
Forum: General Discussion

话题: Attn: Moderator's and VIP Members - Page: 1


It's regarding this General Topics forums. In the past I have always enjoyed reading the General Topics Forum for what it should truly be for, and that is General DJ related Topics related to VDJ or DJ related topics. More and more it seems like people post hardware and software topics here instead of where they should really go. Please encourage everyone to use the correct forums and let's make the General Topic Forum what it is really intended for. Just my thoughts on the matter.

发表时间 Tue 28 Nov 06 @ 8:19 pm
socrossPRO InfinityMember since 2004
I hear ya, it's just that those forums don't get read nearly as much as this one, and sometimes the only way to get some help is to post here.

发表时间 Tue 28 Nov 06 @ 9:20 pm
cstollPRO InfinityMember since 2004
@socross - that is not the case. The General, Software and Hardware forums are equally read. I agree more and more NON-General topics are being posted here. However, the posts need to be answered where the end up - plus the unfortunate side is that more posts are from potential NEW USER that just don't know teh culture of the forum. We do what we can where we can...!


发表时间 Tue 28 Nov 06 @ 9:31 pm
Changing the order might help. Right now the General Forum is listed first.

发表时间 Tue 28 Nov 06 @ 11:40 pm
Dj XeoPRO InfinityMember since 2005
is the general too busy tho? do posts get lost too fast because of too many posts? not realy i dont think. if the general forum was crazy flooded then it woudl make sense but if there were 100 very empty forums that would be worse than 1 busy one. bug reposts should go in the bugs section as should new ideas but these allways end up in the general unless the person posting is very diceplned or doesnt realise it wont get as much exposure

发表时间 Wed 29 Nov 06 @ 2:14 am
having folks post stuff in the right forums would make searching a lot easier. Right now if I have a software issue, if want information on it, I have to search the Software Forum as, well as the general forum, because folks post there hardware and software issues in the General Forum.

Descprition of General Forum: Anything about Virtual DJ or AtomixMP3, or not about them*... this a general discussion.
Please be polite and speak with respect. All warez messages, or messages that contains insults will be deleted.

Descprition of Software Forum: Ask here any technical questions about the functionalities of Virtual DJ or AtomixMP3.

发表时间 Wed 29 Nov 06 @ 2:34 am

Software related issues or questions : Software forum

Hardware related issues or questions : Hardware forum

General discussion about djing, or not djing : General forum

But its hard to make all follow those "rules";)

发表时间 Wed 29 Nov 06 @ 5:43 pm
DJKicePRO InfinityMember since 2005
tell it like it is norway :P

发表时间 Wed 29 Nov 06 @ 8:31 pm
Don't the VIP's and above have the power to move the post to the correct forum?

发表时间 Wed 29 Nov 06 @ 11:45 pm
KayleHome userMember since 2003
Its a good idea , but if the original author doesn't see it where the wrote it
he/she might just repost it

发表时间 Wed 29 Nov 06 @ 11:52 pm
sbangsPRO InfinityMember since 2004
that would be a good feature for vips ;)

发表时间 Wed 29 Nov 06 @ 11:53 pm
Kayle wrote :
Its a good idea , but if the original author doesn't see it where the wrote it
he/she might just repost it

The forum could be changed or updated, so that if a vip is moving a post to another forum, that the user who created the thread, gets a private message automatically with something like:

Your post "Title of the thread" is moved from "original forum name" to the "current forum name" by "name of the vip" while it was not posted in the correct forum.

Then there might be far less confusion when moving threads.

发表时间 Thu 30 Nov 06 @ 12:09 am
cstollPRO InfinityMember since 2004
I would agree with the VIP Moderation but then you take the risk of the VIP wars of who thinks it belongs where? Maybe what we need is more moderation support where you would volunteer to take on that responsibility.

Suggested solution, unfortunately I can't spend the time it takes to moderate a forum. Otherwise I would volunteer - but hey skyfxl LIVES HERE in the forum and reads (posts on) every post. Maybe the current General Forum Moderators can give him some pointers and he assist in this task.

Sorry about the jab skyfxl, but I had to take it. But I am serious about my recommendation.


发表时间 Thu 30 Nov 06 @ 12:44 am
How about creating a sticky called PLEASE READ THIS BEFORE YOU POST IN THIS FORUM

Also updating the forums is a good idea, especially the email notification aspect

发表时间 Thu 30 Nov 06 @ 1:50 am
Dj XeoPRO InfinityMember since 2005
i think there allready is a post called 'new users check in here first' or something, if people READ the other forums, maybe people would post in them as much as the general.

its just a catch 22, if no one posts in there then no one will read/reply there
if noone is replying and reading to threads the noone will post.

were taking over the frenchies tho, soon the post count will be higer here than for the original french section

zute alores! (its spelled somethignlike that im sure)

发表时间 Thu 30 Nov 06 @ 2:12 am
sbangsPRO InfinityMember since 2004
cstoll wrote :
I would agree with the VIP Moderation but then you take the risk of the VIP wars of who thinks it belongs where? Maybe what we need is more moderation support where you would volunteer to take on that responsibility.

Suggested solution, unfortunately I can't spend the time it takes to moderate a forum. Otherwise I would volunteer - but hey skyfxl LIVES HERE in the forum and reads (posts on) every post. Maybe the current General Forum Moderators can give him some pointers and he assist in this task.

Sorry about the jab skyfxl, but I had to take it. But I am serious about my recommendation.


lol tnx

发表时间 Thu 30 Nov 06 @ 9:57 am
sbangsPRO InfinityMember since 2004
im very interested on that one i posted request :)

发表时间 Thu 30 Nov 06 @ 1:33 pm
DJKicePRO InfinityMember since 2005
Too scared of VIP wars eh.... Let me do it... then you can all blame me =]

发表时间 Thu 30 Nov 06 @ 7:50 pm
sbangsPRO InfinityMember since 2004
i dont think theres a war on lol??

unless i missed somthing

发表时间 Thu 30 Nov 06 @ 7:52 pm
DJKicePRO InfinityMember since 2005
no... as suggested before... there might be a vip war to where certain topics should be under which forum.

btw if u want a war... it is on =] winner takes all.

发表时间 Thu 30 Nov 06 @ 8:11 pm