
Forum: Old versions

Topic: programm opening


after update to 2.0 it takes about i minute before the programm opens??anybody else this problem?otherwise it works good!

发表时间 Sun 20 Jun 04 @ 1:48 pm
Did you install v2.0 over the previous version, or did you first uninstall the previous version, and than put on the new one? It was suggested that this should be done, don't know exactly why, but that could be the cause of your trouble... ?

also... it's a more powerfull program, so it will take more time to start than the earlier versions.

but one minute was a bit long. It takes about 10-20 sec here

i know this so far.i installed it a several times but still the same problem!!!

I timed it now, just to see how long time it took....

32 sec...

I have Pentium4, 512 mb ram
So if you have a slower PC, I guess one minute is what it takes to start..

In my experience it depends on the size of the internal DB. I've tried it and thinks it works like this:

on first start up it's no problem but then VDJ creates a XML file based upon the internal DB. In my case it became 10mb (internal DB = 50mb).

Starting with this large xml file doesn't work. When I delete the file then VDJ starts up ok.

Off course this is not a solution but I hope it helps the team to find the cure.....


personally i think this is because the old internal database was more refined for vdj although it had larger file sizees. the xml file seems to have smaller file sizes but is less optimised and by the sounds of it it is being converted each time the program loads

as far as I remember, people asked for this feature...
So that database could be edited etc.

Still, it would take longer to load the old say 15 MB database, compared to todays 3 MB database.... I guess

Think it's not only because of huge database (that would take time in any program) but also that v.2.0 is a far better program with lotsa new features (hence, takes time to load)

Also, I read from the VDJ team, that v.2.0 uses some time to allocate free resources for it's use, so that the programs runs better... I guess thats a good thing to wait for :)

the time in opening the program is not important.. the important is the stability of the program... thanks.

stability is ok so far


obviously i don't want to lose the information wich is being stored in the internal DB. It has comment, bpm , gain characteristics and length wich is very usefull info for me and the programm itself. The program won't start at all with this large(?) DB. I sure hope the team solves this otherwise I cannot work with V2.


It seems to be that if VDJ is using the XML file the startuptime will take minutes with a database over 10000 songs. I think that the "old" database is a binary format which is much faster then the text format of the XML file
I agree that it is usefull to have the ability to look into and change data in the XML file.

Maybe the following will solve the problem:

In normal use VDJ is using the "old" database. From the config menu an option is added to export the database to an XML file. You are able to view and edit in the text file. Then you should be able to import the XML file into your database again.
Then you have the advantage of the old, but fast database and the viewing or editing ability with the export and import facility of the XML file.

