
Forum: Old versions

Topic: VDJ Console Edition malicious bugs? - Page: 1


I took the time to read few other topics and it looks like the vdj team members always suggest that if you have problems with console edition, you should upgrade to fix them, so this makes me wonder if the console edition bugs were by design so you have to buy the full edition?
Would the marketing team thought that will be easier for us to spend another $129 for the upgrade instead of looking in to the legality of this situation, which probably will qualify as class action suit or deceiving marketing practice.
Now I'm sure if this is going to be brought in to the BBB's (Better Business Bureau) attention will stand a case, but who would want to ruin a company, we want exactly what we paid for a fully functional product with full support.
So whom ever feels the same please express your thoughts in this forum

发表时间 Sun 18 Jul 04 @ 8:46 pm
I've been using VirtualDJ console edition (versions 1.06, 1.07, 1.08, 1.09) from November 2003 till June 2004, for hundreds of hours, and it hasn't crashed once. It behaves perfectly.

My config is pretty resaonable too: a 3 year old VAIO laptop PIII @ 600/850Mhz with 512 Mb RAM, running Windows 2000 Pro and kept tidy service-wise.

Maybe run a system diagnostic on your machine, perhaps you have some defective RAM? maybe it's linked to the Hyper-Threading issue? do you have the latest vdj-for-console 1.09 update (available free on this site). did you install the latest firmware and drivers from hercules?

There'll be a lot of people willing to help you here, stay cool.

I did all that, new drivers , latest version and my computer is top notch, never crushed with bpm or traktor in the same configuration, when I mix live I manage about 2000 mp3s and I mix them at no longer than 2.5 min.
I don't know about any problem related to the HT, is there a known issue?

You have to configure your hardware very good. I bought a brand new laptop, just for dj-ing. After installing the dj console I had numerous problems. I could fix them all, one-by-one. It took me days (I even guess weeks) to figure it all out, but at the end it works.

Please think twice before posting and saying that something is faulty and you will go to the sue their pants off ;-)

if you post what bugs you are experiencing, specific problems, i'm sure we can help you fix them...

because the console version of vdj should run just fine... its a complete program, and should not have any problems...

i used the console version (1.09) and did not have any problems, in fact it was very stable, fast and never crashed.

so, if u post WHERE you have problem, we will help you out. Thats what this forum is about, so dont go mad before u have tried to get help ;)

you can run console version for ever, its a full program with no time limitiatons (its only limited in other areas compared to a full registered program)

and to get a fully running program for "free" when u buy the console, its a bargain... think about demo/limited software that you get with other hardware, they usually dont work as a full version AND have a time-limit..
so, dont go blaming vdj team on this.....

would love to help, if you are more spesific on your problems :)

One happy Virtual DJ family! ;-)

Start by telling which brand and type of notebook you have. There are some brands that have problems with battery and memory. Perhaps that could solve alot of hassle.

about my gear:
hp laptop zd series intel IV 3.0 ghz 800 fsb HT
512 mb ddram
ibm 60 gb hdd
768 mb virtual memory
win xp pro sp1
Nvidia ge force fx 5200 /64 mb dedicated
hercules dj console vc 031G firmware v34
virtual dj console edition version 1.09

1) No, there is no "malicious" code so stop your paranoia.
2) Please stop to copy/paste the e-service dialogs here or your posts will be erased.

maybe is just my paranoia and you are erasing my posts just for fun, but vdj console edition v1.09 still shuts off with no warning after about 90 min to 120 min of mixing

I was talking about my problem in another topic which got censored (meaning erased) by whom ever administrates this forum, so I'm thinking to get my own, unbias forum, because I really hate when people are manipulating opinions, and I have to mention that I was polite even if I'm treated as second class user because I just have the Hercules edition.
My problem is like this, I'm a Professional DJ and that means that I charge people for my services, and I have a reputation to keep which brings new business. Because I'm a sucker for new technology after 10 years of spinning, I switched to mp3 mixing about 4 years ago, so I know a lot about tuning a computer for using it for audio editing or mixing.
I'm using bpm for quite a while but it has its limitations (no scratch, no batch bpm etc) so when I got my console as a controller for bpm I was impressed with VDJ's GUI and after another DJ body told my only good things about it, I decided to take it to a live gig, where about 90 min in to the program, with a full dance floor, VDJ shuts off with no signs and it didn't restart when I tried to reopen it from the desktop shortcut, so I started the old bpm and of course my play list was gone, it was embarrassing having all this people waiting till I switched to the back up, so if that wasn’t good enough reason to be upset when I turned to this forum for support I’m treated with superficiality as a “demo version” user and I’m persuaded to look in to the full version.
Anyway it looks like I'm the only one with this problem, the other guys that answer this topic, said that they are running this software with no problems for hours at the time, it will take some more testing for me till I’ll feel confident to take VDJ live

Dear staff team,
You should know that in USA is not polite nor advised to call your customer paranoid, when they just try to get support for your product, so I would appreciate if you will fix the problem instead of recommending me to upgrade.
I would be more then happy to get the upgrade if would solve the problem, but is not going to work would I get a refund?

