
Forum: Old versions

Topic: Virtual DJ + Hercules Console + external mixer - Page: 1


I have browsed this forum and found part of the answer I was looking for but not all of it. I have the Hercules DJ Console and, after experimenting a lot with Virtual DJ, I used that set succesfully at a party this weekend for 7 hours+. I had brought my traditional equipment (Denon dual CD, Rodec MX180 mixer and my CD collection) 'just in case', but everything worked perfectly and I enjoyed working with Virtual DJ and the Hercules console a lot. It was much more relaxing ! The only thing I don't like on the console is the mixing part. I generally use the individual faders on a mixing desk, rather than the crossfader. The faders on the Hercules console are IMO too small and placed at a very inconvenient position (you have to take care NOT to accidentally press an adjacent button or the shuttle during mixing). Also, the console is too small and feels too unsteady to be used for live mixing. So, my ideal setup would be to use my Rodec mixer and use the Hercules console just as a soundcard and for the controls (start/pause/cue/...). When browsing the forum, I leanrned that the full version of Virtual DJ allows routing the signals to an external mixer. My question is however : does this work in combination with the Hercules console ? In other words : if I purchase the full version of Virtual DJ and I hook up the Hercules console, can I have deck 1 on one of the console outputs and deck 2 on another ? Which outputs will it be then ? In the current configuration, output 1 and 2 are the MASTER OUTPUT signal, outputs 3 and 4 is the headphone/preview output, outputs 5 and 6 do nothing at all. Does anybody have any experience with this and can you explain how it will work then ? I just want to send each of the decks separately to an input of the external mixer and override the mixing functions of the console. If that works, I don't mind spending $100 on the full version of Virtual DJ, but I'm not interested in any of the other features of the full version. My only purpose would be to hook it up to an external mixer through the console. I don't want to spend any money on the full version if it shows that I won't be able to use the Hercules console anymore as a controller in combination with an external mixer. In that case, I would need to buy another (dual) external soundcard for my notebook and other hardware controller(s) for Virtual DJ, which I don't want to do. I'm perfectly happy with the Hercules console as external soundcard and controller for my notebook and Virtual DJ, I'm just not happy with the console's mixer.

发表时间 Mon 21 Jun 04 @ 4:19 pm
hi pitchie

You sure can use Hercules and external mixer, with one output for each deck... If you have full version! No problem at all :)

That's what I do for live-gigs :)
I use Hercules console only for play/cue and jogwheels for nudge (speed up/down) + pitch slider, - and connect to external Pioneer 600 mixer... Each deck in 2 seperate channels. And have a "back-up" cd-player at 3 channel in case of crash (but have never happened...TRUE!)

deck one is on outout (1-2) and deck two at (5-6) at the console. You cound even prelisten at headset in front of Hercules, but I guess you would use external mixer for that, at least that's what I do.

It works like a charm ;) and VDJ + Hercules is a killer combination!! :) trust me...

So, as you said, there is not much money to buy the full version, and get exactly the functions you need... :)

Hope to see you as a member real soon ..and if anymore questions, just ask :)

Dj In Norway


There is a couple of photos here, from a gig of mine... :)
bad quality on photos, because taken with mobile phone camera... but still, take a look if u want :)


