank YOU AGAIN!

don't buy any of the so called converters out there to convert from wma to mp3; i'll see if my free audiograbber software does that. you can download wma then burn them to cd then rip the cd to the hd....real pain but it works. you might be able to order back issues of the carribean series from promo only and then just rip them......

Just get 192kb mp3s and your fine ;) Or at least 160..... 128 sounds too flat. But if you are fine with them at your club, then its not a problem. Some clubs have pretty crap PA system than only boost bass ,and play loud... So maybe its not an issue for you. :)
But my general recommandation would be to get 192.

As for URGE and the Microsoft DRM, VDJ 4.x is "Play For Sure", and plays it all from Urge:)

But there are many other sites..

Not sure which one is best for your favorite genres, but google a bit ..


Chutney and soca sounds terrible when ripped with less than 192.

160 and all that is still not good enough.
I had to rerip a few CDs cause I made the mistake of ripping them at a lower quality

It all depends on the sound system like dj-in-norway says but 192 and above is what you need.
320 actually sounds damn good with soca especially.

Also don't download these MP3s. They sound horrible. Rip them from CDs directly

As long as the mp3s i buy are 192 or above, I cannot distinguish any quality differences. i HATE 128 though... Even on a big system it will sound bad i'm afraid..

well sounds great! where do you guys get your mp3 from?...i know ive tired myself out trying to find all the genres in one place, so can anyone suggest where i can get the different genres with good quality for a reasonable price?..like soca, reggae, hip hop, rnb?..house and other genres are easier to find in my opinion..thanks guys!

hey guys sorry for pestering you guys with questions!..but i got my mk2 console about 3 months ago, do i need to know about any updates to the driver?...if so how do i find out if i need the update from looking at the software?...thanks

djpurdy wrote :
hey guys sorry for pestering you guys with questions!..but i got my mk2 console about 3 months ago, do i need to know about any updates to the driver?...if so how do i find out if i need the update from looking at the software?...thanks


add your serial to your profile for updates

u will find the serial on the cd cover

djpurdy wrote :
well sounds great! where do you guys get your mp3 from?...i know ive tired myself out trying to find all the genres in one place, so can anyone suggest where i can get the different genres with good quality for a reasonable price?..like soca, reggae, hip hop, rnb?..house and other genres are easier to find in my opinion..thanks guys!

:) are good places to try

i use www.gomusic.ru for my chart tunes and www.trackitdown.net for my house tunes


yes, of course;)

Unfortunately we dont have the console version here for download, but got to www.hercules.com and provide the info, and they will give you a replacement download.


i need your help!..i was supposed to use, 1500watss of power and 1200watts for bass, but now im hearing that it is not enugh for the massive hall, and it hold 650 people, but obviously is a pretty big place..what would your suggestion be for a hall that is pretty much an auditorium size plus some more, with many exits, how much equipment woud be good with bass also!..thanks

For a big hall, you should have twice the bass. But it all depends on how acouctic or not the hall is. Try to find a sound tehnician to check it out.

bonsoir i will be ur sound techy for today
with the gain make small jumps until you get a good sound

its important the sounds crisp but not boomy or distorted try to keep the sound at 0DB on mixers and software if possible and use the amplifer to make the adjustments

which model amp do you have does it have any digital delay features?

try to place speakers in surround positions say 2 at front 2 at back

You have more then enough power. This is lesson #1. You are not trying to fill the whole hall. You just want to pump the dance floor. Concentrate your sound on the dance floor. Raise your speakers just above most of their heads. I'm 5'9, and I let the bottom of the speaker hit the top of my head. Most women are not six feet, so the music is just above their heads. I don't care about the men, as the women are the ones that dance the most, and draw the men onto the floor. Even if all 650 people show up, they all will not be on the dance floor at once. There are some exceptions to that rule, but it is rare, and that is another lesson. The acoustics of the room will dictate the placement of these speakers, but you may have to compromise on that, based on the setup. Just remember to program your music so that you keep the dance floor full, most of the time.

ok, lets talk sound quality. when i was a hypnotist i use to use powered speakers and have them on the sides of the room to even out the delay. In club years i like it more when the quality is better then the volume. when its to loud i cant talk and that cuts back on the chance of getting some. presentation is important when someone is paying you massive money to do a gig. i show up with 9 powered speakers and 8 robo scans or set of 2000 watt speakers and the volums is great but presentation lacks. most people out there do not want to go home with there ears ringing .. i use a decimal level to watch my sound and dont exceed the 97-99 range. i have metered clubs in edmonton and calgary and see as high as 101 to 107.. so more is clearer and rental of powered speakers is cheap.. really cheap. to buy them with 5 year warenty 15 inch with horn 500 watts here is $565 each

got any questions hypnostretch at hotmail
