
Forum: Wishes and new features

话题: find all songs by artist in favorites folder ;not jus sub folder


o.k. for example: if i type in : ciara - get up (whether dash is there or not) ;i wish it would find the file since my files have been analysed And added to search data base...(i figured that was the reason for scanning n analyzing along with loading songs faster)but instead i gotta check remixes,r&b , club ; hip hop etc.

so it would be like a reminder to say "hey u got a remix/extended version here too " cause sometimes u dont think of the other versions until its playing already or u check the remix folder to find u dont have it then u have to go to another folder and retype everything n seach again.

if there is a way to do that already pls lemme know if not could it be added like a search option ie search folder/database ? it could be in otions menu or preferrably @ end of search box


发表时间 Wed 29 Nov 06 @ 8:26 am
sbangsPRO InfinityMember since 2004
right click a folder and press add to search database :)

发表时间 Wed 29 Nov 06 @ 11:57 am
sbangsPRO InfinityMember since 2004
if it doesnt show up

to alter the search

ie artist instead of title download the registry tool by dj cel

发表时间 Wed 29 Nov 06 @ 11:59 am
o.k i'll try it thanks skyfxl i'll post results later

发表时间 Wed 29 Nov 06 @ 4:57 pm
hey i found it!! this isn't even in the manual...Recurse ; I never new what this did so today i used it and it took about 30 secs to run thru my data base but then when i did a search it showed every song with that artist on it (more that i barganed for ..but what i was talking bout)lol

so i read the book again today to refresh my brain..i didn't know that if you hold down shit while clicking a new folder your search would still be there (you dont have to retype )heheh
however the book didnt say anything about recurse

发表时间 Wed 29 Nov 06 @ 11:53 pm
If you have added your songs to the search database. Select the "Local database" in the browser and type "Ciara*get up" (Without quotes, but with the *) in this case the * will display the songs with or without dashes.

This faster than recursing, especially if you have a lot of songs in your folderstructure.

发表时间 Thu 30 Nov 06 @ 11:44 pm