Hi DJ-in-Norway,

Thanks for your quick reply! It sounds like this is just what I need to make my set complete. If you don't mind, can you tell me how it works exactly ? is there some kind of configuration screen in Virtual DJ full version where you can route all inputs/outputs ? With all due respect to Atomix, this website is very vague. It shows just one screenshot of the program and doesn't give any details about the functionality. That's really the only bad thing I can say about Atomix : they should document there product a bit better on their website. I have been DJ-ing for about 20 years now. i used to work in a club every weekend in the eighties. After that I got my own gear and I worked at parties regularly. I gradually changed from vinyl to Cd as I got tired of dragging these record cases along. I am in the computer business professionally so I got to know MP3 very early and i started to collect MP3's and convert my collection to MP3 format a long time ago. Over the past 2 years, I tried many MP3 DJ solutions (Virtual Turntables, Tractor, PCDJ, etc.. if I'm allowed to name them here ) but none of them ever convinced me of using them on a real gig. Tractor came closests, but it crashed my XP computer twice on 1 evening, that convinced me I NEVER wanted to use this live. In the meantime I have 2 sets : a big one with 2 Denon 2500 (yes "2" of them, I like to have a backup ;) ), Rodec MX180, Rodec Amplifier and JBL top and bass speakers. The second set is much smaller and cheaper with Behringer 1000 mixer, JBSystems twin CD player, SMC amp and lowcost (but good sounding) power speakers. . I use the small set for smaller parties as I don't want to carry around the big stuff unnecessary. After last saturday's party with Virtual DJ and the DJ console, I seriously think about building a third set, building in the notebook, Hercules console and a small mixer into a handy, secure and compact flightcase. Anyone who has ideas about the layout of such case, please let me know. I need a couple more live gigs to make my final decision, but as it looks right now, I'll get hooked to the MP3 set quite quickly and I'll probably sell the other sets and stock my CD collection on the attic within a year from now. It's really such a joy to work with Virtual DJ ! Last Saturday, somebody came up and asked 'Music' by Madonna. Within 10 seconds, I had that song ready in the deck instead of having to browse through my CD collection for several minutes; taking out the CD, loading it into the Denon, waiting for it, browsing for the right track number, etc.. My only fear is that the computer or program would crash during the gig, but so far so good, my notebook seems very reliable and I haven't been able to crash Virtual DJ so far (and I have put it through some heavy tests here at home !). This really looks like the thing I was waiting for to switch to MP3 mixing. Let's hope I will be just as positive about it in a year from now !

best regards,


Hi again…

VDJ 2.0 (new version out, not available as demo yet) has the most advanced soundcard options I have ever seen :) you can do all you want… even rout samples to go to an other soundcard that Hercules, or what ever else you would like to do…

Saying that, you can choose simple set-up as well, letting you fast and easy set up soundcard, which is what most people would do….
Hercules setup is pretty straight forward…
- Choose 4.1 soundcard (dual soundcard) and external mixer – on an easy icon display screen in setup! It’s as easy as that…

If you want to pre-listen with headset on console, rather than mixer, choose “7.1 output” (an extra choice to be crossed in 4.1 option) – but it’s a lot better to use headset in external mixer.

Now you have Hercules working as a “dual soundcard” with each deck going to separate channels (1-2 & 5-6 on the back of Hercules).

Plug that into 2 different channels at the external mixer, with 2 x minijack to phono cables.

That’s all :)

And no problem mentioning other DJ software. Have tried them all too… but as you say, they have problems.. in functionality first of all. And secondly, crashing. VDJ have never crashed for me… TRUE!!! Really… I only made it crash home once, by treating it really bad.. lol, trying to MAKE it crash, which was very hard. And that odd bug is going to be sorted out (“really fast recourse and scroll-bug”)
There are other DJ programs for sure, but price and functionality in focus, VDJ is by far the best! I’m not saying for selling VDJ for the company.. I have no financial interests in that company, and are not profited in anyway.. lol.. I’m just a regular user…..

I like your flightcase thoughts :) I want to make one for myself… actually I made a photo showing my idea.. Maybe you saw it on my website… if you did not see it, scroll down on the page, and take a look :) Remember you would need a laptop cooler if build into a case, but they are cheep, and easy to find/use

And I agree… its sooo much fun playing with VDJ. I used to play with CD too, actually I still do sometimes. But its so fast finding songs etc in VDJ, and mixes on the fly… it really makes u a better dj in many many ways :)

And – as your test shows… its HARD to make it crash. It has never crashed for me (except for that hard test..) – and if it makes you feel more comfortable, would could always have a mp3-player/minidisk/cd-walkman as a back-up, in the 3rd channel of your mixer.. as a panic solution just in case (but my guess is that you will not use it at all…hehe..)

