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话题: Top 40 things DJs hate to hear - Page: 2


xeonPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2004

发表时间 Fri 07 Jul 06 @ 3:22 pm
I got it again last night - some idiot coming to the dj booth......

"you have anything good?"

i answered:

Nope not a Fucking thing.

he left, I was happy.

2nd idiot of the night - " I'm a dj I use the same program"

I asked him - Why the fuck arn't you working?, I know three clubs right now in a 5 block radius that need a good reliable dj right Fucking now.

got the deer in the headlight look back from that one.

DJ Marcel
Purple Onion Nightclub

发表时间 Sat 08 Jul 06 @ 3:58 pm
DJ-ALFPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2005
A lot of F word but it does the job, I like it LOL :))

发表时间 Sat 08 Jul 06 @ 9:03 pm
"for example, if not using Technics 1210s they would say. 'You're not a real DJ, you're not using Technics.' "

If i ever get into a convo with some wannabe about setups, i can usually guess they have 1210s.. but why? i mean theres plenty of reliable kit out there :D

take a ttx1 for example......... .. ... :D

Great answer to the "have ya got anything good" question.. I may try that sometime :D

On a rock night:
"You got any rave?"

发表时间 Sun 09 Jul 06 @ 4:31 am
Hello people,

Try this one on for size:

I was playing some rock music at a billiard bar, and everyone seemed pleased with the genre. Suddenly, this Eminem look-alike walks up to me and says:

"Would you mind switching to some hip-hop or club music, or even PUT ON THE RADIO? There's some good rap music on 103.7"

I didn't quite know what to reply to stay polite with this a-hole... I just stared at him for a moment and started laughing out loud.


发表时间 Sun 09 Jul 06 @ 5:15 am
And about the issues some "DJ's" have with my using a computer and software for mixing, they usualy shut up when I show them how I work my XP10's without using the beatmatch...

Not that I never use the beatmatch in other circumstances, but that's between us ;O)


发表时间 Sun 09 Jul 06 @ 5:21 am
I used to be so polite and never swear but then I realised that some people don't understand politeness, they think that you're not serious. Whereas a good F word gets the message through.

I allways start polite, though.


发表时间 Sun 09 Jul 06 @ 11:26 am
Whilst playing at a party in the north of india some very rude Isreali dude TOLD ME, not asked politly he actualy told me to play GMS, I did have a GMS tune lined up but i took it off and vowed never to play any at any party he attended.

worst thing I hear that really bugs me weather i'm running a club night or a free party is "I got some tunes can i have a set" this has become known as witchdoctoring (after dave witchdoctor a local DJ who stands by every DJ pestering them let him play).

Sometimes "sorry mate but all the sets were booked weeks ago" just doesn't cut it with these types and a more forcefull approach is required, it stops them asking again that night as its hard to mix when your fingers have swelled to twice the size

发表时间 Mon 10 Jul 06 @ 8:35 pm
My rectum tightens when someone you don't have a clue of says with authority that they need to use my mic.

发表时间 Mon 10 Jul 06 @ 9:27 pm
lool.... funny... :)

And twice as funny, when I saw your nick name! ;) loool

发表时间 Mon 10 Jul 06 @ 9:40 pm
I've found that the only thing pushy drunk people understand is being told off.

I've had women grab my shirt and litererally try and rip it they pull so hard when i tell them that i'm done taking requests at 2:15am (bar closes at 3:00am)

I've had middle class wigger wannabe's come up and threaten to "pop a cap in my metis ass"

The only time i was ever nervous is when I accidentally told off the club president to one of the major biker gangs (might have been Hell's Angels, or Banditos I'm not saying)

I've had some afganie kid show me a BB pistol and tell me to meet him in the [parking lot so he can kill me
(When i was dj'ing at a strip club and told him his private dance time was up)

anyone else have fun times like that?

DJ Marcel

发表时间 Tue 11 Jul 06 @ 4:41 am
One moment I didn't like was when a guy came up to me and told me I was wasting my time DJing, cos I didn't make enough money. His suggestion was that I should 'take on a sideline' so that I could earn some real money. He suggested that if I didn't take him up on his offer my wife might have problems one night whilst I was out gigging.

Scary it was. He obviously wanted me to sell drugs for him. After a few obnoxious things said by him he went away and I never did that gig again. Kept away from that area. Nothing came of it, but it was a bit scary.

发表时间 Tue 11 Jul 06 @ 10:22 am
About people using your microphone:

Is there nothing more annoying than a "low-talker"?

Or, worst yet, a "low-talker" who speaks 12 inches away from the mike, like they're afraid it's going to bite their lips or someting.

