
Forum: Old versions

话题: Long Session Problem - Page: 2


I just bought the pro version and i am also having this same problem with hissing. it seems to happen after 5-6 hours of continous use. Ive seen this problem posted by other users as well in different threads. Just emailed tech support about it, waitng for an answer...

发表时间 Sun 11 Feb 07 @ 3:55 am
ve2fgsHome userMember since 2005
mest42085, Good luck !

I've been using the software for the 20 days trial time and has never been able to get rid of this, on my two computers ! I emailed tech support several times without any reply. The forums didn't help, people are always talking about the performance slider, latency, IRQ, etc... There is no more knowledge than that. Let me tell you something, I have a LOT of everything in my computers and NO IRQ conflicts AT ALL, so that is not the problem.

And guess what ? You don't even have to use it to have that hissing, loud white noise ! Just open Virtual DJ and let it sit there without anything loaded in the decks for the same period of time and you'll see ! Can you tell me what "Performance slider", "Latency", IRQ conflicts and/or sharing have to do with that ? The software is even not in use, it is only sleeping there.

I have two big computers with two M-Audio Delta 1010 and they both did the same.

If you ever get any reply from tech support, please keep us informed ! As of now, my evaluation period is expired, so all I can do is read...


发表时间 Sun 11 Feb 07 @ 6:22 am
cgarissPRO InfinityMember since 2007
I'm with ve2fgs on thsi one - this likely has nothing at all to do with audio settings. It's a software bug, pure and simple.

I've got to add, I have the same problem on two different PCs an two soundcards. Again, audio performance is flawless - no IRQ conflicts, just V DJ starts putting out noise after 4-5 hours. I'm concerned that I see no tech response to this AT ALL. Bugs are fine, as long as you know someone is looking to fix it.. but that's the question innit? Is anyone investigating? Replication of the bug is easy - just start V DJ and leave it there for 5 hours. Wait for loud hissing noise.

发表时间 Mon 12 Feb 07 @ 1:27 am
cstollPRO InfinityMember since 2004
The problem is that it is not that easy to re-create. You have people that use this 5-6+ hours 5-7 days a week and don't experience what you are describing? BTW I am one of them, so if it's not a hardware or configuration issue and truely a software bug then I should be experiencing it as well, and I am not.

Could it be hardware? And, I am not talking computer hardware only. How about leaving the computer hooked up and on and NO VDJ running what's the system sound like after 5 hours of just sitting there?


发表时间 Mon 12 Feb 07 @ 3:47 am
i am running the demo version, this also happened to me, i ran the "music analyzer" and i have 5000+ tracks so it was running for a long time. when i got back and turned my equipment on, it was buzzin like no other. i closed vdj and it was fine. i'm not sure whats goin on. i leave the computer hooked up all day every day, usually with wmp on and nothing happens, so it must be a bug in vdj.

发表时间 Mon 12 Feb 07 @ 4:18 am
PionaraPRO InfinityMember since 2004
I too have noticed this problem. I was quite surprised when I first noticed it, but, while the fact remains that it IS a problem, why not just do the obvious thing until a fix is put in place:

Half way through your setor at least before you reach the four hour or so mark, reboot the program. Switch to your back up (whether you're running VDJ flawlessly everyday of your life, you should always have a back up) for one song while you do so and then bring in your next song using VDJ.

I usually give VDJ a rest two or three times during a gig. Just for one song at a time. During the buffet I turn it off altogether and just leave a CD on. This is just something i've gotten used to because before I started using my gig machine I was paranoid as my system was WAY below par.

Anyway, using a backup for one song while I reboot VDJ has never caused me any problems, and I never experience any white noise/hissing/static or anything like that during a gig.

Sure, it's a bit of a pain in the ass, but hey, you've gotta make do. I'm sure a fix will be in place soon.

Keep spinnin'...(",)


发表时间 Mon 12 Feb 07 @ 11:18 am
PionaraPRO InfinityMember since 2004
Great...a double post.

Damn this work internet access!!!