I’ve been REALLY sceptical about the switch from CD to PC dj-ing…
But after testing it for a while, I can’t really see any reasons for worry.
Of course, a hardcore vinyl-jockey would not see pc-dj-ing as a full solution (yet), but as far as replacing CD-players, there is really no reason not to use PC…
Its actually a “virtual dual deck cd-player” in many ways, with A LOT of more finesse and functionality that regular cd-players.

And songdatabase for fast and easy use, it’s a killer!!! :)
Like a user said… Guest is asking – “… do you have Britney S…” GOT IT!!! Hehe :) superfast, and beats looking up in cd-collection… hehe.. And sooo much lighter to carry around.. :)

And having a hardware controller / console makes it perfect :) I will make my flightcase pretty soon!

Take it from a regular user…. VDJ is great, and works like a charm with Hercules.
Guess u already know u can scratch with jogwheels in full version, and it’s actually pretty cool :)

Anyway…. I’ll be the first to welcome u as a member if you decide to buy! :) U will be pleased, trust me… and have full access to plugins, updates etc

Dj In Norway


..and hi again,

I saw the flightcase mock-up on your website. Very nice, though I already thought of a different setup. IMO the screen needs to be higher in a comfortable position to look at it when you are standing (last Saturday my wife complained that a sitting PC DJ was not as sexy as a standing CD DJ - lol) and the console and the mixer need to be at regular height of a traditional setup. I haven't worked it out how it can be done yet, but I'm thinking about it. Also, with an external mixer, I would like to disable the console crossfader as it is very cloe to the other controls and I don't want to move it accidentally. If it can't be disabled in software, I am thinking about removing it phisically from the console.
I agree with you that you don't need the headphone preview of the console either. It would be very inconvenient, I'd rather stick to the mixer preview which are far more comfortable to switch and adjust in volume.

And, with respect to your promotion of the full version : YES, I'm definitely going to buy Virtual DJ as I want to try the setup with an external mixer on my next gig. I'm leaving on holiday by the end of the week, but when I'm back - mid July- I'll buy Virtual DJ and play around with it. My next gig is mid-August, so I'll have plenty of time to get used to it. Did you have a look at this : http://www.numark.com/index.html?http://www.numark.com/news/releases/?n=95 . That looks like a pretty cool device allthough I won't wait for it. After last Saturday, I know that Virtual DJ+Hercules console works fine for me and when I hook it up to my mixer, it's going to be a good set for the next year. When the Numark thing comes out, I'll read the reviews and I'll wait until the early bugs are gone before I decide to buy it. Maybe by that time, I will be used to and hooked on this set so much, that i don't think about spending money on the Numark anymore. I'm also curious about the XP10 controllers and I'll be watching this forum to read the early adaptor's experiences with it.

This looks pretty much like a 2 person conversation. Anyone else who has ideas about building the perfect notebook/VirtualDJ + Hercules Console + mixer flightcase, please share your thoughts with us.

best regards,



the rest are just sleepy today..LOL...hehe

Guess you will have more feedback soon :)
glad to hear you're going to get full VDJ...

As of Numark hardware, it's not for me...
Software/PC can evolve, update, fix easily... and have a huge display (screen) that Numark wouldn't have and can't do.
And price.....?

PC-dj-ing is going to catch more and more users, and therefore be more respected at the club-scene.

I do think XP10 will be great controllers... can't wait to test :)



Just one thing don't make me speak about this great topic :

Read on a screen is'nt easy when someone don't take care about the placement of the sentence.

i don't know the word in english so will say it in french and you can made a translate :

Il n'est pas facile de lire un message comme ceux de pitchie car ils sont trop compact et décourage a la lecture, s'il te plait fait des efforts de présentation car pour le moment je n'ai rien lu tellement cela me semble illisible.

Les paragraphes existe pour regrouper les idées et mieux ce faire comprendre.


hehe... true Marius :)

so much
easier to read
when we write with a little space in between
senteces :) LOL

That's what Marius is
pointing out.... hehe :)

I'm agree with Marius with this.