DJLex, I've used the console edition for aprox. 6 months (before upgrading) without experiencing any software problems. Does VDJ crash while you're recording a mix? If so, maybe you're running out of free disk space and/or virtual memory.

i have used vdj, both console version and now vdj 2.0 live at gigs, and extensive testing at home :)

there has never been a crash.. like u tell about...

so, please... before u go bashing, ask if anyone can help you, because we would love to... want everybody to have a happy vdj experience :) lol

there might be so many reasons why you have crash:
- irq conflict
- bad install, that a reinstall could fix
- bad mp3's (if vdj crashes at same mp3's)
- vst effects that work bad
- virtual memory/ram/harddrive space problems

but we would be happy to help you locate your problem, so that you also can have a vdj running smooth and without problems.. :)

dj in norway

dj in norway,
I have to thank you for your involvement but I mention that I'm not new to digital mixing so I checked the problems that you are talking about, plus the other software that I'm using is not experiencing any shut off problems on the same computer and the same console.
I know from other dj that the full version is mostly stable but intense mixing is geting to crush it sometime which could get in to the category of computer overheating, this was another issue that I checked and kept my computer cool.
Like somebody else mentioned in this forum, we should let the vdj development team work on it and get us a better product, till then I'll take my issues to an uncensured forum on the axledental dj's forum site, where all the console owners are welcomed to express their concerns and opinions, positive or not


sad to hear u could't find the problem, cause I can honestly say i dont have any ...

see ya at axledental dj's forum site, i'm often there too :)

but u can stick around here too ;) its an open forum for positive AND negative remarks, as long as its not to far out...


used the console and software for hours (maximum was from 21.30h till 06.00h). Never crashed... (*me keeps his fingers crossed*).



Going by the numerous posts of people stating they don't have the same problem as you, i think you need to accept there is something different about your system to ours, rather than there being a serious bug with VDJ.

Have you tried rebuilding your notebook from scratch (obviously backing up all important files first)?
Microsoft Operating Systems tend to deteriate over time, no matter how well you look after them (this is usely due to third party software). I tend to rebuild my systems twice a year just to keep them ticking along at optimum performance.

Anyway, hope you get it working to your liking soon!


maybe the other happy people are not using it as intense as I do.
My computer is well tuned and maintained with minimum soft configuration without corrupted system files and as prove is the fact that after I upgraded to vdj full version there are no more problems on the same computer, in the same configuration.

no problems here too.. in console version (eariler) and full program (now)

Greetings Everybody,

I've bought VDJ ft DJMIXSTATION 2 then heard about the Hercules DJ Console and bought it (couple months ago). The Hercules DJ Console doesn't work with VDJ ft DJMS2 I had to install the VDJ that comes with the Hercules DJ Console. Than I patched it to version 1.09.

Actually, I found some bugs, but I must agree that it's the best Virtual DJ gears I've ever tried.

My Computer Configuration :
Intel PIV 2,8
2x256 DDR rams Dual
80gigs 7200 RPM Liquid Bearings HD
NVidia G-Force 4 128mb AGP 8x
SoundBlaster Live 5.1
Windows XP Pro SP1
Actually 79,3% of HD Free

Places I used VDJ and Hercules DJ Console :
Urban Clubs
Special Events
After Grad Partys
Private Partys

Bugs/Glitches found :
- The Console ain't grounded so the spkrs huzz (Has the DJ Console is powered with USB port, it actually ain't grounded anywhere, you may hear huzz (looks like fly bees) in spkers)
- The Console is like a real mixer, so it's kinda pre-amp. Try not plugging it in another too much stuff (ie : DJ Console in Mixer, Mixer in studio console, studio console in amplifiers). The sound will clip, you'll have to set CPU's sound to 10% and won't hear anything in your HP.
- The jog wheel is hella bugged, actually the most important bug I found. While mixing live, it often happened that the sound started to bend up and down as if you were playing with the jog wheel. Actually I haven't found the reason of this bug. I suppose it's rellied to fragility of electronical components of the console... sub woofers or hitting the console is causing the glitch.
- Crossfader / Pitch / low, mid, high boosts/ cuts /...... Actually it ain't real time enough. I'm plugged in USB2 port and drivers and everything is up to date and well working. Also, when changing song on a deck, it resets pitch to 0.0% when on the mixer it's still +2,2%. Really stressful when using Rhythms albums.
- No Gain Buttons on Console. The console MUST have gain... especialy when using MP3s...
- Headphone output ain't loud enough...
- No Monitor Volume on the console also no master volume on the console
- No Tap button for BPM

well, I think the console went in store too fast and haven't been beta tested by professionals enough. This is the best thing you could ever buy if you just started DJing or want to learn DJing.

This proggy works better with Electronica Music than Hip Hop R&B,....

I'd rate it 3,5/5 and I'm not recomanding it to professionals. It's cool for making non-stop CDs or at home, but when you got real gears... better play with real gears ;)

Actually I ain't using VDJ anymore... I'm trying to sell it all... but it's kinda hard...

Those who wonder what kind of gears I'm using :
-Numark PROSM-1 mixer
-Numark CDN22MKIII cd mixer (just sold)
-Sennheiser eH2270 Headphones (also have HD25 SP)

Saving to buy :
-2x Numark CDX cd player
-Numark PHX headphones

I'm professional DJing since couple of months.
I'm DJing since more than 5 years.

Great product for beginners and the best I ever seen for Virtual purpose.
Ain't strong enough for pros, still needs work, but has great potential.

Alex Chabot @ DJ Silex
