
Forum: Music discussion

Topic: The Ultimate Guide to Broadcasting With Virtual Dj - Page: 3


You also can ask it where you bought

Hello Again,

I've Tried Username and password but still wont work. These are the ones I used.

Username: Admin
Password: Password & admin

None of these work, Do i need to be on the computer that the wireless router is connected to?

Wasley_26 wrote :
Do i need to be on the computer that the wireless router is connected to?


Darn - Okay, Will test in now. Will have the results in a sec :P

Okay Cool - I didnt get to run it off my own Pc, but I got it running from theat website someone gave to me, thanks for that !

update :

Embed your radio stream for those with a static ip

<center><a href=http://radio.virtualdj.com/ target="_blank"><img src="http://www.virtualdj.com/images/vdjradio.gif" border="0px"></a><br>
<div align="center"><embed type="application/x-mplayer2" src="http://radio.virtualdj.com/listen.asx" name="MediaPlayer" width="300" height="50" ShowControls="1" ShowStatusBar="0" ShowDisplay="0" autostart="1"></EMBED></div><br><a href="http://radio.virtualdj.com/">Virtual DJ Radio</a> <br><b>Listen to 100% live mixes from djs around the world</b></div></center>

this is an example of a html radio code

replace , ur url with your website adress

replace the image with your logo

replace Scr= with your ip and port as shown in vdj

and change the bottom url with your site

and replace the slogan

hello. can anyone tell me please where i can find this broadcasting thing in virtual dj because i am searching for an our and can't find it. a pic would be very useful

i think you mean config / network

hey sky thanks again for this thread.......

this should be a sticky ........ it would help support the whole radio effort ........


anyone please? help a noob

look on the main skins at the tabs

theres one for recording , on this choose the broadcasting options

I'd like to make a few suggestions to add to the beginning of your guide:

When broadcasting from your own computer you've used port 4000 in the picture but recommend using port 8000, this can be confusing for newbies to networking. You should also make the distinction between a router and modem in the broadcast from your own computer section, i.e. you only need to forward ports if you're using a router. It may be beneficial to suggest whether TCP/UDP or both ports need to be forwarded as this is an option in AFAIK all routers. Similarly, it's recommended to forward the port one up from your broadcast port too (although I do not remember why).

You've also stated to broadcast at 96kbps, in reality, most users will only be able to reach a target of 3 people this way. I'm not sure about the validity of you saying that it takes 14kb of memory to broadcast to each new person; even if that is correct, 14kb is so tiny that it's irrelevant. What you should change that section to is purely bandwidth related.

Run the speedtest on http://www.speedtest.net and find out what your upload is, e.g. 417kbps. You want to give yourself some freedom, so subtract about 20kbps or greater from the original speed, in this example giving 397kbps. This means you would have 397kbps to broadcast with, so if you want to broadcast at 96kbps:

397 / 96 = 4 listeners

Alternatively, divide the bandwidth result by the amount of listeners you would like to broadcast to to find out what bitrate you can use:

397 / 12 = 33kbps or less (it will be 32kbps in this case)

thanks for the tip. i finally found what i was looking. is there any button or option that i'll broadcast and when i want to i'll push a little button to speak to the mic?i tried the option mic+broadcast but the mic is always on. i want a thing that i'll push it, the music will automatically volume down and i will able to speak.

do you own the mk2 ?

if so when you enable the mic there is an option called talk over to make the volume decrease when the mic is enabled

look on the console

the part that says 4000 is
the number of listeners box, on my peronal server the ports set to 8000 , which is the key port for a shoutcast server

broadcasting ports need to be forwarded aslo through the firewall , and in some cases , particularly on aol and tiscali , through the border router at the isp end ,

a modem is easyer but some forwarding is still nessary depending on the carrier ,

i will add more info on this in the future , but there are millions of models , of router , modem and acess points

so it would be tricky to list the config for them all ,

Quote :
You've also stated to broadcast at 96kbps,

virtual dj radio uses this bandwith because it is a good benift from quality and numbers,

any thing bellow this can be tinny

[qoute]I'm not sure about the validity of you saying that it takes 14kb of memory to broadcast to each new person; even if that is correct, 14kb is so tiny that it's irrelevant. What you should change that section to is purely bandwidth related.[/quote]

i am a network enginer by day , and do alot of work on broadcasting , and all sources i read state 14kbs

including the shoutcast manuals

this is an important factor many people forget that virtual dj loads the song into ram , thus lowering the amount available for streaming

especialy with longer tracks , which may need up to 1 gb of memory

many people have made the mistake here in the past of setting the number to high and the software not being able to manage.

especialy home users with mk2s who typicaly have laptops with 512 or 256 memory.

Thanks for your feedbacks , i will see what more i can add


Ah, I missed the listeners being put as 4000 - these forums are so slow that it's a race to actually post something before the end of the hour and sometimes I skim over all the information. I know about the forwarding, but I meant it would be clearer if you stated that port forwarding needs to be done for router users (not how to do it), also which port needs to be forwarded, TCP/UDP or both. If VirtualDJ could open these ports itself through uPnP then this would save a lot of users some hassle. Similarly, allowing itself through the Windows Firewall automatically would be good.

Virtual DJ radio may use 96 kbps to broadcast, but my post was aimed at people broadcasting from their own computer. I'd be astonishing if Virtual DJ's radio server has anything lower than a 100mbps connection. The average home user has between a 256-512kbps upload. Therefore broadcasting from your own machine at 96kbps isn't a great bitrate to use unless you only plan to play to about 3 people.

14kb (kilobits) of RAM is nothing, even if it was kilobytes it's still nothing. 32 users x 14kb = < 1MB, it's nothing. This simply is not a factor at all during streaming if this information you've supplied is correct. What I've said about bandwidth is however important.

Other than those minor things it's a nice guide. I didn't know about those licensing things before and I used to host some shoutcast servers on dedicated boxes heh. Oh well, I suppose amongst friends the law needn't be followed to the letter :)

i don't want to play through hercules mk2. i wan to do it through the computer because i have the console always in my work

anyone please?

my friend , your copy of virtual dj wont work without the console.

if u want to use it in more than one location without the console , you need to use pro edition

product comparison