I'm Canadian, my native language is french and I read/write in english too. But when I see this kind of message I don't read it because it's very hard to understand (it's same in french forum) So, you minimize the chance to get an answer..

Thanks :-)

somebody wrote that in version 2 you can route all outputs?! Yes i have seen this option, but when i do that with my hercules... the system crashed or dont play... what schould i do?

hausrocker, The DJ Console does not allow you to use a cracked 1.09 or 2.00 version.

Sweet, I've had the same question and was hoping they'd release a demo for 2.0 soon so I could "test" this setup. Unfortunately in the 1.08 trial currently available they've disabled this feature. I think you've all convinced me to buy the 2.0. I agree with pitchie though, Atomix documentation and product information isn't very clear... at least in english.

I like the hercules controller, and really like VDJ but I wouldn't give up using my Vestax PCV-275 for a gig. No way, and I've noticed heavy mixing on the console always causes me to nudge something out of sync. And the EQ isn't all that grand either. I mix a lot of drum&bass and drop in some hardcore occasionally so I'm convinced I'll destroy the DJConsole's fader after a few days of party heavy mixing. Being able to setup the DJConsole through my mixer will give me an effective 4 tables to mix together, sweet. I've seen a few mix three tables but haven't seen anybody mix 4, yet...

It'll also be nice to be able to mix in a past mixtape into a current set when I need to take a bathroom or drink break during those marathon sets.

I've also been experimenting with using Reason to overlay beats and melodies onto a live mix set. As long as the track bpms are corrected to their exact values in VDJ (sometimes VDJ doesn't analyze tracks very well) the Reason beats can be synced to the live mix relatively easily. Reason also allows me to play my beautiful new midi sax as whatever instrument I desire over the current mix. I'm convinced electronic musical production is gone too mainstream now, the new frontier will be LIVE performance electronic musical production. I've only seen one other man truely do that in my life, Richard D. James, and that was a while back. Most of the big groups now are just triggering pre-programmed and pre-sequenced samples, but digital technology is starting to offer almost limitless creative abilities to mix any sound or sample with any other, on-the-fly.


that all sounds great ;) would love to see you in action ;)

with vdj2.0 there is no problems connection your vdj through a vestax mixer... you have one output for each channel/deck in vdj 2.0 :)


Hi again everyone,

I'll try to


some more

spacing now. :)

I just wanted to give a follow up to my initial post by letting you know that I purchased the full version of Virtual DJ last week.

It took me a while due to other activities in the summer, but I finally did it. I hooked it up to my external mixer and I must admit that, indeed, the soundcard routing configuration feature in the full version is very functional and easy. I got it set up with the DJ console and the 2 seperate decks to my external mixer in just a couple of minutes. Great interface !

I even experimented with the Timecode CD's on my Denon 2500 and that worked fine also. It did take me quite a while to get that setup, but once all parameters were set correctly, it worked. I didn't like it very much though for various reasons (like some features which can't be controlled by the CD player, problems with pitching, BPM matching, etc..), which were already explained in other posts here.

I also noticed that, when stopping the CD, there were some crackling noises for about a second. I don't think it would matter much, as you ususally don't stop a CD which is playing live, but I didn't like that anyway.

So, I decided to stick to the Hercules console for now. I will only use the console's deck controls to start/stop/cue/search a track and leave the rest of it's buttons for what it is. Fading, volume, sound equalizer etc.. I control on my external mixer. The dual CD player already built in the flightcase with the mixer will then be used as backup, rather than control unit for Virtual DJ.

With this setup, I wonder if there's a way I could disable some buttons on the console ? It's not a big thing, but if there is a way, I would disable all buttons I don't need there, so I can't accidentally touch or change them. Remember that my main (and only) complaint about the console is that all buttons/faders/etc.. are very close to eachother, very inconvenient. Especially the 2 faders sitting in the middle between a dozen other buttons and very close to the jog/dial wheels, make them very inconvenient for mixing (so an external mixer is really a must if you want to take the console to real gigs).