发表时间 Mon 12 Feb 07 @ 1:10 pm
sbangsPRO InfinityMember since 2004
fixed :)

发表时间 Mon 12 Feb 07 @ 2:35 pm
a) sideeffect is that restarting will clear the "played" status of the songs.

b) I encoutered problems with Numark cue while moving the fader, SSSSSS, in any position other than center. Lowering master volume IN VDJ SKIN!!! helped. Moving master in the windows audio setting NOT. But it was instant, no need for me to wait 4 hours.

btw. what are your autogain settings ?

发表时间 Mon 12 Feb 07 @ 3:13 pm
cgarissPRO InfinityMember since 2007
cstoll, I appreciate your comments, but I've encountered this problem with both a desktop equipped with a Creative X-Fi card and a Dell laptop and Hercules mk2. In fact I've used the Mk2 on the desktop too.

That's the reason I strongly suspect this is a bug in VDJ regardless if it doesn't always manifest itself in all situations. An "intermittent bug". It's not my "misconfiguration" of hardware that is to blame.

It seems pretty unlikely to me that there is an awful lot in common between my laptop and desktop, or indeed the PCI-express audio card and the Hercules USB device. Different hardware - different drivers. The prime suspect here is the common factor - which is Virtual DJ. I never had this problem with Traktor - or indeed Version 3.4. In fact, I've never had this problem with Windows Media player or Power DVD: How come it only appears when I use Virtual DJ?

I'm disappointed to search back through the forums and find that this issue has appeared on here before, but the issue was shrugged off with "you are using an unlicenced copy" or "it's your misconfiguration of the settings slider" . It's neither. It's happening on a number of setups using licenced copies of Version 4.2.

All the best. G.

发表时间 Mon 12 Feb 07 @ 3:19 pm
ve2fgsHome userMember since 2005

It's not a hisss or little background noise, it's a huge 0dB White noise ! No more music, only that loud White Noise on both decks. The noise is still there even if the decks are stopped, and you can even see the VDJ VU meters of both decks all the way to the top when this happens. It's really VDJ that is generating that noise.

Put your FM broadcast radio between two channels and crank the volume as high as you can: That is what we hear. That noise dissapear as soon as you exit VDJ.

发表时间 Mon 12 Feb 07 @ 7:31 pm
cgarissPRO InfinityMember since 2007
Exactly. This is a serious bug. And if the ear-splitting noise is generated outside of V DJ, how come, as stated above, the VU meters are maxed out?

发表时间 Tue 13 Feb 07 @ 4:55 pm
J-SnipPRO InfinityMember since 2006
I hate to be in the minority here on this post but I'm having NO issues with VDJ like yall are having and I use the system on Friday nights for 7 hours and Sundays for 8 hours.

The shortest amount of time on a weeknight gig using the system is 3-4.

I'm not sure if this will work but here's what I did.

1) Dell E1705 Laptop arrived. Disabled all wireless internet, uninstalled software I wouldn't need.
2) Loaded VDJ software.
3) Bought a M Audio Fast Track Pro USB - Loaded Software Drivers, etc
4) Used VDJ that Friday night Jan 5 when Laptop arrived...no issues!
The following week
1) Wiped clean Laptop and had OS reinstalled (now none of the dell preloaded software is on it)
2) Installed M Audio Fast Track Pro USB software/drivers on all USB ports
4) Installed VDJ
5) Attach DAC-3 to a USB port
5) Went to work - No issues no audio dropouts no audio hissing etc.

Average hours I use the system in a 7 day period is...22.

This is a DJ system only. Am not accessing the internet with it or anything just DJing. I did install Nero and DBPowerAmp to burn cds and encode .wav files. I do use the VDJ DVD Ripper sometimes for video's as I am starting to use the system to play a few video's in my club sets.

发表时间 Tue 13 Feb 07 @ 11:03 pm
sbangsPRO InfinityMember since 2004
as i said before i aslo have had no problems

发表时间 Tue 13 Feb 07 @ 11:33 pm
ve2fgsHome userMember since 2005
Telling us that you have no problem will not really help us. What we really need is feedback from users that actually experienced this issue.