Oh what fun it is to try and control the feed-back in those cases...


发表时间 Wed 12 Jul 06 @ 8:34 pm
djsherzPRO InfinityMember since 2006
How about the ones, who having been handed the mic after you've just introduced them on it, feel the need to bash the palm of their hand on the top of it a few times before holding it up almost inside their mouth and going "HELLO? IS THIS THING ON?" ;-)

发表时间 Thu 13 Jul 06 @ 12:48 am
phillydjPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2004
yeah gotta love the bashers ..but i love the ones that think the mic is theres to keep afterward..thank god for the power button

发表时间 Thu 13 Jul 06 @ 1:00 am
I had a guy last week who insisted I was playing Take That when I was actually playing Dan Hartman - Vertigo / Relight My Fire (the original that Take That covered). After repeatedly telling him that I was 100% positive that it wasn't Take That, he just said "You're s**t!" to which I simply replied "Fair enough, and you're a d**k". The fella shrugged his shoulders and walked off.

I've had many other moments over the past few years, the most memorable being the guy in his late 40s/early 50s who wanted Donny Osmond! :s Shocked that I had no Donny he started ranting on at me and putting his finger in my face. Now might I add that I was only 18 at the time, and the doormen at the venue treated me like thier own child when it came to people giing me grief. These doormen had seen this fella and positioned themselves nicely behind him, giving him chance to leave the argument and move on. Instead, not noticing the bruisers behind, the old fella grabs me by the scruff of the neck only receive a powerful night hook from behind. One of the doorman had decided not to give the guy any chance and simply knocked him out there and then. I kinda felt sorry for him, in a way, but then I figured he'll probably not try that again.

发表时间 Thu 13 Jul 06 @ 5:16 am
DJ-ALFPRO InfinityModeratorMember since 2005
Yes, a doorman or a bouncer is there for that. Dj should work his job and if troubles comes bouncer is "cure" for those pesky drunkers ;)! I always try to satisfy everyone, but if someone is bugging me a lot, I can be mean because I have a very strong voice and 100Kg in my body so I resolve that myself. If things get nasty or dangerous, I take the mic and call for the security. They are payed for that and I'm not :P

发表时间 Thu 13 Jul 06 @ 7:22 am
Was once doing a wedding in the early 90s.

All of a sudden the place erupted into a big fight. I had to stand in fromt of my gear, holding a mike stand ready to push people away from my setup, not looking at anyone, so as not to invite trouble.

It turned out that the groom had had his mobile stolen, so had gone out to the payphone, rung the number and it rang in one of the guests pockets.

I wished I had had security, but for that type of gig it is not an option.

I've lost count of the number of groom and best man's speeches I've made. It's a bit like being a ventriloquist standing behind the guy telling him what to say next. It's like a slow echo. I say quietly so only he can hear ' The bridesmaids look lovely. ' He says 'The bridesmaids look lovely' but in a slightly more drunk way than me. A strange world.


发表时间 Thu 13 Jul 06 @ 10:19 am
Hi Fellow DJs.

I bet you have all had this one at a private function....the invited guests start arriving and straight away the more elderly ones decide to sit RIGHT next to the stage even though there are many tables available..and of course by doing so they are sat right next to your PA system...room fills and due to extra bodies you need to crank up the volume.....and then all you get all night is "can you turn it down please, we want to talk" I found the solution. While on holiday we went to see Dolphins at a theme park, the first 7 rows had signs warning that you might get wet.....so now I place cards on tables closest to the stage stating " Please note: This a loud area with flasing lights. More seating is available at the back of the room" It done the trick !!

As for music requests, I have lost count of the times a rather intoxicated punter has requested a tune thats actually playing !!!!!

And dick heads a plenty......at a wedding gig I was doing this rather BIG dick head thought it would be fun to mess with the plug sockets on stage.....I asked him to stop and told the Groom of the problem...however the twat came back and carried on....until he pulled out the plug socket running the AMP...the dance floor was packed and all of a sudden it went quiet. I still had a good two hours to go and the party was in full swing. The groom came dashing on to the stage to find his 'so called mate' had caused the problem....and as I had been paid...I refused to turn it back on...packed away and went.
Lets just say the 'dick head' that caused the problem was not very popular with the 200 ish crowd...especially the Brides father... Ha Ha.

And the always popular "Can you please stop using that smoke machine " That from a bloke with a cigar in his gob and sat at a table of 'chain smokers'...PISS OFF

Double a

发表时间 Sat 15 Jul 06 @ 4:04 am