I will do my second gig (wedding party) with Virtual DJ this Saturday. The first time I will use the external mixer, which will be quite a relief compared to my previous gig just with the console (allthough everything went smoothly that night also). I'll take just a small set of conventional CD's with me as backup, but I don't think I will use them (I didn't use them on my first VirtualDJ/Hercules gig either and I had my full CD collection of over 1,000 CD's with me then !) .

I'll try to make a post about my 'live' experiences with VirtualDJ/console/external mixer next week.

If that goes well, my next thing on the list will be to get all this gear racked in a flightcase.

Ideal layout would be the console sitting to the right of the mixer for acces with my right hand while controlling the mixer faders with my left hand (my Denon CD is also on the right side next to my mixer so I am used to that setup) and the notebook screen somewhat higher so I can keep a permanent eye on the screen during mixing.

It must also have some space for a mouse to move around as I prefer to use a real mouse instead of the notebooks touchpad.

I need to get that ready for my next gig, October 16th, which will be a big party (+500 people).

That's it for now.

best regards and a big thanks to DJ-In_Norway for helping me out with all my questions on this !

Stefan a.k.a. Pitchie



Glad to see you got the software.... good choice ;)

About the use of timecode CD, stick around, there might be an update in next version of VDJ that will take care of that ;) Vdj 2.01 was the first version supporting timecode, and its focued on VINYL support... next version can have a few new things that will let the use of cd decks work better ;)

I dont think u can disable the buttons on console you dont need directly, but u can do a trick ... all those buttons that are possible to change, change them to "fake" keybord-shortcuts, so that they do nothing when moved... Think that would work... ;)

good luck on saturday, hope all goes well ;) I use VDJ every weekend, and bring Hercules along.. I also use external mixer, so the only things I use in pratical terms on Hercules is "play/stop" and the jogweels for nudge, and pitch slider.. The rest I use external mixer for... :)

In the beginning I also carried all my cd's as backup, now I dont... after about 50-60 succesfull gigs with VDJ and no problems, I trust it ... (i have one mix cd there, just in case, but have never used it...)

My dream is also a flightcase... just have to decide first if I'm getting XP10's or 2 dual cd players (w/timecode). And my setup will be equal to your logics... that would work best :)

welcome as a full member, and the best of luck this weekend ;)

happy mixing, and look forward to read more from u...


(by the way, a lot "easier-to-read" post from u.... )

with space between lines,

its all easier to read...

Marius and Coyote will be happy! lol ;)


hi guys

because you guys were talking about making a flightcase, i just want to show what i'm working with!


underneath my laptop i have another external harddisk with 120 GB so enough storage(because my karaoke files(DIVX)are in my laptop

i only have to demontage the wooden plate and the laptop go's in it's seperate case, and the console go's in my flightcase

maybe this will give you some new ideas

Hi again,

I promised to post something about the wedding party last saturday, my first setup of VirtualDJ with Hercules console and seperate mixer.

In general, everything went VERY SMOOTHLY. Not a single glitch with the program !

In the afternoon I used the automix feature to provide loung style background music for over 4 hours. I used the "Force Fade" feature and I could enjoy the party while I left the whole thing playing unattended for 4 hours. Wonderful.

Then, the party at night. I had set the flightcase with my amplifier on the table next to the flightcase with my mixer and CD players. That provided me with a solid base with enough room for my notebook, the console and an external mouse (and enough room to move the mouse around). Since my amplifier flightcase is about 10cm lower than my mixer flightcase, the console and notebook were then at about the same height as my mixer. Very convenient.

I played from 21:00 till 5:30 the next morning. I had brought a little CD case with about 40 'emergency' cd's, but I never opened that case, as VirtualDJ didn't crash or behave strangely at any time. ABSOLUTELY GREAT SOFTWARE !!!!