As I already told earlier, I tried the software on two different machines with one thing in common, a M-Audio Delta 1010 sound card. I've had the same issue on both. Is this something related to the sound card and/or drivers ? I don't think so, because every other software runs just fine on both computers.

发表时间 Wed 14 Feb 07 @ 5:16 am
sbangsPRO InfinityMember since 2004
Come on now folks ,

Ok im sorry to say i hope this doesnt come out as plain rude that is not my intention

, but i think i have to say this i belive that almost all of the problems here are totaly unrelated , and people are just jumping on the band waggon instead of checking what the cause might be

and that most peoples problems here are self inflicted ie wrong config , not optimising their pcs

if you look in this thread all of the people who it works for have optimised their pc , and got a good spec

Now here are some Steps which will take about 30 minutes of your time which i bellive as a Server/PC Service technican that will make the proformance issues go away for good .

Ok lets begin

lets remind our selves of the bare requirments :

The minimum requirement to run Virtual DJ is:
PIII 850 MhZ computer
1024x768 SVGA video
DirectX compatible soundcard
512 MB RAM
20 MB free on the hard-drive
The recommended configuration is:
PIV 3 GhZ computer
1024x768 SVGA video
4.1 DirectX compatible soundcard (with front and rear separate outputs)
1024 MB RAM
200 MB free on the hard-drive

and the recommened :

The recommended configuration is:
PIV 4 GhZ computer
1024x768 SVGA video
4.1 DirectX compatible soundcard (with front and rear separate outputs)
1024 MB RAM
200 MB free on the hard-drive

if your pc doesnt meet this , i would upgrade

i would recomend aslo if you meet this or not to install the most ram your system will support / as you can afford and remember more ram can padd out a weaker processor , you will not notice much difference in upgrading your processor if it is in a step of 1.2 to 1.5 ghz 1.2 to 3 ghz yes , this will help you may wish to upgrade your processors aslo if you can not just for vdj but for a better overal proformance.

any ways here are the steps to follow

please take backups before completing a step , if you do not understand it do not attempt it

and ask me for more info via pm or email/msn : admin@skyfxlmedia.com

1. On Options Go to proformances --> choose fastest --> Autolatency , and untick Safemode and overclock ,

2. Confirm you have these settings , now close vdj ,

3. Scan Every last one of your files your going to dj with , when a non analized file is loaded it takes longer to load and the cpu is majorly taxed. once complete , close virtual dj allow it to save your database , and leave your pc to cool for a while.

4. Run A Full system defragmentation , a pc with contigous files will proform alot better than a non contiguous drive (fragmented) , even a fresh install of xp or vista is fragmented , i recommend you use diskeeper , because the disk defragmenter free in windows is utterly crap , it leaves some drives in a worse state than it began

5. Tweak your Os ,

Xp users go here http://www.tweakxp.com/performance_tweaks.aspx

Vista users go here http://www.virtualdj.com/blog/skyfxl/blog3894.html

2000 users http://malektips.com/windows_2000_and_tweak_ui_help_and_tips.html

you should if using any thing less than xp get a new pc or upgrade to xp probaly a new pc and a vista copy is best because 2000 machines have a lower spec

Check that your virtual memory is correct : http://www.virtualdj.com/blog/skyfxl/blog3706.html

is your video card slowing you down?

intergrated graphic cards eat ram find out more here : http://www.virtualdj.com/blog/skyfxl/blog3723.html

is your harddrive to slow?
http://www.virtualdj.com/blog/skyfxl/blog3707.html , slow drives take longer to load files
read that for tweak info

9. Do no use any programs in the back round while using vdj , using msn , yahoo , any program even word as well as vdj is a massive resource hog , the new msn eats up 80 mb of your ram!! alone per instance when not signed in , when its signed in a massive 140!mb!