I found this setup very convenient and relaxing to work with, though I noticed one little problem : interference noise. When playing at good volume it wasn't noticeable, but at one time I had to play a background music CD while someone was giving a speech. The volume needed to be very soft then, and then the noise became so disturbing that I had to switch off the Cd and my amplifier.

It was a sizzling crackling noise coming through the speakers. All faders on the mixing desk were closed exept for the CD that was playing. A very strange thing I notice: when I moved the notebook mouse around and dragged the scrollbar in Virtual DJ (moving the viewport up and down in an MP3 folder), the noise stopped. As soon as I stopped moving the scrollbar, the noise was back. The faders for both Virtual DJ decks were closed. IMO it was an interference between the notebook and the amp directly. Due to my setup, the notebook bottom was very close to the amp as it was sitting on top of the amp flightcase. Why the noise stopped as soon as I begun moving things around in Virtual DJ is a mystery however.

Has anyone else ever had issues like this and, more importantly, knows any ways to avoid them ? Next time I will try to put the amp further away from the notebook, I hope that helps.

Another strange thing I noticed about myself : I hardly used the console. I controlled everything with the mouse, even the start/stop/cue, etc.. . I found out that, when the notebook screen, mixer and mouse are all in a good position so you can manipulate the mixer with one hand, while looking at the screen and using the mouse with your other hand, the console's controls become a bit obsolete, at least for me.

I would have expected I would use the console for start/stop/cue, but I didn't.

Nevertheless, I will keep the console as it is a good soundcard to use with VirtualDJ, but - after last Saturday - I'm no longer convinced that it must be in a convenient 'reachable' place in the flightcase I am going to build. As long as the screen and the mouse are in a good position next to the mixer, that will do.

btw : thanks, Ivar for sharing your thoughts/picture on the flightcase design. It gave me some new ideas about how to develop mine and I will definitely post a picture here when it's ready (by the end of September I hope).




hi again Pitchie... :)

cool to read your experiences, and glad it all when well..

wow, you have looooooong gigs.. lol ;)
I usually work like 3-4 hours long gigs..
And nice to hear that VDJ was running the whole time, even with its automix feature (w/force fade, good choice)...

Your (only) problem seem to be one that I have encountered (and others as well), and thats related to laptops being in this setting.. there are many ways this can have impact on sound, all from subtle noise to anoying humming..
Laptops do have this problem often, and it sound like (no pun...lol) a ground loop problem..

There are many posts here at the forum about how to get rid of them (use search in tech forum for "ground loop"), you can even Google for it and find many posts..

The easy solution is getting a ground loop eliminator.
one resent post is here:

hope that helps to get a "noise-free" setup... ;)
a huming and crackle sound when low volume is usually ground loop, so hope that u can get rid of it.. :)

happy mixing ;)

dj in norway


Very good to hear your expirences.

And the problems you encounterd i also had simular problems, i'm no expert on tec stuff, but it does seem to be a problem between where the amp is situated in relation to the laptop it's self, and also the plugs, wires etc..

So it's something i would say needs to be played around with until you get a noise free sound, and the more stuff you have linked up the harder it is, especially if space is an issue.

in one situation i couldn't touch my laptop or mixer without getting an unpleasent shock, and you couldn't work in those conditions!!, but i didn't hook it up, it was a very dangerous and ameatur wireing set-up..

With regards to the hercules console, i have to say i agree, it is a very useful and multifunctional device at a nice price, but with a good external mixer, the hercules is best used as a "dj friendly soundcard", this way it's a proffesional device, but if you depend on it at gigs for all functions.., then..., well lets just say it's not appropiate or convenient like you said.., the hercules doesn't pretend to be anything other than what it is.

However the jogs are good for cueing and backspin scratch function, but overall it's not practical as i'm personally very good on the mouse, feel like it's a secound hand, so the hercules best used as a soundcard in a gig environment and maybe some other functions.

and disabling the functions you don't need is the way to go, good to see your thinking my way...

Regards, bagpuss (aka Brendan)