now its time to check for any device conflicts or bad drivers and latency issues


you may aslo want to make a fresh seprate install of your os just for vdj to ensure no unwanted programs interfear http://www.virtualdj.com/blog/skyfxl/blog3907.html

or alternatively you may wish to make a user name on which virtual dj runs only and the nessary services to use it , and none of the other useless crap windows usualy loads. even if you dont , want to change this check it for some good service optimisation tips:

you should aslo check the air flow to your pc if it is working for hour and hours and getting hot it will slow down processors dont like to be hot check your airflow and cooling

now these steps should vastly improve your proformance if you still need help feel free to contact me on msn : admin@skyfxlmedia.com



发表时间 Wed 14 Feb 07 @ 1:50 pm
cgarissPRO InfinityMember since 2007
I too am sorry if this comes across as rude, but...

Sky. You're really not helping.

"a self inflicted problem"

Is Atomix a professional company? Or is it a hobby business?

Airflow indeed.

This is only the more serious of the bugs I've found. Others include a sudden inability to analyse BPM. Stuttering when trying to pre-listen to a song (yes, even using ASIO) etc... Not trivial issues for supposedly "professional" software. I don't mind waiting for a bug fix in the next sub-release but I do take offence to the accusation that it's "my fault" that this software won't work properly AND/OR that "we are all making it up".

I'm very happy that you don't encounter this problem. Good for you. However, absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. Enough users have posted on here clearly describing a consistent audio problem with the new engine that deserve not to be told the problem does not exist.

发表时间 Wed 14 Feb 07 @ 2:55 pm
sbangsPRO InfinityMember since 2004
my point is that every post hon ere is on a different topic here ...

for example , ur problem is instabiltiy , when analizing bpm nothing to do with white noise which some one else posted about , another was with dvd ripping and so on ,

a lagg in bpm caculation , is a result of your cpu being over tasked check what services are running in the back round kill any that are un nessary this should now be ok.

the prelisten is being looked at , they know about that one.

im not saying that any one is making it up , your problems are very real , but the source of the problems posted here , which i state again are totaly different from each other , is mainly stemming from your hardware configurations and you just need to take a moment to work with me here on this one , vdj will look at the known issues but not every problem is vdjs fault.

its like if you bought a game for your computer which needed 2 gig of ram but you have one and it did not run , would you blame the company for that?.

did you try any of the steps i posted i think they will help they come from my personal experiances from getting even weaker machines to work perfectly for example i use a 800 mhz pc regulary for 6 hours or more on virtual dj radio with no hickups.

there are 4 million users of virtual dj , only the same 10 people have posted here.
on completely different topics. i want to help them all if possible.

so please try some of the steps i posted first before writing the software off just yet :)

发表时间 Wed 14 Feb 07 @ 4:29 pm
ve2fgsHome userMember since 2005
Ok guys, let me remind you the topic of this thread: Long Session Problem. Can you please start a new thread if this not a "Long Session Problem" related issue ?

Let me also remind you my pc setup (already posted at the beginning of this thread), that I think meets the minimal requirements:

My setup:

Asus Motherboard P5GD1-VM
Intel PIV 3.2 GHz
2 Gig Dual-Channel RAM
Genuine WinXP Pro SP2
640 Gig RAID 5 SATA HDD's (3X 320 Gig drives)
M-Audio Delta 1010 sound card
BDC2000 (As a controller only)

This is a "music machine" and everything has been optimized for that. No service not needed and CPU load never exceed 2-3% when mixing with VDJ.

Skyfxl, you recommend a PIV 4GHz computer, sorry that is not available where I live. If you carefully read my posts, you will see that this occurs even if the software is not playing. What the heck does this has to do with PC performance and tweaking ? We get that issue even if nothing is loaded in VDJ and the software is just sitting there !

I cannot understand why all my other "very hungry" softwares runs perfectly on a similar setup but not this one.

发表时间 Wed 14 Feb 07 @ 7:03 pm
sbangsPRO InfinityMember since 2004
did you try the autolatency options

my spec questions was more aimed at the previous posters sorry i wasnt clear

发表时间 Wed 14 Feb 07 @ 7:08 pm